
A tear-jerking masterpiece, "Togo" explores the symbiosis and reciprocity between humans and animals from a unique perspective

author:Small entertainment circle
A tear-jerking masterpiece, "Togo" explores the symbiosis and reciprocity between humans and animals from a unique perspective


Animal-themed films look at the living conditions of non-human species, and tell the symbiotic reciprocal and emotional relationship established between humans and animals from a unique perspective.

A tear-jerking masterpiece, "Togo" explores the symbiosis and reciprocity between humans and animals from a unique perspective

Among such themes, documentaries or feature films that reflect the relationship between humans and dogs are more common, often focusing on biographical narratives that reflect the love between humans and dogs.

However, there are also some films that break through this level, showing the relationship between the independence of dogs as consciousness of life and the survival cooperation relationship of people.

A tear-jerking masterpiece, "Togo" explores the symbiosis and reciprocity between humans and animals from a unique perspective

The 2019 movie "Togo" reproduces the story of the Alaskan Malamute in American history to save the town of Nome with realistic mirror language, enriching the visual dimension of canine biographical narrative.

Visual construction of symbiotic relationship between humans and dogs under the language of reality mirror

Documentaries and feature films about the state of animal survival can be traced back to the 40s of the 19th century, and the United States has developed a series of animal-related genre films, which continue to this day, and many genre themes have come out.

A tear-jerking masterpiece, "Togo" explores the symbiosis and reciprocity between humans and animals from a unique perspective

Among them, the theme of dogs is undoubtedly the most common, dogs, as "human most loyal friends", can often have a special relationship of dependence and emotional relationship with humans.

For example, "The Story of Hachiko the Loyal Dog", released in 2009, and "A Dog's Mission", released in 2017, both build narratives based on dogs and human emotions.

A tear-jerking masterpiece, "Togo" explores the symbiosis and reciprocity between humans and animals from a unique perspective

In the film "Togo" released in 2019, not only reflects the dependence and emotion of humans and this life, but also humans and dogs can support each other in life, so as to achieve symbiosis.

In the film, the owner Seppala looks at the sled dog Togo as not only an old friend who has been with him for many years, but also a companion who supports each other in life, which is also different from the previous relationship between humans and dogs.

A tear-jerking masterpiece, "Togo" explores the symbiosis and reciprocity between humans and animals from a unique perspective

The sled dog Togo, in the film, not only shoulders an important mission, but also leads the team out of trouble, Togo's bravery and consciousness have been recognized beyond its own species, and also established a symbiotic relationship with the owner Seppala and his friend.

The soul touch brought by the film comes from the adaptation of real events rather than fabrication, and the realistic shots present a visual perception that shines into the heart.

A tear-jerking masterpiece, "Togo" explores the symbiosis and reciprocity between humans and animals from a unique perspective

In 1925, an outbreak of diphtheria occurred in the town of Nome near the Arctic in Alaska, USA, a terrible disease that killed infected people in a short time, and only diphtheria serum could save these infected people.

The infected people are generally young children, and the town of Nome, near the North Pole, has no anti-venom and needs to be transported from abroad, and the closest place with serum is 955 miles away from the town of Nome.

A tear-jerking masterpiece, "Togo" explores the symbiosis and reciprocity between humans and animals from a unique perspective

The train could only be transported 674 miles from Nome, a distance that could only be covered by a sled team, and coincidentally, the outbreak began at a freezing time.

An unprecedented snowstorm and extremely cold weather of minus 50 degrees Celsius, under the traffic conditions at that time, there was no choice but sled dogs, and desperate action was the only way to save the epidemic in Nome Town.

A tear-jerking masterpiece, "Togo" explores the symbiosis and reciprocity between humans and animals from a unique perspective

This is why there is this legendary story of symbiosis and co-danger between humans and dogs.

In the film, Togo, as the lead dog of the owner Cepara, has long surpassed its own role, and in the mutual trust accumulated with the owner Ceppala for many years, the sled dog Togo is the most important part of the life of the owner Cepala.

A tear-jerking masterpiece, "Togo" explores the symbiosis and reciprocity between humans and animals from a unique perspective

Through the film, it is presented that in the eyes of Togo, the owner Seppala is also the most important part of his life, and people and dogs give each other their lives.

This is the most touching visual sensory stimulation brought to the viewer by the film, in the film, when he is about to travel, in the conversation between Sepala and his wife, the sad wife thinks that the journey is too dangerous and recommends not to let Togo go.

A tear-jerking masterpiece, "Togo" explores the symbiosis and reciprocity between humans and animals from a unique perspective

But it was clear from Seppala's words that he had decided that without Togo, this might have been his last conversation with his wife, and the meaning was self-explanatory.

In Sépara's heart, Togo is different from other sled dogs that only serve as a means of transport, but as the leader of Sépara's journey, without Togo's ability and talent, he is not sure of returning.

A tear-jerking masterpiece, "Togo" explores the symbiosis and reciprocity between humans and animals from a unique perspective

And the wife's sadness also shows from the side, Togo's unique position in the hearts of the husband and wife, Togo, as a sled dog, has formed a symbiotic relationship with the master Cypala beyond the master and servant.

The film not only reconstructs the different dependence between the two species of humans and dogs in another visual dimension, but also re-examines the ecological space of humans and animals.

A tear-jerking masterpiece, "Togo" explores the symbiosis and reciprocity between humans and animals from a unique perspective

The support between the sled dog Togo and the owner Seppala adds a symbiotic color to the narrative of the film, in which Saipra and his sled team walk together with people and dogs.

Faced with the bitter cold wind and blizzard, the film shows the difficult progress of human dogs in harsh environments through real lenses, and when the crisis comes, Togo becomes the most important factor in saving Sépara's life.

A tear-jerking masterpiece, "Togo" explores the symbiosis and reciprocity between humans and animals from a unique perspective

In the film, the clip of the dog team crossing the ice lake can best show the symbiosis of human and dog life, and when the dog team returns to cross the ice lake for the second time, the ice on the lake has broken into countless ice blocks.

The lake surface of tens of miles is endless, and the moving shots in the film present a terrifying visual scene of the ice lake, and when the dog team sets foot on the lake, it is truly endangered.

A tear-jerking masterpiece, "Togo" explores the symbiosis and reciprocity between humans and animals from a unique perspective

The film shows the desperate situation in front of the viewer through the violent snowstorm on the lake and the dangerous situation that will fall into the lake if you are not careful.

However, in the event of life and death, the owner Seppala can only rely on this sled dog named Togo, and he believes that Togo's intuition and judgment will lead him and the dog team out of danger.

A tear-jerking masterpiece, "Togo" explores the symbiosis and reciprocity between humans and animals from a unique perspective

At the same time, it is also entrusted to Togo the fate of himself and the entire dog team, in the film, Togo leads the dog team to move forward on the surface of the broken ice lake, bringing a very shocking visual perception, people and dogs use their lives to achieve each other and achieve symbiosis.

Visual construction of emotional relationship between humans and dogs under the mirror language of reality

In the process of natural evolution, humans and dogs have gradually formed a special survival relationship, and the existence of this special relationship has also made the two different from other creatures.

A tear-jerking masterpiece, "Togo" explores the symbiosis and reciprocity between humans and animals from a unique perspective

To a certain extent, dogs and humans seem to break the boundaries of communication between species and become a model for communication between humans and non-human creatures, and it is precisely because of this special relationship that dogs and humans will have the most real emotions.

This kind of real emotion is more likely to touch the human soul, has the power to point directly to the human heart, and often makes people cry, which makes the film have an additional theme that can be developed, and it has also become a more unique narrative type.

A tear-jerking masterpiece, "Togo" explores the symbiosis and reciprocity between humans and animals from a unique perspective

In contemporary films, the emotional narrative of people and dogs is more common, among which the more famous films such as "The Story of Hachiko the Loyal Dog" and "The Mission of a Dog" are more common.

In such films, dogs accompany humans from the identity of pets, and also become emotional from long-term contact with people, and the kinship characteristics and loyalty to the owner of dogs evoke the unique emotions of human beings.

A tear-jerking masterpiece, "Togo" explores the symbiosis and reciprocity between humans and animals from a unique perspective

Humans and dogs are intertwined in life, and also burst out the spark of life collision, and many of the stories that occur in it naturally become the source of such film narratives.

A tear-jerking masterpiece, "Togo" explores the symbiosis and reciprocity between humans and animals from a unique perspective

In the film, using realistic images and the switching of multiple lenses, the film presents a different friendship between humans and dogs for the audience.

Different from other films that focus on the ethical narrative of human dog love, "Togo" starts from a more macroscopic perspective and harsh ecological environment, and pays more attention to the trust and support established by human dogs in the process of forging ahead and living difficulties.

A tear-jerking masterpiece, "Togo" explores the symbiosis and reciprocity between humans and animals from a unique perspective

This silent concern and responsibility of people and dogs has become the most touching part of the film, and many shots in the film reflect the relationship between the owner Seppala and Togo.

The night before the bobsleigh team set off, Seppala had already decided in his heart that he might not be able to return without taking Togo with him, and the circumstances after departure also confirmed what Seppala said.

A tear-jerking masterpiece, "Togo" explores the symbiosis and reciprocity between humans and animals from a unique perspective

Togo not only survived life and death, but also saved Seppala and the entire dog team in a time of crisis, however. The price Togo paid was the most difficult for Seppala to accept.

The film shows the friendship between the two beyond normal love through several clips.

A tear-jerking masterpiece, "Togo" explores the symbiosis and reciprocity between humans and animals from a unique perspective

When Togo leads the dog team through the jungle and sprints forward at great speed, he does not know that there is a bottomless cliff ahead.

Aware of the danger, Sépara urgently called out to Togo, but in the end Togo led the dog team to brake, while Togo's right leg was injured.

A tear-jerking masterpiece, "Togo" explores the symbiosis and reciprocity between humans and animals from a unique perspective

Setpara was distressed and wanted to put Togo on his sleigh cart, however, Togo broke free several times just to fulfill his duties.

Under the plain lens of the film, it is the sacrifice made by humans and dogs for each other, and the belief in giving their lives to each other, as Togo drags his injured leg and limps forward.

A tear-jerking masterpiece, "Togo" explores the symbiosis and reciprocity between humans and animals from a unique perspective

The film brings the viewer the most touching picture, Sepala looks at Togo with a heartache, and the old sled dog uses all his strength to drag the entire dog team.

This movie, although it brings only the most plain shots, but it shines with the most shocking power, the sled dog Togo drags not only the dog team, but also the life bond that it is bound to its owner Sepala.

A tear-jerking masterpiece, "Togo" explores the symbiosis and reciprocity between humans and animals from a unique perspective

The writing of the visual spectacle of life's struggle under the mirror of reality

For the film "Togo", as a biographical film, it mainly presents a realistic look and feel with plain shots, however, because it describes a process of hardship and resistance to harsh natural conditions.

The film also has a little more shock brought by the visual spectacle in the plain, and it is especially rare that the spectacle construction in the film does not jump off, which is real and empathetic.

A tear-jerking masterpiece, "Togo" explores the symbiosis and reciprocity between humans and animals from a unique perspective

The film shows that in 1925, the winter of Alaska, USA, near the Arctic Circle, the cold place in the far north, in this season there was a large-scale snowstorm, and the temperature was close to minus 40-50 degrees Celsius, which is unimaginable to go out in such bad weather.

However, due to the outbreak of diphtheria, Saipra and his canine team are risking their lives in a race against time, racing against time to obtain diphtheria serum in order to save the infected child in the town of Nome.

A tear-jerking masterpiece, "Togo" explores the symbiosis and reciprocity between humans and animals from a unique perspective

Due to the urgency of time, Seppala was forced to find the fastest route to venture across the ice lake, which also became an important visual spectacle in the film's narrative.

In the film, the crossing of the ice lake is divided into two parts, in the first section the sled team crosses the ice lake to get the diphtheria vaccine, the ice lake has not yet thawed, and the surrounding ice begins to crumble as it gallops on the ice lake.

A tear-jerking masterpiece, "Togo" explores the symbiosis and reciprocity between humans and animals from a unique perspective

The film presents a shocking thawing picture with a panoramic shot, and the 11 sled dogs pulling Saypara run forward in a panic, and the whole shot is filled with a terrifying atmosphere.

The dog team did not flinch, still insisted on rushing over, and when the second section returned, the ice lake at this time showed an even more frightening situation, and the ice surface of the ice lake had broken into many pieces.

A tear-jerking masterpiece, "Togo" explores the symbiosis and reciprocity between humans and animals from a unique perspective

Not to mention dogs, even humans will be deterred, and the panoramic footage of the film once again shows this extraordinary spectacle, a shocking picture full of death.

When Seppala gave the forward command again, the sled dogs led by Togo led the dog team to resolutely rush in, and Togo dragged his injured leg and other sled dogs all the way, stepping over countless broken ice blocks to find a way out.

A tear-jerking masterpiece, "Togo" explores the symbiosis and reciprocity between humans and animals from a unique perspective

Presenting the miracle of life against harsh natural conditions, the film shots show Alaska under the blizzard real and shocking.

Saipra and the dog team travel through steep cliffs and snow-covered mountains, fearing life and death to seize time to save the lives of others.

A tear-jerking masterpiece, "Togo" explores the symbiosis and reciprocity between humans and animals from a unique perspective


Although the vision of the spectacle under the lens is dangerous and shocking, it shows the greatness of human dogs outside the bounds of life, the strong will to fight with the natural environment, and also shows the life care from the film's unique perspective.

Dogs accompany humans from their pet status, and they also become affectionate from long-term contact with people.

A tear-jerking masterpiece, "Togo" explores the symbiosis and reciprocity between humans and animals from a unique perspective

The kinship characteristics and loyalty to the owner of dogs evoke the unique emotions of human beings, and people and dogs are intertwined in life, and the spark of life collision also bursts out.

"Togo" uses realistic images and a variety of lens switching, the film presents the viewer with a different friendship between humans and dogs, writes a legend of man and dog, and also radiates a unique view of the life of this "human friend".

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