
The melon farmer master teaches you how to choose melon tips, sweet and delicious, choose one by one

author:Ning Peng
The melon farmer master teaches you how to choose melon tips, sweet and delicious, choose one by one

The melon farmer master teaches you how to choose melon tips, sweet and delicious, choose one by one

Cantaloupe, as an indispensable fruit in summer, is cool, juicy, full of sweetness, and can always bring people unlimited delicious enjoyment. However, in front of the variety of melon stalls in the market, we often find it difficult to choose, and we don't know how to choose the sweetest and most delicious melon. Don't worry, today let us invite experienced melon farmers to reveal some tips for picking melons, so that you can choose one by one!


**1. Smooth appearance and uniform color:** When buying melons, the first thing to observe is the appearance of melons. A good melon should have a smooth appearance, without obvious unevenness, and the skin has a certain luster. In addition, the color of the melon should also be even, and spots of different shades should not appear.

The melon farmer master teaches you how to choose melon tips, sweet and delicious, choose one by one

**2. Dry at the guati: ** The guati is the connecting part of the melon, and if the guati is still bluish green, then the melon may not be fully ripe yet. Conversely, if the guadi appears dry brown, it often means that the melon is ripe and sweeter.

**3. Clear traces of melon vines: ** The bottom of the melon often has traces left by the melon vine, which is an important purchase indicator. The traces of melon vines should be clearly visible, not blurred or artificially modified.

**Tactile Article:**

**1. Heavy in the hand: ** Hold the melon and feel its weight. Generally, sweeter melons will be heavier because of the abundance of water in them. If the melon feels light, it is likely that there is a lack of moisture and the taste may be lighter.

**2. Slightly elastic epidermis:** Gently press the epidermis of the melon, a good melon should have a certain elasticity, not too hard or too soft. The skin with moderate elasticity often means that the taste of the melon flesh is also ideal.


**1. Tapping makes a hollow sound: ** Tap the melon gently and listen to its sound. If the tapping makes a crisp, hollow sound, it often indicates that the melon flesh is full, the melon is well hydrated, and the taste may be better.


**1. Smell a light aroma: ** Melon usually has a light aroma, and if you can smell this aroma, then this is often a good purchase sign. However, the aroma should not be too strong, otherwise it may mean that the melon is overripe.

The tips for picking melons may seem simple, but they are rich in experience and knowledge. When buying melons, we can consider many aspects such as appearance, touch, sound and smell to find the melon that best suits our taste. At the same time, we should also pay attention to choosing a formal farmer's market or supermarket to buy to ensure that the melon purchased is a high-quality product that has been strictly screened.

Finally, whether you like cucumber bowl or sweet melon, the above tips can help you choose a sweet, sweet and delicious melon. Let's taste the most delicious fruits in the hot summer, enjoy the coolness and satisfy the taste buds!

The melon farmer master teaches you how to choose melon tips, sweet and delicious, choose one by one

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