
Which proprietary Chinese medicines can be used for cerebral infarction and improve nerve function? 1. Qilong capsule The medicine is composed of astragalus, ground dragon, safflower, angelica, salvia, red peony, Sichuan root and peach kernel. Invigorates blood and dissolves

author:He Yaoshi health science popularization

Which proprietary Chinese medicines can be used for cerebral infarction and improve nerve function?

1. Qilong capsules

The medicine consists of astragalus, dilong, safflower, angelica, salvia, red peony, Sichuan root, and peach kernel. It is beneficial to the qi and invigorates the blood, and dissolves the stasis and circulation. It is suitable for symptoms such as hemiplegia, unclear language, crooked mouth and tongue, numbness of the body, ecchymosis and petechiae of the tongue, etc. belonging to the meridian recovery period of ischemic stroke (cerebral infarction).

2. Dragon leech capsules

The medicine consists of astragalus, leech, sichuan root, angelica, safflower, peach kernel, red peony, wood fragrance, stone calamus, ground dragon, mulberry parasitism, eleuthero extract. Replenish qi and activate blood, and stasis by stasis. It is suitable for the recovery period of arteriosclerotic cerebral infarction such as crooked corners of the mouth, unfavorable language, partial body failure, partial body numbness, etc., and the Chinese medicine is identified as the meridians in the stroke of qi deficiency and blood stasis. Longsheng leech capsules can be anticoagulant, antibodies internal and external thrombosis, improve the symptoms of cerebral ischemia.

3. Oral liquid of Fenghong Tongluo

The medicine consists of lettuce, safflower, and sichuan cow's knee. Dispel wind and invigorate blood, and relieve pain. It is suitable for stroke diseases caused by hemiplegia, language disadvantage, limb numbness, etc. that are caused by blood stasis.

4. Cerebral seym capsules

The medicine consists of leeches, rhubarb, flies, and peach kernels. Break blood and dispel stasis, through the meridians. It is suitable for symptoms such as hemiplegia, strong tongue or non-speech, partial numbness, crooked mouth and tongue, dull tongue with ecchymosis, fine pulse or deep string, etc. belong to the recovery period of atherosclerotic thrombotic cerebral infarction, and Chinese medicine is distinguished as a stroke meridian blood stasis.

5. Ge ketone capsules

The drug consists of total flavonoids of kudzu. Activate blood stasis, suitable for symptoms such as partial disobedience, dizziness, partial body numbness, crooked mouth and tongue, unfavorable language, strong neck pain, etc. are is a meridian stasis in ischemic stroke; Atherosclerotic thrombotic cerebral infarction and lacunar cerebral infarction are shown in the above symptoms. The treatment of acute cerebral infarction with phytophthalic capsules combined with butanphthalide sodium chloride injection can promote the recovery of nerve function and improve cerebral hemodynamic indicators, cognition and daily activity.

5. Seventy flavor pearl pills

The medicine is composed of 70 herbs such as pearls, incense, saffron, in vitro cultivated bovine yellow, sandalwood, licorice, tianzhu yellow, agate, nine-eyed stone, artificial musk, coral, and sitting platform. Calm, calm the spirit, reconcile qi and blood, pass through the meridians and activate the network, and wake up the brain. Used for "dragon's blood" irregularities, "black and white vein disease"; Stroke, hemiplegia, paralysis, epilepsy, concussion, cerebral hemorrhage, heart disease, hypertension and neurological disorders. Seventy Flavor Pearl Pills help improve limb motor function, reduce neurological deficits, improve daily living ability and quality of life in patients recovering from stroke.

6. Coral Seventy Flavor Pills

The medicine is composed of 70 herbs such as coral, agate, pearl, Tibetan ginseng, snow lotus, angelica, rhodiola rosea, saffron, emblica, yellow essence, beef yolk, musk and so on. Calm the nerves, calm the nerves, calm the heart, and adjust the blood. Used for cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral thrombosis, coronary heart disease, limb paralysis, hypertension, tachycardia or bradycardia, polio, epilepsy and various neuritis; It has a special effect on brain nerve and heart diseases.

7. Brain Heart Capsule

The medicine is composed of astragalus, ground dragon, whole scorpion, leech, angelica, red peony, salvia, safflower, Sichuan root, peach kernel, frankincense (made), myrrh (made), chicken blood vine, ox knee, cinnamon and mulberry. Dissolve stasis, improve qi and invigorate blood. It is used for hemiplegia, crooked mouth and eyes, limb numbness, tongue weakness and chest paralysis, chest tightness, heartache, palpitations, shortness of breath, etc. belonging to the meridians of stroke caused by qi deficiency and blood stagnation, choroidal stasis, cerebral infarction, coronary heart disease and angina. The effect of cerebral heart capsule combined with single sialic acid tetrahexose ganglioside sodium injection in the treatment of acute cerebral infarction is remarkable, which can reduce the inflammatory response, inhibit thrombosis, improve blood rheological indicators, and promote the recovery of nerve function in patients.

8. Thrombotic heart pulse Ning capsule

The medicine is composed of Sichuan root, leech, salvia, locust flower, artificial beef yolk, mao holly, artificial musk, ice flakes, ginseng stem and leaf total saponins, and toad crisp. Open the trick to relieve pain, improve qi and invigorate blood. It is suitable for stroke, chest paralysis caused by qi deficiency and blood stasis, recovery period of ischemic stroke, coronary heart disease angina, dizziness, chest tightness and heartache, hemiplegia, palpitations and shortness of breath. Clinical thrombosis cardiotonic capsule therapy for cerebral thrombosis patients can improve the patient's blood index and improve the efficacy.

9. Lemai granules

The medicine consists of salvia, red peony, safflower, sichuan root, wood incense, incense stick, and hawthorn. Dissolve the stasis and pass the pulse, and perform qi and activate the blood. It is used for symptoms such as dizziness, headache, chest pain, palpitations, etc. that belong to the evidence of stagnant blood stasis, coronary heart disease, angina, and multiple cerebral infarction. Lemai granules combined with Western medicine therapy can improve the blood lipid and blood rheology indicators of patients with cerebral infarction recovery, and can better promote the recovery of nerve function. #真知新坐标 #

Which proprietary Chinese medicines can be used for cerebral infarction and improve nerve function? 1. Qilong capsule The medicine is composed of astragalus, ground dragon, safflower, angelica, salvia, red peony, Sichuan root and peach kernel. Invigorates blood and dissolves
Which proprietary Chinese medicines can be used for cerebral infarction and improve nerve function? 1. Qilong capsule The medicine is composed of astragalus, ground dragon, safflower, angelica, salvia, red peony, Sichuan root and peach kernel. Invigorates blood and dissolves
Which proprietary Chinese medicines can be used for cerebral infarction and improve nerve function? 1. Qilong capsule The medicine is composed of astragalus, ground dragon, safflower, angelica, salvia, red peony, Sichuan root and peach kernel. Invigorates blood and dissolves

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