
Fun fact: Armadillo shells are bulletproof! The armadillo (pronounced qiúyú) is a type of land and forest that lives in the tropical forests, grasslands, semi-deserts, and warm flats and forests of Central and South America

author:Related to existence

Fun fact: Armadillo shells are bulletproof!

The armadillo (pronounced qiú yú) is an endangered species that lives in the tropical forests, grasslands, semi-deserts, and warm flatlands and forests of Central and South America. They look a bit like pangolins, but they are actually closely related to anteaters and sloths.

When faced with danger and fright, the armadillo will curl up and form a round ball, protecting itself with a body of armor. Their armor is so strong that it can even be bulletproof, and a man in Texas reportedly shot an armadillo, only to have the bullet bounce off the armadillo and hit him in the jaw, for which he had to be hospitalized. #打开眼界 #

Fun fact: Armadillo shells are bulletproof! The armadillo (pronounced qiúyú) is a type of land and forest that lives in the tropical forests, grasslands, semi-deserts, and warm flats and forests of Central and South America
Fun fact: Armadillo shells are bulletproof! The armadillo (pronounced qiúyú) is a type of land and forest that lives in the tropical forests, grasslands, semi-deserts, and warm flats and forests of Central and South America
Fun fact: Armadillo shells are bulletproof! The armadillo (pronounced qiúyú) is a type of land and forest that lives in the tropical forests, grasslands, semi-deserts, and warm flats and forests of Central and South America
Fun fact: Armadillo shells are bulletproof! The armadillo (pronounced qiúyú) is a type of land and forest that lives in the tropical forests, grasslands, semi-deserts, and warm flats and forests of Central and South America

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