
#长江从 transition from "recuperation" to "endless life" #长江从 "recuperation" to "endless life" is an important process of ecological restoration and protection. This change does not

author:Humorous little cake tells interesting facts

#长江从 "recuperation" to "endless life" #

The transformation of the Yangtze River from "recuperation" to "endless growth" is an important process of ecological restoration and protection. This change is not only reflected in the restoration of natural ecology, but also involves the enhancement of biodiversity and the improvement of water quality as a whole.

Since 2021, a 10-year ban on fishing has been implemented in key waters of the Yangtze River basin, which has played an important role in protecting the ecological environment of the Yangtze River. Through fishing bans and ecological restoration efforts, the biodiversity of the Yangtze River has been significantly improved. For example, the finless porpoise population has rebounded for the first time since 2006, while aquatic living resources are steadily recovering.

In order to promote ecological restoration, local governments have taken a variety of measures, such as strengthening laws and regulations on the protection of the Yangtze River's ecological environment, implementing horizontal ecological compensation mechanisms, and promoting ecological protection in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. In addition, targeted policy measures, such as banning fishing and carrying out actions to protect rare and endangered species, as well as promoting the rewilding and natural breeding experiments of rare species.

These efforts have not only improved the overall health of the Yangtze River ecosystem, but also laid a solid foundation for the sustainable development of the Yangtze River Basin. This change in the Yangtze River is one of China's important achievements in ecological protection and sustainable development, and also provides valuable experience and demonstration for global environmental protection

#长江从 transition from "recuperation" to "endless life" #长江从 "recuperation" to "endless life" is an important process of ecological restoration and protection. This change does not
#长江从 transition from "recuperation" to "endless life" #长江从 "recuperation" to "endless life" is an important process of ecological restoration and protection. This change does not
#长江从 transition from "recuperation" to "endless life" #长江从 "recuperation" to "endless life" is an important process of ecological restoration and protection. This change does not
#长江从 transition from "recuperation" to "endless life" #长江从 "recuperation" to "endless life" is an important process of ecological restoration and protection. This change does not
#长江从 transition from "recuperation" to "endless life" #长江从 "recuperation" to "endless life" is an important process of ecological restoration and protection. This change does not
#长江从 transition from "recuperation" to "endless life" #长江从 "recuperation" to "endless life" is an important process of ecological restoration and protection. This change does not

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