
12,000-year-old ginkgo biloba, the world's only 5 "only sons of the earth" Tianmu Ironwood, the oldest love tree yew... Come to Tianmu Mountain to find the best of ancient trees
12,000-year-old ginkgo biloba, the world's only 5 "only sons of the earth" Tianmu Ironwood, the oldest love tree yew... Come to Tianmu Mountain to find the best of ancient trees

Ancient and famous trees are living cultural relics, with high ecological, scientific, historical and ornamental value, and are valuable assets of the country. "The ancient trees in front of the house come early in spring, and the branches and leaves are swaying in the wind." On the occasion of Arbor Day, let's take a look at the ancient trees of Lin'an!

12,000-year-old ginkgo biloba, the world's only 5 "only sons of the earth" Tianmu Ironwood, the oldest love tree yew... Come to Tianmu Mountain to find the best of ancient trees

The oldest tree 12,000 years old. Above the opening of the Tianmu Mountain National Nature Reserve, on the cliffs at an altitude of 960 meters, grows a mesozoic relict plant - Tianmu Mountain Wild Ginkgo Biloba. This is the oldest tree in Hangzhou, also known as the "Five Generations Together", the old, strong, young, young together, looking up is the dense foliage, looking down is the endless dense forest. Every year in late autumn, the leaves are golden in color and rich in autumn.

12,000-year-old ginkgo biloba, the world's only 5 "only sons of the earth" Tianmu Ironwood, the oldest love tree yew... Come to Tianmu Mountain to find the best of ancient trees

There are only 5 rarest trees in the world. In the Tianmu Mountain National Nature Reserve in Lin'an District, there are only five remaining Tianmu ironwood trees in the world, which are known as the "only sons of the earth". They grow on the West Tianmu Mountain, and the largest one grows on the side of the road, 300 years old. The plant was first collected by botanist Mr. Qin Renchang on October 2, 1925, in The West Tianmu Mountain, and was named by the botanist Mr. Chen Huanyong in 1927. Tianmu ironwood tree is tall, hard wood, about 20 meters high, chest height of more than 50 centimeters. The bark is dark brown, longitudinally lobed; the leaves are oval or oval-shaped, with irregular sharp teeth on the leaf margins; the male and female inflorescences are all inflorescences, unisexual, the same plant, the male inflorescence begins to appear in early June, flowers begin to bloom in early April, and the female inflorescence exhibits in April with the mixed buds on the new branches of the year; the fruiting wing fruit, small nuts are reddish brown, begin to mature and fall in September, and fall in January and February of the following year.

12,000-year-old ginkgo biloba, the world's only 5 "only sons of the earth" Tianmu Ironwood, the oldest love tree yew... Come to Tianmu Mountain to find the best of ancient trees

The most beautiful tree cypress in 2010. In Shangyang Village, Taihuyuan Town, Lin'an District, 2010-year-old Yuanbai is known as the "drunken beauty tree", and the whole cypress tree slopes to the west. According to the Qingqianlong "Lin'an County Chronicle", this tree was planted in the Liang Dynasty and has a thousand years old. After testing, the height of the tree is 8 meters, the bust circumference is 198 cm, and the average crown width is 5 meters. The whole trunk until the treetop texture is spiraled and twisted, and the large branch to the west, first flattened, then slightly upturned, lives like a Taishi chair, which is amazing.

12,000-year-old ginkgo biloba, the world's only 5 "only sons of the earth" Tianmu Ironwood, the oldest love tree yew... Come to Tianmu Mountain to find the best of ancient trees

660 years old the tallest tree money pine. Money pine is a specialty of China, this plant grows in lin'an District Tianmu Mountain National Nature Reserve of money pine, as far as the current knowledge of similar tree species in China has not been reported higher than it, so it can be called the world's highest money pine. The "Cupola Tree" Money Pine grows in the center of the "Big Tree Kingdom" scenic spot of Tianmu Mountain National Nature Reserve in Lin'an District, with a height of 58 meters, a bust circumference of 3.22 meters, and an average crown width of 15 meters. The tree grows vigorously and the trunk is straight and symmetrical.

12,000-year-old ginkgo biloba, the world's only 5 "only sons of the earth" Tianmu Ironwood, the oldest love tree yew... Come to Tianmu Mountain to find the best of ancient trees

The oldest love tree is 1510-year-old yew tree. Red beans are born in the southern country, a few branches are sent in the spring, may the king pick more, this thing is the most acacia. There is an ancient southern yew tree dating back to about 1510 at Zhaoming Temple in Tianmu Mountain, Lin'an, with a rounded trunk and a reddish-brown bark, a height of 30 meters, a chest diameter of 320 centimeters, and an average crown width of 9 meters. Legend has it that Xiao Tong, the son of Emperor Xiao Yan of Liangwu, brought young trees from the palace to plant in the temple during 600 AD when he divided the 32 volumes of the Diamond Sutra at Zhaoming Temple.

The forest is the mother of human beings, she can protect the soil, conserve water, regulate the climate, purify the air, eliminate noise, the value of each tree is immeasurable, let us love the tree together, plant trees and raise trees.

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