
The idyllic life of free melons

author:Free melon ds

Release yourself and return to farming. After nearly thirty years as a farmer and making a living outside for nearly a decade, the ups and downs have come all the way, and life is not easy to remember. Think back to that year, when I was a teenager, under the scorching sun, grabbing harvesting and grabbing seeds, weeding, and digging the ground. Sweat soaked the clothes, and salty sweat flowed into the eye sockets, stimulating the tear glands and shedding acidic tears. Sweat mixed with tears, sour salty bitter taste as if to tell their own hard life.

Every time I dream about this scene, there is an indescribable pain. Tao Yuanming's "Return to the Garden and Rural Residence" is very beautiful, when he was a child, he studied his articles, so as to yearn for the life of the paradise, the pastoral life of the sunrise, the sunset and rest, the qingquan stone upstream, the lotus moving under the fishing boat farmer idly writing and writing, reading books, depicting and drawing............ But that is only a beautiful ideal in literature, and the reality is very cruel.

Under the south mountain of planting beans, the grass is sparse in bean seedlings; Morning Xingli is desolate, with the moon lotus hoe return. The road is narrow and the grass is long, and the dew stains my clothes; The clothes are not enough to be sorry, but the wish is not broken. To put it mildly, it is not. The most bitter under the heavens are the peasants and the workers, and the food and use are all created by you,

The idyllic life of free melons
The idyllic life of free melons
The idyllic life of free melons
The idyllic life of free melons
The idyllic life of free melons
The idyllic life of free melons
The idyllic life of free melons

Hats off to you guys!

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