
Let children learn to listen to their inner thoughts, "Listen to Your Heart" China Welfare Association Publishing House-Recommended Reading Age: 6 years old or older "Listen to Your Heart

author:Dietitian Lan Bingying

[Left or right? Let your child learn to listen to his inner thoughts]

Listen to Your Heart

China Welfare Association Publishing House - Wave Blossoms

Recommended reading age: 6 years old and above

"Listen to Your Heart" is the most healing picture book I have seen this spring.

It tells the story of the little girl Sanye.

Sanye and her extended family live in a big forest, a small farm, and she has many older brothers and sisters.

Each brother and sister has their own likes and wants to do things.,But Sanye often doesn't know which one to choose.。

Do you go to the forest with your sister to pick mushrooms, or go to the river with your brother to touch river mussels?

The elder brother said to him, "Since you don't know how to choose, go to the river, you have to know that there is nothing wrong with how to choose, you can pick mushrooms next time, but don't let others make decisions for you." ”

Sanye lowered her head and recalled the joyful song of the frog, and she decided to go to the river.

By the river, she was attracted by the sound of the lamb running and jumping and walked into the forest.

However, the lamb ran too fast and disappeared behind the rocks, and the three leaves chased after it and felt a wave of fear coming, should she walk back to the river, or should she continue to look for the lamb?

This time she was faced with the decision to lose the adventure or choose the safe way sensibly.

She decided to go to the lamb anyway because she was more worried about the lamb.

At the fork in the forest, there are sheep tracks on the left and right, which way to go?

Later, she was also faced with the question of whether to go up, backwards, or forward.

In the end, should we let the rational brain be dominated by our own consciousness, or should we listen to the heart rich in feelings and respect the choices of the subconscious?

When I was a child, I was rarely able to make my own decisions, so when my little brother was very young, when faced with a choice, I always encouraged him to choose the way he felt comfortable.

The road to growth will certainly not be smooth sailing, and sometimes in the eyes of adults: wasting time and taking detours, it is an interesting experience for children to grow up.

What a precious thing it is to enjoy their lives and feel the difference that life brings!

Don't deprive your children of this amazing experience growing up and let them choose their own path. #儿童成长读物# #推荐儿童书单# #3-6 years old book list# #推荐孩子读的书# #孩子的书单# #孩子看什么书# #亲子阅读读什么# #儿童书介绍#

Let children learn to listen to their inner thoughts, "Listen to Your Heart" China Welfare Association Publishing House-Recommended Reading Age: 6 years old or older "Listen to Your Heart
Let children learn to listen to their inner thoughts, "Listen to Your Heart" China Welfare Association Publishing House-Recommended Reading Age: 6 years old or older "Listen to Your Heart
Let children learn to listen to their inner thoughts, "Listen to Your Heart" China Welfare Association Publishing House-Recommended Reading Age: 6 years old or older "Listen to Your Heart
Let children learn to listen to their inner thoughts, "Listen to Your Heart" China Welfare Association Publishing House-Recommended Reading Age: 6 years old or older "Listen to Your Heart
Let children learn to listen to their inner thoughts, "Listen to Your Heart" China Welfare Association Publishing House-Recommended Reading Age: 6 years old or older "Listen to Your Heart
Let children learn to listen to their inner thoughts, "Listen to Your Heart" China Welfare Association Publishing House-Recommended Reading Age: 6 years old or older "Listen to Your Heart
Let children learn to listen to their inner thoughts, "Listen to Your Heart" China Welfare Association Publishing House-Recommended Reading Age: 6 years old or older "Listen to Your Heart
Let children learn to listen to their inner thoughts, "Listen to Your Heart" China Welfare Association Publishing House-Recommended Reading Age: 6 years old or older "Listen to Your Heart
Let children learn to listen to their inner thoughts, "Listen to Your Heart" China Welfare Association Publishing House-Recommended Reading Age: 6 years old or older "Listen to Your Heart

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