
"Desert Osmanthus Flower" - Sand Jujube Flower

author:Yi Wei Sen

Sand jujube is nicknamed fragrant willow, cinnamon willow, ten incense, silver willow, etc., and the people of Hexi call sand jujube "hundred treasure trees". Indeed, the jujube fruit is rich in nutrients and sweet taste, its flowers are excellent honey sources, is the green feed for poultry; its fruits, flowers, branches, leaves can be medicated, and its wood is a good material for making high-grade furniture and crafts.

"Desert Osmanthus Flower" - Sand Jujube Flower

Sand jujube is mainly distributed in northwest China and Inner Mongolia, and a small number is distributed in north and northeast China. Natural jujube forests are concentrated on the banks of the Tarim River and Manas River in Xinjiang, the Shule River in Gansu, and the Ejina River in Inner Mongolia. It is also found in some of the large deltas of the Yellow River in Inner Mongolia. Hexi sand jujube because the flowering fragrance is similar to the Jiangnan osmanthus flower, the vitality is very tenacious, so it has the reputation of "fragrant desert osmanthus flower".

"Desert Osmanthus Flower" - Sand Jujube Flower

Small and exquisite golden yellow flowers, a cluster, a vertical, squeezed shyly hidden among the dense silver-gray branches; bell-shaped or funnel-shaped flower quilts, the first 4 split symmetry, the outside is silvery-white, the inside is golden yellow, around it, the wind is fragrant, someone will fold one or two branches and put them in the home, and in a moment the house will be full of sand jujube flowers.

"Desert Osmanthus Flower" - Sand Jujube Flower

Jujube flowers are a good source of nectar plants. The floral fragrance is strong, the floral fragrance is comparable to the osmanthus flower, containing aromatic oil, can extract flavors, spices.

The honey is amber in color, the texture is thick, the taste is sweet at first, and the aftertaste has the smell of jujube. Consumption has the effect of tonifying the spleen and stomach, replenishing the qi, replenishing the blood and calming the spirit; long-term consumption can supplement the kidneys, spleen, and can also promote physical health, which is very suitable for people with qi deficiency and cold fear, cold deficiency stomach pain, spleen and stomach deficiency, bloating and constipation.

"Desert Osmanthus Flower" - Sand Jujube Flower

In fact, the jujube flower can not only be used to incense, it is also a medicinal herb, with magical effects. According to the "Medicinal Plants in The Desert Regions of China", the jujube flowers are sweet and astringent and warm. It can be picked in May-June of the Gregorian calendar. Contains kaempferol, albumin, fatty oil 0.3%, contains a small amount of volatile oil. It has the effect of suppressing cough and relieving asthma, and is often used to treat long-term cough, asthma and other diseases. For chest tightness and shortness of breath, stomach bloating and pain, cough, poor appetite, etc. have a certain effect.

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