
Lü Hou's death is very mysteriously recorded, embarrassing and unconvincing, and she is most likely to die for what reason

The year 180 BC (the eighth year after Lü) was also the last year of Lü Hou's reign. Probably because Lü Hou's health is not very good, she often has nightmares.

In order to pray, when the weather warms up in March, she plans to go to Bashang to pray. It was this time that went out to pray that led to the deterioration of Lü Hou's condition.

Originally, the purpose of the prayer was to make my body better. However, I did not expect an accident, and it backfired.

This accident seems even more like a "supernatural" event today!


Lü Hou's death is very mysteriously recorded, embarrassing and unconvincing, and she is most likely to die for what reason

Speaking of this, we have to say that Liu Ruyi, the King of Zhao, we all know that when Liu Bang was alive, Liu Ruyi's mother, Lady Qi, with Liu Bang's favor, wanted Liu Bang to make Liu Ruyi the crown prince.

Liu Bang also felt that Liu Ruyi was very similar to himself and was the best candidate to be the crown prince. However, at this time, there was already a prince, and the prince was Liu Ying, the son of Empress Lü.

If Liu Bang wanted to establish Liu Ruyi, he must abolish Liu Ying. Of course, after deposing Liu Yinglu, he did not agree, and in addition, Liu Bang consulted the ministers, and the ministers did not agree.

Liu Bang was very depressed, and he also had to consider the rebellion of wang with a different surname, and he had to beware of Xiao He's high authority, and there were other reasons that led to Liu Bang not deposing Liu Ying in the end.

Lü Hou's death is very mysteriously recorded, embarrassing and unconvincing, and she is most likely to die for what reason

When Liu Bang died, Liu Ying ascended the throne as emperor, and he was the historical Emperor Hui of Han.

Liu Ying became emperor, and Empress Lü became empress dowager. Without Liu Bang, Lü Hou could do whatever he wanted. Everything was decided by Lü Hou, and at this time she wanted to take revenge.

Lady Qi and Liu Ruyi were miserable!

Because Lady Qi made her unhappy, and even almost made her son lose the position of prince, she hated Lady Qi to death.

After Liu Bang's death, Lü Hou tricked Liu Ruyi, the King of Zhao, into poisoning her in the palace, and then made Lady Qi a human figure. Because this matter was done too cruelly, even Liu Ying, the son of Empress Lü, was frightened and sick.

When she was in power, she also killed Liu Bang's other sons.


Lü Hou's death is very mysteriously recorded, embarrassing and unconvincing, and she is most likely to die for what reason

Why did Lü Hou have nightmares in her later years and want to pray for herself? To put it bluntly, it is because she has done too many bad things and has ghosts in her heart.

She prayed to keep these "evil diseases" and the like away from her.

It was on her way back after praying that Lu Hou saw something like a dog crash into her armpit. It was this one that made her ache unbearably!

After that, her armpits didn't feel better.

What the hell is a dog?

Lü Hou's death is very mysteriously recorded, embarrassing and unconvincing, and she is most likely to die for what reason

Not too clear, the record in the history books is that she was hit by a dog under the armpit, and her condition deteriorated.

After returning to the palace, Lü Hou found a diviner and asked the diviner to see what was going on? What is something like a dog?

The result of the divination was very bad, and she was told that this dog was transformed by Liu Ruyi and came to Lü Hou to ask for his life. After Lü Hou listened to such a statement, the psychological pressure was even greater.

Originally, the body was not too good, coupled with the psychological pressure, such a period of time only lasted for four months. By July, Lü Hou was dead.

It can be said that it was the dog that hit her armpits, causing her condition to deteriorate rapidly.

The history books record Lü Hou's death in this way, and reading here to see lü Hou die in this way, is it a little embarrassing! Especially in the twenty-first century, we all believe in science and know that there are no ghosts and gods in this world. The history books actually record that she was killed by a suicide.

Lü Hou's death is very mysteriously recorded, embarrassing and unconvincing, and she is most likely to die for what reason

However, why did the history books record this in those years, and what was the reason for Lü Hou's real death? Is it deliberate that the history books record this way? Is it such a record, that is, to tell future generations that if bad things are done, there will be bad retribution?

In short, the theory of this dog before Lü Hou's death is still suspicious.

If Lü Hou was really hit by a dog, it was very likely that she was bitten by a dog. We all know that after being bitten by a dog, it is possible to get rabies.

Rabies can also be fatal, and three months after she was bitten, the virus struck, which led to her death. To be honest, this may still be very big, but if Lü Hou really died like this, it is not easy to record it like this. After all, a grand empress dowager was bitten to death by a dog, which is not a system.

Lü Hou's death is very mysteriously recorded, embarrassing and unconvincing, and she is most likely to die for what reason

If this is recorded in the history books, it will definitely make future generations laugh off their teeth. If it can't be recorded in this way, then it can only be said vaguely that she was hit by a dog and hit her armpits.

Therefore, according to the historical records, it is very likely that she died of rabies. Of course, when a person who is born to die by a dog is not called rabies, because at that time, there was no such name.

But how can Lü Hou's death be explained?

It can only be calculated that she may have been bitten by a dog, and coupled with the theory of ghosts and gods, the pressure in her heart increased, resulting in her death.

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