
Cherry is a foreign cherry, selling so expensive, good value for money or admiring the outside?

author:Heroic Song

Is the foreign moon rounder than the domestic one, is this really the case?

As everyone knows, there is a moon in the sky, it is the satellite of the earth, it is one that turns around, no matter where the earth is, the moon seen is only this one, and it is always a face facing the earth.

The so-called "foreign moon is rounder than China" is purely a psychological role of admiration and flattery.

So what? In fact, it is a foreign country, but it sells at a sky-high price in China, is there also a psychological factor of sublime foreignism?

Cherry is a foreign cherry, selling so expensive, good value for money or admiring the outside?

Cherry fruit

I don't know when the Chinese people began to advocate foreign countries, thinking that everything abroad is good! Nowadays, celebrities (including actors, singers, businessmen, etc.) are popular immigrants, and although this behavior does not violate laws and regulations, it is despised by most Chinese people. To say that it is serious is a kind of ugly act of betraying the motherland, the people and the ancestors, forgetting their roots, forgetting that they are yellow-skinned and black-haired descendants.

Cherry is a foreign cherry, selling so expensive, good value for money or admiring the outside?


Of course, the vast majority of ordinary people have this mind, and they cannot emigrate abroad (no money, no resources, no connections). But many people also have a lot of respect for foreign things. It is true that foreign products are more advanced, and the quality is indeed stronger than some domestic products, such as automobiles, machinery, electronic equipment, etc., but the agricultural products grown in the land are not necessarily better than those of China.

Cherry is a foreign cherry, selling so expensive, good value for money or admiring the outside?

Cherry, the fruit stalk is very long

For example, cherry, which is essentially a large cherry, belongs to the deciduous shrub of the genus Cherry in the family Rosaceae, whose name is also a transliteration of the English "Cherries", native to Europe, and later spread to the Americas, after hybridization and improvement, it was transformed into a luxury fruit.

Cherry is a foreign cherry, selling so expensive, good value for money or admiring the outside?


Cherries are particularly famous for their chilean production. The Chinese people know Chile, a distant South American country, because of the cherry.

Cherry is a grafted cultivar of European sweet cherry, and its fruit tree is a deciduous shrub, which is called "the first branch of a hundred fruits" because it is the earliest market every year. But it's a month later than Chinese cherries.

Cherry is a foreign cherry, selling so expensive, good value for money or admiring the outside?

Cherry tree

Cherry is dark red, long-stalked, the fruit is harder, the flesh is firm, the juice is less, larger than the domestic cherry, the taste is sour and sweet. The most important thing is that it is easy to store and cannot be damaged for a long time, so it can cross the ocean and come to China. Compared to cherries, cherries are large, taste good, and can be stored, which is why it is more popular than Chinese cherries.

Cherry is a foreign cherry, selling so expensive, good value for money or admiring the outside?


But in any case, cherry or a hybrid of European sweet cherries, exported to China, the price is ridiculously high, by some people touted as an "aristocratic fruit", eating it seems to be a status symbol, just like the big money, upstarts driving Mercedes-Benz BMW everywhere to show off.

Cherry is a foreign cherry, selling so expensive, good value for money or admiring the outside?


If there is any difference between cherry and cherry, it is: cherry color is darker, purple, dark red, purple-black, and cherry is red; cherry is larger, cherry is smaller than cherry; cherry flesh is tight, less juice, cherry flesh is loose, more juice, difficult to preserve and transport. In addition, cherries ripen in June, while cherries ripen a month earlier and in May of each year.

Cherry is a foreign cherry, selling so expensive, good value for money or admiring the outside?

Chinese cherries

As for the nutritional value, cherries are basically the same as cherries. It's just that the cherry flesh is tighter, sweet with a hint of slight acid, and the core is smaller and more resistant to transportation and storage.

Cherry is a foreign cherry, selling so expensive, good value for money or admiring the outside?

Cherry, smaller than a cherry, has a reddish color

Cherries are common in China and are grown everywhere, but yantai in Shandong province is the best, accounting for about two-thirds of the country. Therefore, Yantai has the reputation of "the hometown of China's big cherries". Of course, The apples in Yantai are also good. Folk sayings are:

Cherry is a foreign cherry, selling so expensive, good value for money or admiring the outside?


In fact, Yantai cherries are American cherries! It is a dozen cherry saplings planted by the American Nevis in the Fushan District of Yantai 150 years ago, and after more than 100 years of development, cultivation and introduction, this large cherry has finally spread throughout several provinces in northern China.

Cherry is a foreign cherry, selling so expensive, good value for money or admiring the outside?


Speaking of which, cherries are just a cherry! It is not an aristocratic fruit, the nutritional value is not so mysterious, except for the higher iron content, there is nothing special about the others. The reason why it is expensive to sell in China is because the road is long and the freight is not cheap; the second is that people's psychology is strange, thinking that foreign fruits are good and have the factor of hunting. For example, the Apple of the United States is called "Snake Fruit", the pineapple from Southeast Asia is called Pineapple, the Kiwi fruit is called Kiwi Fruit, the small tomato is called Cherry Tomato, and so on...

Cherry is a foreign cherry, selling so expensive, good value for money or admiring the outside?


In fact, not only fruits, but also many animals have two names, such as cuckoos are also called cuckoos and so on... Instead of spending a high price to eat cherries, it is better to eat cherries! Affordable. However, in recent years, the price of cherries has fallen into the ranks of ordinary fruits, no longer so mysterious and noble.

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