
Comments丨 Ali incident 3 wives 5 "small essays", should worry about public opinion kidnapping justice

author:Red Star News

Everyone has the right to speak up legally, but the relief behind speaking out is based on social trust.

On September 13, the wife of Wang Mouwen, an employee involved in the "Ali Female Employee Case", posted another document, saying that she decided to accuse Zhou of forced indecency. Just the day before, the wife of Zhang Mou, another party in the case, also questioned Zhou through five questions in a row on Weibo, saying that she could no longer be silent and wanted to seek justice for her husband.

At the end of public opinion, since zhou mou, the detonator of the incident on August 7, has issued a "small essay" so far, we have seen 5 "small essays" on this matter, each of which is like a "stirrer" that rolls up waves of public opinion; at the end of the rule of law, the prosecution believes that Wang Mouwen's behavior "does not constitute a crime" and does not approve the arrest; Zhang Mou, a criminal suspect suspect suspected of "forced indecency", was sentenced by the court to arrest according to law on August 25.

Whenever a law-related incident occurs in the field of public opinion, the relationship between public opinion and the judiciary is always constantly concerned. Proponents argue that the openness of public opinion will monitor the parties concerned to get infinitely closer to the truth under the watchful eye of the spotlight; skeptics believe that the strong intervention of public opinion will undermine the authority of the rule of law. Although the two sides share views, there is a commonality, that is, the basic starting point is still to point to the openness, fairness and fairness of the judiciary.

"Small essays" trigger a tsunami of public opinion, will not "kidnap" the judiciary

After Zhou unilaterally revealed that he was sexually assaulted, the police filed a case for investigation. On August 14, the police issued a notice that criminal suspects Wang Mouwen and Zhang Mouwen were taken criminal compulsory measures in accordance with the law because they were suspected of forcible indecency, and there was no evidence to prove that rape had occurred.

On August 23, Wang Mouwen's wife posted that "my husband is at fault or not guilty", which received a lot of support. On September 6, the Jinan procuratorate announced that Wang Mouwen did not constitute a crime and did not approve the arrest, and the police made a decision to punish him for 15 days of public security detention. One after the other, although there is no inevitable connection, it is inevitable for some people to associate: if Wang Mouwen's wife does not send a "small composition", perhaps the final result will not be so. Although this is only the brain supplement of some people, we cannot ignore the weight of "small composition" in the public's mind, and may even become a potential consciousness: "small composition" can affect public opinion and even use emotions to coerce justice.

In fact, there is an essential difference between public opinion and justice. Public opinion pays attention to openness, will be dominated by emotions, and the judiciary pays attention to the closed loop and is dominated by evidence; public opinion is often preconceived, but the judiciary is determined afterwards. "Based on facts and based on the law", this is the criterion for judicial organs to handle cases. Whether it is public opinion or law, it all points to the fair handling of cases, and the expression of public opinion can promote judicial justice, on the contrary, as long as the judicial justice is not afraid of public opinion interference. Therefore, from Zhou mou to Wang Mouwen's wife to Zhang Mou's wife, although all three women have received attention in the form of online posts, as long as their posting behavior is within the legal framework, it is not considered "kidnapping justice".

Of course, we hope that every "small essay" can be presented objectively and truthfully, but if it is not satisfactory, there is no need to worry too much about its impact on judicial judgment. After all, the judicial organs did not decide the case based on the "small composition", and it can be seen from the official notification and judicial results of the Ali female employee case that the "small composition" and the case report are not consistent.

The power of "small compositions" stems from the pursuit of justice by public opinion

The wave of public opinion on this incident stemmed from the nearly 8,000-word article published by Zhou. With the further intervention of the judicial organs and the issuance of notices, the interviews and reports of media agencies on relevant personnel, and the "small compositions" released by the wives of the parties, etc., from the comprehensive analysis, there are many details inconsistencies between Zhou's long text and the facts, but Zhou has not been "punished" in the legal sense, is there no need to be responsible for the distortion of details?

In fact, the "small composition" that detonates public opinion will be discussed by thousands of pairs of eyes of the public, but it needs to be more rigorous and more truthful. Once these articles are published on a platform with public attributes and are watched, they are no longer simply statements with individual attributes, and the meaning they carry is no longer controlled by the writer. Therefore, once these "small compositions" appear to be inconsistent with the facts, even the "details do not match" is enough to trigger a chain reaction. It is manifested in that although Zhou Mou "got what he wanted" to a certain extent, he was also questioned by netizens, and may even be accused by Wang Mouwen and his wife.

The public opinion energy triggered by "small compositions" is powerful, and this powerful essence comes from the simple sympathy of ordinary netizens for "those who have been treated unjustly", and from people's simple pursuit of fairness and justice. Once there is a factual difference in the "small composition" itself, it is very likely to suffer from the regurgitation of this force.

"Small essay" network rights protection, will not be "played bad"

From the sensational Dumeizhu Wu Yifan and other entertainment-related incidents a few months ago, to the Ali female employee Zhou Mou's revelations igniting public opinion, and the relevant personnel were quickly controlled by the judicial organs, "small composition" seems to have become a convenient way for some people to "safeguard their rights" in the Internet age. After all, on the online public platform, the "small essay" full of factual details is likely to allow the weak defenders to get the greatest attention with the least effort.

But specific to the above small composition, it is not without controversy. For example, some of Du Meizhu's articles were single-handedly handled by a certain network writer, and those that provoked the emotions of netizens and could not be verified, and the peach-colored details that had little to do with the case were scattered; and for example, Zhou's accusation that Wang Mouwen was "forced to travel on a business trip", "was drunk during dinner", "stole the card four times to sneak into the room and molested", and other statements, which were different from the police report. As netizens said, some doubtful, but also the most provocative content, the most likely to be concerned. Such a contrast makes people worry: Will the "small composition" rights protection be "played badly" by some people with ulterior motives, and even trigger the "wolf effect"?

It should be clear that as an important channel for rights protection, online platforms provide effective relief for many vulnerable groups who have been harmed, and everyone has the right to speak out legally. But the relief basis behind the voice is social trust, social trust as a "public resource" is limited, positive trust will increase in value, negative trust will dissolve, therefore, every "small essay" must and must withstand the test of facts and the rule of law.

It can be said that the "Ali Female Employee Case" makes us understand in a more "extreme" way that "small composition" is just a way to protect rights, to good or evil, lies or truth, and the key is still the people's hearts behind it. In this way, Zhou Mou will not "become a small composition, and fail a small composition", may wish to wait for the development of the event.

Red Star News commentator Huang Jing

Edited by Wang Yaotao

Red Star Review Submission Email: [email protected]

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Comments丨 Ali incident 3 wives 5 "small essays", should worry about public opinion kidnapping justice

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