
Delicious sea fish that specializes in fish scales, you must try it. There is a legend about anchovies, in ancient times, wealthy people used anchovies to test the cooking skills of new daughters-in-law. The daughter-in-law uses the fish of the anchovy

author:40 or so

Delicious sea fish that specializes in fish scales, you must try it.

There is a legend about anchovies, in ancient times, wealthy people used anchovies to test the cooking skills of new daughters-in-law. The daughter-in-law uses the scales of the anchovy as the finishing touch, making the shad dish have an outstanding flavor.

Therefore, the most delicious thing in anchovy is the scales.

Because when cooking, the fish scales are steamed, and the fat in the scales will drip down, which is called "fresh oil". Therefore, when cooking anchovies, there is no need to shave the scales.

The steamed anchovies, the umami of the fat and other flavor substances seep into the fish, and when eaten, the fish meat is moist and tender and tastes very delicious.

This steamed watercress anchovy is simple. Share it with you, collect it, and make it for your family.

Ingredients: Anchovy, bean paste, ginger, green onion


1. Gut the fish, sprinkle lightly with a layer of salt and rinse well, marinate for half an hour, and rinse.

2: Spread a little ginger slices on the fish, drizzle two spoonfuls of cooking wine, boil the water and steam for 5 minutes.

3. 1 spoon light soy sauce, 1 spoon rice vinegar, 1 spoon sugar, 1 spoon bean paste, half a spoon of steamed fish soy sauce, 2 spoons of warm water Mix well, put in a pot over high heat and steam for 8 minutes.

4. After the fish comes out of the pot, pour in the bottom of the plate, pour out the ginger slices and spring onions, cut the minced ginger and sprinkle the minced green onion on the fish, drizzle with the steamed sauce, and finally pour the oil hot and pour the aroma of green onion and ginger.

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Delicious sea fish that specializes in fish scales, you must try it. There is a legend about anchovies, in ancient times, wealthy people used anchovies to test the cooking skills of new daughters-in-law. The daughter-in-law uses the fish of the anchovy
Delicious sea fish that specializes in fish scales, you must try it. There is a legend about anchovies, in ancient times, wealthy people used anchovies to test the cooking skills of new daughters-in-law. The daughter-in-law uses the fish of the anchovy
Delicious sea fish that specializes in fish scales, you must try it. There is a legend about anchovies, in ancient times, wealthy people used anchovies to test the cooking skills of new daughters-in-law. The daughter-in-law uses the fish of the anchovy
Delicious sea fish that specializes in fish scales, you must try it. There is a legend about anchovies, in ancient times, wealthy people used anchovies to test the cooking skills of new daughters-in-law. The daughter-in-law uses the fish of the anchovy
Delicious sea fish that specializes in fish scales, you must try it. There is a legend about anchovies, in ancient times, wealthy people used anchovies to test the cooking skills of new daughters-in-law. The daughter-in-law uses the fish of the anchovy
Delicious sea fish that specializes in fish scales, you must try it. There is a legend about anchovies, in ancient times, wealthy people used anchovies to test the cooking skills of new daughters-in-law. The daughter-in-law uses the fish of the anchovy
Delicious sea fish that specializes in fish scales, you must try it. There is a legend about anchovies, in ancient times, wealthy people used anchovies to test the cooking skills of new daughters-in-law. The daughter-in-law uses the fish of the anchovy
Delicious sea fish that specializes in fish scales, you must try it. There is a legend about anchovies, in ancient times, wealthy people used anchovies to test the cooking skills of new daughters-in-law. The daughter-in-law uses the fish of the anchovy
Delicious sea fish that specializes in fish scales, you must try it. There is a legend about anchovies, in ancient times, wealthy people used anchovies to test the cooking skills of new daughters-in-law. The daughter-in-law uses the fish of the anchovy

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