
Read it? How deep the resentment between Zhu Ziqing's father and son is, how heavy is the love buried in "Back Shadow"

author:Qin Shiyong said history
Read it? How deep the resentment between Zhu Ziqing's father and son is, how heavy is the love buried in "Back Shadow"

Zhu Ziqing was a highly recognizable essayist, poet, scholar, and democracy fighter.

Many of his works have been selected for primary and secondary school Chinese textbooks, and it is difficult for him to think that his popularity is not high.

Lao Qin vaguely remembered that when he was in the fourth grade of primary school, a text entitled "Meiyutan" appeared in the Chinese textbook.

At that time, the textbook did not identify whose work it was, only because it was a text that was destined to be memorized, Lao Qin memorized it very well, and later read "Selected Works of Zhu Ziqing" and knew that it was an excerpt from the prose "Green" written by Zhu Ziqing.

Read it? How deep the resentment between Zhu Ziqing's father and son is, how heavy is the love buried in "Back Shadow"

When I read junior high school, I also studied Zhu Ziqing's works "Spring", "Hurry" and "Back Shadow".

Zhu Ziqing's other works "Lotus Pond Moonlight" and "Qinhuai River in the Shadow of Paddle Sound and Light" were selected into high school textbooks.

Of course, what makes people most solemnly respect Zhu Ziqing is his national heroism of "being rich and noble cannot be adulterous, and being mighty and unyielding."

In his article "Farewell, Stuart Redden," Chairman Mao praised him as "seriously ill, preferring to starve to death instead of receiving relief food from the United States."

Read it? How deep the resentment between Zhu Ziqing's father and son is, how heavy is the love buried in "Back Shadow"

A few years ago, Lao Qin had written in a question and answer, "How tragic was Zhu Ziqing in his later years?" Some explanations, that is, because of Chairman Mao's words, many people have some misunderstandings about Zhu Ziqing's experience in his later years, thinking that Zhu Ziqing was starved to death because he refused to receive American relief grain during his serious illness, which was very tragic. In fact, Zhu Ziqing did not starve to death, but was too "gluttonous", often "overeating", unrestrained eating, and eventually died violently due to severe stomach ulcers leading to gastric perforation, which died on August 12, 1948.

I have to say that just by relying on the words in the textbooks, many people's understanding of Zhu Ziqing is only superficial.

For example, Zhu Ziqing is not false as a democracy fighter, but his understanding of democracy is very one-sided, and like Smell Yiduo, he has a strong smell of books.

On December 12, 1936, Zhang Xueliang and Yang Hucheng launched the "Xi'an Incident" in Xi'an, which was a major event that promoted the course of history and played a major positive role in the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party again and in uniting against Japan.

However, according to Zhang Chunfeng's "Mr. Wen Yiduo's Two or Three Affairs," after Wen Yiduo learned of this news, he wept bitterly in class, scolded Zhang Xueliang and Yang Hucheng for "fooling around," said that Zhang Xueliang and Yang Hucheng were driving backwards in history, and said with sadness and indignation that such "nonsense" would cause China to "retreat to the chaotic situation of the Republic of China twenty years ago."

Read it? How deep the resentment between Zhu Ziqing's father and son is, how heavy is the love buried in "Back Shadow"

Zhu Ziqing's performance was not as extreme as that of Yiduo, but he wrote in his "Diary" of December 13, 1936: This is "a great misfortune" in China. Subsequently, he participated in the declaration of the Central Committee of the Electricity Transmission Asking for an Explicit Order to Attack Zhang Xueliang.

Also, what is particularly speechless is that Zhu Ziqing's essay "Lotus Pond Moonlight" was written in July 1927, which mentioned that the heart was "not peaceful" at the beginning, and then went to the lotus pond to admire the moon, looking at the lotus leaves in his eyes, thinking of the dancer's skirt, and the stars in the blue sky aroused his imagination of "the beauty who just came out of the bath". No, this is obviously a vent from the scene after the spring love was suppressed, but the textbook annotations interpret it as his bitter rehearsal for the "April 12 counter-revolutionary coup".

Read it? How deep the resentment between Zhu Ziqing's father and son is, how heavy is the love buried in "Back Shadow"

To be honest, Zhu Ziqing really didn't think about it that much at that time.

Here is a look at Zhu Ziqing's "Back Shadow" in 1925.

Many people read this text, and their first feeling is that the text is full of strong licking feelings.


The father sent his son to the train station, not at ease, and then sent him to the car, picked a parking space for him, and asked his son to pay attention to anti-theft and not to catch a cold at night. After the busy, I still felt uneasy, so I solemnly asked the tea house to help take care of it. For my son to eat a little on the road, and struggled to climb up and down the platform... He is caring and taking care of his son.

However, the emotionally delicate reader, if you read it carefully, will find that the beginning of the writing about the death of the grandmother, later writing about himself and his father, writing about the father's inappropriate words when sending off, the clumsiness and ridiculousness of the father when buying oranges, etc., are quite cold with the pen.

At the end of the article, it is written that the father is violent and irritable, and the "I" is different from the past, and it is a sudden stroke of the heart.

Obviously, behind "Back Shadow", there is an unusual relationship between Zhu Ziqing and his father.

It can be said that no matter how deep the grudge between Zhu Ziqing and his father is, how heavy the love buried in "Back Shadow" is.

And let us look through the fog of history to see how the relationship between Zhu's father and son has changed from love to resentment, from resentment to hatred, and finally to the end.

Zhu Hongjun, Zhu Ziqing's father, was originally surnamed Yu, but because he inherited the family of the great bureaucrat Zhu, he changed his surname, and he himself later became a big bureaucrat.

Before Zhu Ziqing was born, Zhu Hongjun had two sons, but both of them died prematurely, so Zhu Hongjun regarded the young Zhu Ziqing as a treasure and was very kind. When Zhu Ziqing was a little older, he asked famous teachers to teach and cultivate them carefully.

Zhu Hongjun not only cared about Zhu Ziqing's growth, but also worried about Zhu Ziqing's relatives.

Zhu Ziqing later said in "Choosing a Mate" that he began to say kisses before he was eleven years old.

However, the girl who said it was determined soon became ill and died of tuberculosis.

Later, several were said in succession, and finally Wu Zhongqian, the daughter of Wu Weisan, a famous doctor in Yangzhou.

Zhu Ziqing was married in 1916, the year he was admitted to the preparatory department of Peking University, and less than a month after his marriage, he left home for Beijing.

Read it? How deep the resentment between Zhu Ziqing's father and son is, how heavy is the love buried in "Back Shadow"

Wu Zhongqian's life was not good, and after passing through the door, the Zhu family had one accident after another.

Zhu Hongjun was then serving as the director of the Transportation Bureau in Xuzhou, "Jinwu Zangjiao", and secretly accepted a room of aunts and wives in Xuzhou.

In the Yangzhou family, Mrs. Pan's aunt and wife competed for the wind and jealousy, and rushed to Xuzhou to make a big fuss, and Zhu Hongjun was made known to everyone.

Zhu Hongjun's character was questioned, and the authorities investigated and punished him, only to find that he had a bad record of embezzling public funds, so he was dismissed from his post and investigated.

Zhu Ziqing's grandmother and Zhu Hongjun's biological mother could not withstand the blow, fell ill, and died soon after.

Zhu Hongjun's unemployment and Zhu Ziqing's grandmother's illness and death occurred in the winter of 1917.

That is, the farewell at the station written in the article "Back Shadow" occurred in this context - the text wrote: "After the funeral, my father wants to go to Nanjing to seek trouble, I also want to return to Beijing to study, and we will go together." ”

However, Zhu Hongjun had no long skills, and he would only be an official in his life, and after his official position was removed, he could not find anything to do, so he had to return home bored and live by pawning the family's belongings.

To this end, Zhu Ziqing had to graduate early, teach at Yangzhou Provincial No. 8 Middle School, and use his salary to support his family.

Read it? How deep the resentment between Zhu Ziqing's father and son is, how heavy is the love buried in "Back Shadow"

Originally, this was also considered to be the "invincible road".

However, after Zhu Hongjun's successive changes, his temper became bad, and he often became angry with people for no reason.

He even thought that the new daughter-in-law Wu Zhongqian was a "disaster star", and he insisted that this "disaster star" brought the disaster to the Zhu family, and spoke harshly to Wu Zhongqian, so that Wu Zhongqian washed his face with tears all day long.

At first, Zhu Ziqing did not know about this, but later realized it, took his wife to his side, and he also wrote "The History of Laughter", which tells the story of a daughter-in-law who loves to laugh and eventually becomes a withered flower under the persecution of her in-laws.

Zhu Ziqing's act of taking Wu Zhongqian infuriated Zhu Hongjun -- Zhu Hongjun, who was full of feudal thoughts, believed that he was the parent of the Zhu family, and his son took his daughter-in-law away, which was a challenge to the authority of his parents and a betrayal of the Zhu family.

The young and vigorous Zhu Ziqing "rushed to the crown and became angry and red-faced", left Yangzhou with his wife, and successively went to Ningbo, Wenzhou and other places to seek employment.

In this way, Zhu Hongjun and Zhu Ziqing's father and son turned against each other, and the contradictions became open.

After Zhu Ziqing calmed down, he also thought about reconciling with his father and sharing the heavens.

He returned to his father with his wife and children in the summer of 1922.

However, Zhu Hongjun's temper was very stubborn, and he closed the door and did not allow Zhu Ziqing to enter the house.

Read it? How deep the resentment between Zhu Ziqing's father and son is, how heavy is the love buried in "Back Shadow"

Zhu Ziqing was disheartened, and it was in this context that his famous long poem "Destruction" was born.

Then, from 1922 to 1925, father and son did not interact with each other.

The turning point was that in October 1925, the aging Zhu Hongjun felt that the evening scenery was desolate, sad and invincible, and took the initiative to break the ice, he wrote a letter, sent it to Zhu Ziqing, lamenting that he was not far from the "period of great destruction".

After Zhu Ziqing read the letter, he had mixed feelings and was difficult to suppress, so he wrote the article "Back Shadow" that touched countless people.

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