
"The Fury of Conquest 1942-1944" advances from the Solomon Islands, the Gilbert Islands to the Marshall Islands, all the way north to the Mariana Islands, approaching the Japanese mainland, of course

The Fury of Conquest 1942-1944

From the Solomon Islands, the Gilbert Islands to the Marshall Islands, all the way north to the Mariana Islands, close to the Japanese mainland, of course, without the heavy casualties of these island capture stations, the United States should not have dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima for a long time.

In the early days, Japan's war resource strength, soldiers' technical and tactical level and fighting will are indeed very strong, and the recruits of the early US army are indeed not good, but the United States gradually began to crush Japan at this stage with a strong and stable supply of resources, military output and logistical support.

High-level combatants can only charge by suicide when they are short of food and water and aviation fuel, and the stubble of replenishing soldiers behind is not as good as one stubble, and behind Saipan, Okinawa is beginning to use islander shields, which is indeed damned

This book can be combined with documentaries, movies and American dramas visualized, reading is very smooth, such as the documentary "Pacific War", the American drama "Pacific", the movie "Letter from Iwo Jima", "Father's Flag", mainly to visualize some plots in the book, the visual effects of movies and TV series are very good should restore the war scenes to a certain extent, but the movie should not be taken too seriously, who makes it beautifies whom

"The Fury of Conquest 1942-1944" advances from the Solomon Islands, the Gilbert Islands to the Marshall Islands, all the way north to the Mariana Islands, approaching the Japanese mainland, of course
"The Fury of Conquest 1942-1944" advances from the Solomon Islands, the Gilbert Islands to the Marshall Islands, all the way north to the Mariana Islands, approaching the Japanese mainland, of course
"The Fury of Conquest 1942-1944" advances from the Solomon Islands, the Gilbert Islands to the Marshall Islands, all the way north to the Mariana Islands, approaching the Japanese mainland, of course
"The Fury of Conquest 1942-1944" advances from the Solomon Islands, the Gilbert Islands to the Marshall Islands, all the way north to the Mariana Islands, approaching the Japanese mainland, of course

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