
"All things on earth" purslane, chrysanthemum brain, gray stripe vegetables || Yan Su / Recitation: Wei Ailing

author:Qingjiangpu family
"All things on earth" purslane, chrysanthemum brain, gray stripe vegetables || Yan Su / Recitation: Wei Ailing

[The sky is changing, and the earth is eternal.] Following "Ancient Locust", Yan Su's prose collection "All Things on earth" was grandly debuted. On July 18, 2022, this beautiful day, recitation enthusiasts have embarked on a new journey! Beautiful sounds, funny souls, all the way! 】

"All things on earth" purslane, chrysanthemum brain, gray stripe vegetables || Yan Su / Recitation: Wei Ailing

The earth gives birth to all things, and all things are grateful to the earth, decorate the earth with greenery, and give back to the earth with fruits. The author selects 120 kinds of animals, plants and agricultural tools that are closely related to human life, and writes with poetry, philosophy, knowledge, fun and other brushwork, giving people inspiration, thinking, alarming and urging people to forge ahead. Teenagers read, broaden their horizons, increase their knowledge, and fear life, which is of great benefit to understanding nature and becoming familiar with nature. Nature is the home of human life, and to love nature is to love human beings themselves.

My mother gave birth to me, and the earth raised me. Writing the earth and remembering the grace of the mother - this is the title of this book, and it is also the main theme of the author's creation.

Portulaca oleracea

Purslane is humble, growing in the fields, roadsides, weeds, people stepping on cattle, rabbits eating sheep, rain does not drown, the sun does not dry (uprooted, exposed to the sun, can survive the earth), and it is rare for wild plants to have such tenacious vitality.

Purslane is called in a variety of ways, there are called longevity vegetables, nine-headed lion grass, there are also called horse leaf vegetables, five elements grass... Different regions, different names.

Purslane is both a vegetable and a grass.

It is a dish, which can be eaten.

In the years of drought, the harvest is cut short, but the purslane is thriving, and the wind blows through the branches and leaves, giving the hungry hope of life.

So the village's cooking smoke has the fragrant smell of purslane-





Hungry people eat purslane, their stomachs are less hungry, and the original signs of discomfort in the body have quietly disappeared.

The hungry had no time to take care of it and continued to feed on purslane.

Purslane plummeted, and some people worried that life without purslane would be unsustainable. The heavens have eyes, the heavens have fallen, and overnight the purslane is dense again.

This is where the long-lived dish comes from.

It is grass, which is good feed for livestock.

The livestock ate the long flesh of purslane and did not get sick.


Healers know that purslane is a medicinal herb and the nemesis of many diseases.

But there is great energy in the body of the humble one.

Purslane, messenger of the heavens, blessed star of mankind!

"All things on earth" purslane, chrysanthemum brain, gray stripe vegetables || Yan Su / Recitation: Wei Ailing

Chrysanthemum brain


Chrysanthemum brain is not delicate, the seeds fall to the ground and take root, one tree in early spring, one bush in midsummer, and one piece in golden autumn.

Fertile fields grow crops, thin soil grows chrysanthemum brains.

The farmers have their own arrangements.

Chrysanthemum brain is an appetizer.

At first, unbeknownst to them, farmers were not interested in seeing cattle and sheep, when the weeds were removed.

Knowing it is purely accidental.

There was an old man in the village who was sick and did not eat or drink for several days, and his family was in a hurry. One day the old man suddenly opened his mouth and said that he was hungry.

His wife was happy when he smelled it and asked him what he wanted to eat.

The old man thought about it and said: vegetable porridge.

When the green cabbage is seeded, there is not a single tender vegetable in the garden.

It is difficult for a woman to cook without rice.

The wife was helpless, sighing and trying to find a way, and when she stumbled to the back of the house, she saw a chrysanthemum brain growing in the bushes. The wife looked down and smelled, and there was a smell of green vegetables; Pinch a leaf and put it in your mouth to chew, slightly bitter, and then fill with a fragrant smell. Sure it wasn't toxic, I squeezed it and went home.

The porridge is ready, and the wife scoops a spoonful to taste.

Refreshing, delicious, more fragrant than white porridge.

It was delicious.

The wife gave the old man a big appetite. Bread is the staff of life. After eating a few meals in a row, the old man's illness was cured, and he was able to work in the field after a few days.

The news spread, and the chrysanthemum brain became a sought-after commodity.

Discovering things is inseparable from opportunities, but also requires courage to explore.

"All things on earth" purslane, chrysanthemum brain, gray stripe vegetables || Yan Su / Recitation: Wei Ailing

Gray strips

The gray stripe dish is gray and dark, not as gorgeous as amaranth, and the farmer calls it dog urine, pig and gray. As you can tell by the name, the farmers are not welcome to see. Gray strips are low-key, humble, not inferior in name, not afraid of waterlogging, not afraid of drought, growing on the side of the road, feet and hooves will not die; Born in the wilderness, with wild grass, spring and autumn, through a lifetime.

Gray strips are pig vegetables that farmers use to feed pigs.

After a year of floods, the land became a vast ocean, and it did not retreat for several days, and all the grain died. The harvest is cut short, some people live on the bark of trees, and some people dig wild vegetables to fill their hunger. After the bark is eaten, the wild vegetables are gradually reduced, and the hungry people turn their eyes to the gray strips.

This is a pig dish, can people eat it?

Hunger is like a knife, cutting the stomach of the hungry.

Hungry and hungry, hungry for food.

It is important to save their lives, and the hungry people have gone to the fields, and only after eating them do they know that the gray strips are non-toxic. That year's gray strips of vegetables were like divine help, the front was cut off, and within a few days, a piece of ash grew out, which was really "wildfires burned endlessly, and the spring wind blew and grew again"!

After the floods, there were epidemics and boils.

Unexpectedly, this year, there was no epidemic in the affected areas.

The credit goes to the gray stripe dish.

Gray strips allow people to survive the famine, and can also detoxify and relieve the pain of the injured.

A girl was mowing grass in the wild and was bitten by a poisonous insect. The girl did not take it seriously and continued to work. After a while, the wound began to be red, swollen, itchy, and painful. The girl was afraid of scratching the skin, so she casually grabbed two gray strips of vegetables and rubbed them on the wound, and after a while, the wound was not painful or itchy, and when she looked again, the redness and swelling had also subsided. The girl told people about this matter, and the old man in the village who had read the private school checked the classics and learned that the nutrition of gray strips was extremely rich, containing protein, fat, sugar, vitamins and other nutrients needed by the human body; It has the effect of clearing heat, diarrhea, laxative, detoxification and insecticidal, and is mainly used for the treatment of dysentery, diarrhea, eczema, itching rash, poisonous insect bites; Eating regularly helps to enhance the body's immune function and enhance the body's ability to resist diseases.

Closing the classics, the old man sighed: looking for treasure everywhere, I don't know that the treasure is around!

"All things on earth" purslane, chrysanthemum brain, gray stripe vegetables || Yan Su / Recitation: Wei Ailing
"All things on earth" purslane, chrysanthemum brain, gray stripe vegetables || Yan Su / Recitation: Wei Ailing

Past Readings:

【All things of the earth】Thatch, bargon, wormwood || Recitation: Wei Ailing

【All things of the earth】Water chestnuts, reeds, grasses || Recitation: Reeds

【All things on the earth】Pond, Diamond Horn, Cigu || Recitation: Reeds

【All things on the earth】Pond, Diamond Horn, Cigu || Recitation: Weng Chi Zhong

Old houses, days, and rivers || Recitation: Weng Chi Zhong

【All things of the earth】Village, earth boundary, ancient locust

【All things on the earth】Land, earth, earth gas

About the Author

Yan Su

Yan Su, a member of the Chinese Writers Association, is a first-class literary creator with more than 3 million words of novels and prose works. He currently lives in Huai'an.

Reciter Profile

Recitation: Wei Ailing, senior title, retired, recitation enthusiast.

Canal people

Everybody's canal,

The story of the little family,

The daily life of the people.

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"All things on earth" purslane, chrysanthemum brain, gray stripe vegetables || Yan Su / Recitation: Wei Ailing

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