
Lixia, the time has come to eat frangipani. Steamed with white and fragrant frangipani with beautiful chicken, red dates and small mushroom discs. The floral aroma is striking, the chicken is tender and sweet, and the breeze is in early summer

author:Mu Zi Luo Shi Ji

Lixia, the time has come to eat frangipani.

Steamed with white and fragrant frangipani with beautiful chicken, red dates and small mushroom discs. The floral aroma is striking, the chicken is tender and sweet, and it makes people feel very comfortable in the early summer breeze.

Add to that frangipani tea brewed with sun-dried frangipani, and it's even more perfect.

Remember that frangipani requires unopened, half-opened frangipani to be fully released.

#Record my 2023 from today# #Late Spring and Early Summer Good Times#

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Lixia, the time has come to eat frangipani. Steamed with white and fragrant frangipani with beautiful chicken, red dates and small mushroom discs. The floral aroma is striking, the chicken is tender and sweet, and the breeze is in early summer
Lixia, the time has come to eat frangipani. Steamed with white and fragrant frangipani with beautiful chicken, red dates and small mushroom discs. The floral aroma is striking, the chicken is tender and sweet, and the breeze is in early summer
Lixia, the time has come to eat frangipani. Steamed with white and fragrant frangipani with beautiful chicken, red dates and small mushroom discs. The floral aroma is striking, the chicken is tender and sweet, and the breeze is in early summer

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