
#Agrotechnical Science Contest Season 2 #Vegetable Kaleidoscope (114) American Cucumber. American cucumber is one of the most bizarre varieties I have ever grown, with a strange appearance and taste, and I still miss it deeply

author:Grass Notes

#Agrotechnical Science Contest Season 2 # Vegetable Kaleidoscope (114) American Cucumber.

American cucumber is one of the most bizarre varieties I have ever grown, with a strange appearance and taste, and I still miss it deeply. Cai Youxian from the distant United States, sent over the original cucumber planting, even the seed bag together with the courier of the seeds, the above foreign language does not understand a word, only Cai Youxian wrote "American cucumber" four words. Planted according to the domestic method of planting cucumbers, seedlings in March, colonization in the field in April, fertilization, watering, erection of shelves, all copied. It may be that the water and soil are not satisfied, planted for two consecutive years, not only did not receive seeds, but even the melon did not receive much, and all of them are variant melons. American cucumbers have the following characteristics:

The vines are underdeveloped, about 2 meters long, and the main side vines are all melons.

The small leaves are heart-shaped, pale green, similar to the melon leaves.

The position of the melon is higher, and the melon node is rare. There are small yellow flowers, the male and female flowers are the same plant, and the male flowers are more.

The melon is 25-30 cm long, about 4 cm in diameter, and weighs about 300 g.

The melon is light green with dark green stripes on it, and is milky white when old.

American cucumbers have a peculiar appearance, with 15-25 shallow grooves, thick flesh, small inner cavity, and almost seedless.

Raw is crisp and tender, sweet and delicious, with a faint melon flavor.

American cucumbers are one of the few varieties that have not been grown successfully and want to grow. The biggest failure was not to plant such a straight melon on the seed bag, each melon was indented in the middle, and the hard life was divided into two pieces, and there was a feeling of coming out of the sleeve with a missing set. The biggest regret is that it was planted for two years and I did not receive the seeds.

At that time, mobile phone photography was not popular, and only a few photos were taken with my daughter's camera on weekends. This time sorted out in several websites Baidu, there is no half-word introduction of this variety, is the name of the product wrong? Expect corrections.

#蔬菜万花筒 #

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#夏日生活打卡季 #

#Agrotechnical Science Contest Season 2 #Vegetable Kaleidoscope (114) American Cucumber. American cucumber is one of the most bizarre varieties I have ever grown, with a strange appearance and taste, and I still miss it deeply
#Agrotechnical Science Contest Season 2 #Vegetable Kaleidoscope (114) American Cucumber. American cucumber is one of the most bizarre varieties I have ever grown, with a strange appearance and taste, and I still miss it deeply
#Agrotechnical Science Contest Season 2 #Vegetable Kaleidoscope (114) American Cucumber. American cucumber is one of the most bizarre varieties I have ever grown, with a strange appearance and taste, and I still miss it deeply

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