
Cute dolphins are one of the most beloved marine animals. But the cute-looking dolphin has an unknown side. In fact, they are "big colors" that can't walk the road when they see beautiful women

author:Planet Classroom

Cute dolphins are one of the most beloved marine animals. But the cute-looking dolphin has an unknown side.

In fact, they are the "big color wolves" who can't walk when they see beautiful women, and there are many scantily dressed bikini beauties who have been brutally killed by dolphins on the beach, what is the reason?

Dolphins: messengers of wisdom in the sea

Dolphins are intelligent, sensitive, and highly sociable mammals.

They live in the ocean, are a key species in the marine ecosystem, and are known as the wisdom messengers of the ocean. Dolphins are a small, vertebrate species with a distinct spinal cord and a powerful tail fin.

They live in tropical and temperate seas around the globe, swimming in the ocean, estuaries and rivers. And dolphins are carnivores that feed on fish and other small sea creatures.

To hunt, they have an extremely sensitive sense of hearing and vision, and are able to detect prey up to thousands of meters away.

In addition to good hunting ability, dolphins are also known for their intelligence. Their brains are much larger than other animals of the same weight, and they have evolved to be extremely intelligent.

Studies have shown that dolphins are comparable in intelligence to humans in some aspects, such as emotional expression and cognitive ability. In addition, they have unique social behaviors, using a variety of voices to communicate and recognize each other.

The most lustful creature in the world

Dolphins are one of the only animals that can derive pleasure from mating, and they are considered the most lustful creatures in the world.

However, few people know that dolphins often harass humans, and an average of 14 women are harassed by dolphins each year in the United States, even including men.

Since the establishment of the Dolphin Victims Association, hundreds of innocent victims have shared their experiences.

Dolphins that look lively and cute in the water often disguise themselves, but in fact, their real intention is to pull people into the water and perform some indescribable behavior.

What's even more surprising is that dolphins, which regularly perform shows in aquariums, are even wilder than wild dolphins.

This is because these dolphins have been in contact with humans for a long time and are very familiar with human habits and temperament, so this also gives them a better chance of getting started. Therefore, visitors must be vigilant, even if they seem cute and friendly.

Dolphins can be described as obsessed with mating. The mating relationship of dolphins is not simply monogamous, but a mixture of many forms. This seemingly harmless creature is shockingly diverse in its means of finding pleasure.

At the same time, male dolphins tend to swim in groups, and if female dolphins are spotted, they will chase and forcibly pair in the water like mad dogs.

If there is anyone in the dolphin family who is the craziest race, it is necessary to mention the name of bottlenose dolphins.

This dolphin is incredible in its mating behavior. Not only do they intersect with the same sex, but they also prey on small whales, turtles, eels and even kayaks. The desire and urge of bottlenose dolphins to mate is simply jaw-dropping.

Why do dolphins behave in this way that amounts to madness?

At present, scientists believe that dolphins will feel pleasure from mating, and dolphins living in the ocean need to find some stimulation to pass the boring time.

In addition, dolphins have a very high IQ, and they can achieve self-satisfaction through some means. For other animals in the ocean, reproduction is just a physiological need, but for dolphins, it's a channel for their pleasure.

As dolphins infringe on humans, and in order to protect the safety of swimmers and reduce dolphin harassment of humans, France has set a swimming ban on some beaches where dolphins are frequented, but some tourists can't help but touch this cute little animal.

However, not all dolphins are "superficial hypocrites", so there is no need to panic when playing on the beach, but when the good-looking little sister encounters a dolphin with hands and feet, it is still a good plan! #Science##Dolphin##海豚侵犯人类 #

Cute dolphins are one of the most beloved marine animals. But the cute-looking dolphin has an unknown side. In fact, they are "big colors" that can't walk the road when they see beautiful women
Cute dolphins are one of the most beloved marine animals. But the cute-looking dolphin has an unknown side. In fact, they are "big colors" that can't walk the road when they see beautiful women
Cute dolphins are one of the most beloved marine animals. But the cute-looking dolphin has an unknown side. In fact, they are "big colors" that can't walk the road when they see beautiful women
Cute dolphins are one of the most beloved marine animals. But the cute-looking dolphin has an unknown side. In fact, they are "big colors" that can't walk the road when they see beautiful women
Cute dolphins are one of the most beloved marine animals. But the cute-looking dolphin has an unknown side. In fact, they are "big colors" that can't walk the road when they see beautiful women

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