
Song Xilian recalled that Qu Qiubai said before the righteousness: This is in line with Chiang Kai-shek's personality
Song Xilian recalled that Qu Qiubai said before the righteousness: This is in line with Chiang Kai-shek's personality

Qu Qiubai in the movie "Autumn White Hua"

After direct interrogation, I gave Qu Qiubai the preferential treatment of life in prison as usual. All the officers and men of the 36th Division Headquarters who could have contact with Qu Qiubai privately asked Qu for inscriptions and seals, and Qu Yi did not refuse to meet them; only all forms of interrogation and conversation made no progress. After a while, I reported to the Nanjing side: there was no breakthrough in the interrogation. Immediately afterward, Nanjing directly sent people to Changting to interrogate Qu Qiubai, repeated several rounds, but still found nothing. At this time, I relaxed my heart: It is not that I am incompetent, and Nanjing sent special personnel to interrogate me, but is it not also fruitless? At this point, I reckon that Qu Qiubai may be escorted to Nanjing for disposal.

Unexpectedly, on June 16, I suddenly received a secret telegram from Chiang Kai-shek from my immediate superior, Jiang Dingwen, ordering me to "shoot Qu Qiubai on the spot and take a photo for examination," and the Central News Agency and major newspapers sent a message. I sat in my office with the telegram in my hand and thought about it for half a day, then summoned the chief of staff, the chief of military justice, the chief of political training, and Dr. Chen Jun, first let them circulate the telegram, and then solemnly issued an order: "The chairman of the committee has made this decision with important considerations. The elimination of the Communists has reached a crucial moment, and it is impossible without drastic measures. It is the sacred duty of our soldiers to carry out orders unconditionally. According to the order of the chairman of the committee, I have made the following arrangements: First, tomorrow (17th) at noon, the chief of staff will go to Qu Qiubai's room to issue an order from the highest authorities, announcing that it will be carried out the morning of the day after tomorrow (18th) to hear what last words and relics the prisoners have. At the same time, the doors of the room and the inside and outside of the division headquarters compound should be closely guarded, and all personnel were forbidden to meet guests in the division headquarters compound for three days, and Dr. Chen Jun could accompany the prisoners in the room, pay close attention to the movements, and report the situation in a timely manner. Second, at noon on the 18th, the chief of the military justice department and the chief of the political training department came to the scene to supervise the execution, and prepared wine and vegetables in Zhongshan Park before the execution, and the execution site was under the Luohan Ridge, taking pictures and preparing the coffin for burial. Do you have any comments to add? ”

"Execute the command!" The chief of staff, the chief of military justice, and the chief of the political training department spoke in unison, but Dr. Chen did not take a stand.

At noon the next day, the chief of staff walked into Qu Qiubai's room with Chen Junyi, who was concentrating on carving a seal for a guard at the division headquarters. Qu Qiubai's head did not lift, and he said to the visitor in passing: "Please sit down, wait a moment." ”

Immediately after, the chief of staff's attendant brought in a large plate of wine and vegetables, and Qu Qiubai stood up and said, "What day is today?" The Chief of Staff also came to accompany him personally. ”

"You're welcome, Mr. Qu, feel free to drink, please sit, sit." The chief of staff said as he beckoned Qu Qiubai to sit opposite. As soon as Qu Qiubai sat down, he found that Dr. Chen Jun's face was not good, and without saying a word, he immediately remembered that he had not appeared in the morning, and had a premonition that something important was about to happen. The chief of staff lifted the wine jug and drank it with Qu Qiubai cup after cup. After both sides were a little drunk, the chief of staff opened his mouth and said, "Mr. Qu, you have lived here for more than a month, haven't you?" "I don't remember the days. What, to send me on the road? Qu Qiubai put down the chopsticks that he had just raised in his hand.

"Yes." The chief of staff said solemnly: "Fortunately, you have said many times that you have no intention of going out alive since you were captured." Now, the highest authorities in Nanjing have called and ordered that you be executed on the spot, and you can be perfected. In accordance with the telegram order of the chairman of the committee, the division seat has decided to carry it out tomorrow morning, and let me convey it to you in advance. If you have anything to say and what you have to do, you can say it directly, and we will do our best according to the situation. ”

Qu Qiubai took a deep breath, took a slow sip of wine, and replied sonorously and forcefully: "I have been waiting for this day for a long time!" Only by doing so is it in line with Chiang Kai-shek's and his own deeds! I propose, send me off in advance for you guys, cheers! Neither the chief of staff nor Dr. Chen raised a glass. The chief of staff was calm, expressionless, and panicked, Dr. Chen Junbai (Chen was one of Qu Qiubai's closest officers in prison) stammered, "Qu... Mr. Qu, you still... There's still something to do, though. ”

"I'm all set." Qu Qiubai replied loudly: "My only request is to entrust Dr. Chen Jun to send some of the ink around me (including the long text "Superfluous Words") to a friend in Wuhan after my death, and ask the chief of staff to report to Master Song for approval." The chief of staff replied on the spot: "Good to say, good to say, those things you wrote are of no use to us, I think Master Song will take care of it, please rest assured Mr. Qu." ”

That's the end of the conversation. That night, Qu Qiubai slept very deeply after taking sleeping pills, but Dr. Chen Jun, who accompanied him, did not sleep all night. June 18 was a sunny day. After eating in the morning, Qu Qiubai changed into freshly washed black pants, black socks and black shoes, brewed a cup of strong tea, lit a cigarette, and sat in front of the window to read the "Quan Tang Poems". The golden light of the sun was cast into the doors and windows. He flipped through, chanted, pondered, and then took up his pen and wrote:

On the evening of June 17, 1935, in the dream path, the sunset was clear, and the cold current was ghostly, like a fairyland. The next day, reading a Tang dynasty poem, I suddenly saw the sentence "The sunset is bright and the mountains are chaotic", because the collection of sentences is occasionally composed into one:

Sunset extinguishes chaos in the mountains, (Wei Yingwu)

Falling Leaves Cold Spring Listens To The Endless; (Lang Shiyuan)

Ten years of enduring, (Du Fu)

The mind is half empty. (Lang Shiyuan)

At this time, the chief of the Military Justice Department issued an order urging him to leave, and Qu Qiubai wrote cursively:

Fang Ti wrote it down, and the order of the end of the life had been issued, and even read it. Qiu Bai half said: "When the smoke and clouds under my eyes are over, I am at a leisure place." "This is not a word, but a word in prison. Autumn white pen

Qu Qiubai threw his pen and dressed, walked out of the door with his head held high, and saw the sunlight sprinkling all over the courtyard, and two rows of soldiers with bayonets standing in the courtyard. Qu Qiubai stopped at the door of the room and glanced up at the low-hanging curtain on the second-floor window not far from the hillside, which was my office, which he had been to a month ago. Qu Qiubai could not have imagined that at this moment, I was quietly picking up a small corner of the curtain in the office alone, looking at Qu Qiubai in the independent courtyard and the officers and soldiers escorting him to the execution ground.

Yesterday afternoon, when the chief of staff reported to me in person, he mentioned that qu Qiubai had said after drinking at noon that your Song commander had given me preferential treatment in life, and that Qiu Bai could thank him for the wine when he wanted to say goodbye. I immediately interrupted the chief of staff and said coldly: "The purpose of giving preferential treatment to him is to soften him and turn enemies into friends." The chairman of the committee has decided to dispose of him, and I will come forward to drink with him again, what kind of system will it become? ”

However, this morning I heard the voice of the order in the lower courtyard in the office, and I couldn't help but pick up the curtain and look at it.

At exactly ten o'clock, the chief of the military judicial department issued an order to leave. Qu Qiubai walked out of the gate of the 36th Division with his head held high, stepped on the beat of the march, and took turns singing in Russian and Chinese: "Inter-Nesonal, it must be realized!" At this time, the people along the way stopped to listen and watched off; at this time, the sun paved the way, the wind stopped and the trees were quiet, and only the tragic song echoed over the mountain city Changting...

Entering the heavily guarded and tourist-filled Zhongshan Park, a table of wine dishes has been placed in the octagonal pavilion. Qu Qiubai asked the two division chiefs to drink, but they were refused; he went to Dr. Chen Jun, saying that he had not come. Qu Qiubai waved his hand and stepped towards the octagonal pavilion. Following the arrangement of the special agent company commander, Qu Qiubai first took pictures in front of the pavilion. With his hands behind his back, his legs parted, and his smile on his face, he left the world with the last glory of a revolutionary. After taking the picture, he sat with his back to the north and south, pouring himself a drink, and there was no one around. In the midst of the wine, he sang the "Internationale" and "Red Army Song" several times. The silent soldier, he regarded as a crowd of funeral attendants; a shining bayonet, he regarded as a bamboo pole for the funeral flag. After drinking many cups, he sang again: "Man's public rest for a little pleasure; sleep at night, for great happiness; death for the sake of true happiness!" Ge Bi, Qu Qiubai, surrounded by the swords and guns of the soldiers who were like wooden chickens, walked out of Zhongshan Park and strolled towards the execution ground. With a cigarette in his hand, he looked forward to it, sang and chanted again, and shouted from time to time: "Long live the Communist Party of China!" "Long live the victory of the Chinese revolution!" "Long live communism!" Walking to a lawn on the side of the Snake King's Palace under the Luohan Ridge, he sat cross-legged, smiled at the executioner and nodded, saying, "This is just right place, shoot!" ”

The whistle fell and the gunshots rang out. Qu Qiubai, who was 36 years old at the time, drank bullets and spilled blood and died heroically.

Author: Wang Donglin

Editor: Guo Chaohao

*This article is excerpted from Zongheng magazine

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