
I went to Togo, Congo and Uganda, but none of them were able to pass the customs smoothly

author:Retirement nursing home

I went to Togo, Congo and Uganda, and none of them were able to pass the customs smoothly, and then I had no intention of traveling here, so tourists determine the business environment of this country to some extent. There is a joke, Uganda airport staff asked for bribes, after being exposed by the media, the management made two decisions: first, it will investigate and dispose of the relevant personnel, and second, from now on it is not allowed to take private photos in the airport, haha see how you expose? No proof!

I went to Togo, Congo and Uganda, but none of them were able to pass the customs smoothly
I went to Togo, Congo and Uganda, but none of them were able to pass the customs smoothly
I went to Togo, Congo and Uganda, but none of them were able to pass the customs smoothly

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