
A serenade | Haruma Miura & Many Un-Hanako perform the classic encounter love story

author:Mark Film Fan

A serenade | Haruma Miura & Many Un-Hanako perform the classic encounter love story

It was you who met you there, which was really nice.

--- Sato.

"Encounter" has always been a non-standard format for the beginning of perfect love in romance novels, but it is not as common in real life as it is on screen television. As Kazuma Oda interprets "the possibility of encounter probability," Sato expects a "dramatic encounter" (expecting a woman who is beautiful, has a personality that matches her own, is of the right age, and is single) to appear in front of herself.

The poisonous Oda Kazumasa finally did not forget to make up for Sato's "dream of encounters", "even the dating sites that advertise encounters rarely occur." ”

A serenade | Haruma Miura & Many Un-Hanako perform the classic encounter love story

Is there really no encounter?

Motoha Kono,This fiscal year's inference Yoshikata 为 Imaizumi Rikiya 执导, Miura Harukawa Kazunobu Miko starring Isshu Koyakyoku Eine Kleine Nachtmusik (2019), a collection of kotaro Isaka's love artists.

A serenade | Haruma Miura & Many Un-Hanako perform the classic encounter love story

Speaking of Kotaro Isaka, people are more aware of his influence in the Japanese speculative fiction industry, and his ability to break the framework of speculative fiction with surreal brushwork is praised by the writer Miyuki Miyabe as a "genius writer". Representative works include "Audubon's Prayer" and "Golden Dreamland".

Compared with Keigo Higashino, who is also a Japanese mystery writer, Kotaro Isaka's works are more in the healing style.


The ripples of a boxing match

The first is the protagonist of the boxing match, Winston Ono, who was the first Japanese quick boxing WBG world heavyweight champion at the WBG World Heavyweight Championships. Because of the relationship between her sister Kasumi Itabashi, she met Minako, who works at a hairdresser's salon, and they only communicated by phone voice for three months, which made them love each other.

A serenade | Haruma Miura & Many Un-Hanako perform the classic encounter love story

At the same time, because Ono gaku brewed a plan to confess to Minako after winning the battle to challenge the boxer, Minako, who was initially angry at Ono's plan to "make things happen because of people", eventually changed from not liking fighting to coming together with it.

Secondly, because Ono Gaku challenged a successful boxing match and the music on the side of the overpass, Sato, who conducted a questionnaire survey on the street, met Withaki Honma for the first time. On the day of Ono gaku's defeat in the defensive battle, Sato and Honma Saji, who once again let him rush to his classmate's wedding, met again.

A serenade | Haruma Miura & Many Un-Hanako perform the classic encounter love story

Perhaps this was made true by the blessings of Miwa and Misuke before they left.

A serenade | Haruma Miura & Many Un-Hanako perform the classic encounter love story

Finally, watching Ono Gaku, who once again challenged the world champion on the same date and at the same venue ten years later, Sato, who failed his marriage proposal, came to the overpass where he and Honma Sasuke first met.

The same boxing sides, the same street music, and when Sato sees Honma Sasuke again, everything starts to change.

Under a "Japanese drama run", Xiao Qixing's happiness came into being.

Then there was the deaf teenager who was bullied by his classmates, and because of his encounter with Ono Gaku ten years ago, he began to have the courage to resist. But "Ono's failure to defend" also implies that the rebellion of deaf teenagers may not be successful.

A serenade | Haruma Miura & Many Un-Hanako perform the classic encounter love story

Depression, loss of expectations, and persistence.

Ten years later, Ono Gaku, who once again challenged the world champion, was about to give up the moment, and met the deaf teenager in the audience.

The deaf teenager stood there alone, and unlike ten years ago, he took out the branch that meant "strength and courage" and broke it with his hands.

A serenade | Haruma Miura & Many Un-Hanako perform the classic encounter love story

Then there's Fujima, Sato's senior, who, because Ono's victory in the Battle of the Boxers, gets him out of the shadow of his wife running away from home. At the same time, with the help of Ono's signature sent by Sato, the tension between Fujima and his daughter was brought closer.

A serenade | Haruma Miura & Many Un-Hanako perform the classic encounter love story

Although Ono's defensive attempt failed, Fujima was able to cheer and shout with her daughter in the audience, which is also a happy testimony.

Finally, Kurume kazuhito, who has a crush on Oda Mio but does not dare to confess, vowing that he will never become an adult like his father. Originally planned to reproduce "Winston Ono's Confession Plan Ten Years Ago", he did not want to challenge Ono again ten years later because of the overtime of punching and failed.

A serenade | Haruma Miura & Many Un-Hanako perform the classic encounter love story


The meaning behind the encounter

Sato's singleness is considered to be no "encounter" and no "dramatic encounter".

A serenade | Haruma Miura & Many Un-Hanako perform the classic encounter love story

Under the frontal blow of Oda Kazuma's "encounter" analysis, the frustrated Sato really won the lottery and met Honma Saji.

Sato, who was lucky, originally wanted to use the dramatic encounter between his predecessor Fujima and his wife to "pick up a wallet" and flip the plate in front of Oda Kazuma.

However, Oda Kazuma, who was full of fighting power, used "What is an Encounter" to strike Sato Dunton into a critical attack.

A serenade | Haruma Miura & Many Un-Hanako perform the classic encounter love story

Oda Kazuma thinks,

It doesn't really matter how they met. The best encounter is to look back on the past, grateful that she was so lucky, and the person she met was her, which was the happiest.

And not because if the person who once met the person who lost the wallet is someone else, they will also fall in love and get married.

That is, "encounter" because of "encounter".

Because you don't know who you're going to like, and you'll only end up judging whether the choices you once "met itself" are right or wrong.

Instead of caring about the meaning behind the "encounter", it is not her.

Just like ten years later, the senior Fujima learned the truth of the dramatic encounter with his wife who "picked up the wallet", which was deliberately dropped by his wife.

A serenade | Haruma Miura & Many Un-Hanako perform the classic encounter love story

Faced with Fujima, who has long been separated from his wife, perhaps when looking back, the encounters they once had are no longer so happy. And it may be that the so-called "person you meet" is not the so-called "right person".

Similarly, her daughter Oda Mitsuru asked her mother, Yumi Oda, "Do you feel lucky to meet him (Oda Kazuma) and marry him?" ”

A serenade | Haruma Miura & Many Un-Hanako perform the classic encounter love story

Oda Yumi's answer is that if you want to say whether the person you met is the right person, I think he is indeed the right person.

This is the happiness in her eyes.


The responsibility behind that

Banhana Yumi married Oda Kazuma and had two children, full of happiness.

A serenade | Haruma Miura & Many Un-Hanako perform the classic encounter love story

Classmate Sato was initially surprised, and daughter Oda Mitsuru initially could not understand.

And what is hidden behind it is,

Knowing that Yumi was pregnant, Oda did not hesitate to give up baseball and start working at an izakaya.

Perhaps it is because of this that Yumi considers getting married, dropping out of college, and finding a part-time job.

A serenade | Haruma Miura & Many Un-Hanako perform the classic encounter love story

Similarly, Minako did not like ono's victory in the boxing tournament, nor did she abandon it because of the defeat in the boxing match.

Ten years of companionship and marriage have also made Ono Gaku feel up again, and only after ten years has he been challenged again.

A serenade | Haruma Miura & Many Un-Hanako perform the classic encounter love story

At this point, the victory of the boxing match has also become a responsibility of Ono Gaku to those who support him.

Finally, there is Sato and Honma Sasuke.

Sato understood in his predecessor Fujima that triviality and habit were terrible after the outbreak of time.

Honma Sasuke, on the other hand, spent ten years with Sato, and over time everything became accustomed to it. But when faced with Sato's lack of decisive marriage proposal, she began to flinch and hesitate, whether the person in front of her was the "right person".

A serenade | Haruma Miura & Many Un-Hanako perform the classic encounter love story

As Ono said, it takes a failure to understand more.

Sato, who failed to propose marriage, recalled that ten years ago, if the person who met the questionnaire that day was not Honma Saji, but someone else, when they met again, would they be in a relationship, live together, and then stupidly propose?

A serenade | Haruma Miura & Many Un-Hanako perform the classic encounter love story

Ten years later, Sato's answer is,

Glad that the person I met at that time was you, and the person I liked was you.

Saito Kazuyoshi Zai, "Little Night", Naka 这样样,


If the future I drew at that time is now, what would I say now?

About the future depicted at that time, how would I feel if I saw today' situation?

"You did well" or "Is that ok?"

Would he say, "Well done, or "That's enough?" ”

How should I answer?

And how should I answer that?

Little night, not dramatic, but not awesome

Such a little night, although not dramatic, is not the most perfect

A little night it's not dramatic, but if it's next to you

Such a little night, although it is not dramatic, but just by your side

That's not bad either.

Such a day is not bad" yo

That's not bad.

Really "not bad" yo


Oda Mio gives Kurume and Man the final answer

©Mark Film Contributor.

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