
One of the 18 attributes of the Pokémon series is introduced: worm attributes

Worm attribute is one of the 18 attributes in the Pokémon series of games, but also a weaker attribute in the full attribute, debuted in the first generation, because the insect attribute is more unpopular in the game, but also more difficult to use, so people who like insect attributes, often have the courage to face their own shortcomings, and strive to forge ahead to stimulate their own ultimate potential spirit. Let me give you a brief introduction to the insect properties.

One of the 18 attributes of the Pokémon series is introduced: worm attributes

(Handsome Vulcan Moth)

Characteristics of The Worm Attribute Pokémon

Pokémon with insect attributes, because the prototypes are almost all from real insects, so the appearance is almost the same as reality, with a cool shape, or a cute and charming appearance, of course, there is no lack of more scary appearance.

For example, the classic insect attribute Pokémon Ba Big Butterfly, it is based on the real butterfly as the prototype, cute appearance plus a pair of gorgeous wings, known as the value of the cute faction in the insect attribute is not exaggerated. What impressed me was the episode where Silly Thing and Bada Butterfly were separated, and it was really a little touching in retrospect.

One of the 18 attributes of the Pokémon series is introduced: worm attributes

(The parting of Bada Butterfly and Xiao Zhi, a very touching episode)

The overall race value of the Insect Attribute Pokémon is relatively low, and the overall ability is relatively average, only in the physical attack and defense.

Characteristics of the Worm Attribute skill moves

Most of the moves of the worm attribute are attack moves, and there are also variation moves, but there are fewer than attack moves.

In the insect attribute attack moves, the material attack moves account for the majority, the special attack moves only account for a small part, and most of the attack moves of the worm attribute have no additional effect, preferring a more direct output.

One of the 18 attributes of the Pokémon series is introduced: worm attributes

(Worm attribute classic move - spit silk)

Among the changes in the attributes of the insects, the most practical value is the sticky net, which can interfere with the opponent's field state, so that the pokémon that appears on the scene decreases in speed, and increases the speed advantage for itself.

Insect property expert

Experts in insect attributes include Abi in the Johto region, Alyu in the Shinno region, Ati in the United States, Violet in the Carlos region, and Guzma in the Arora region.

One of the 18 attributes of the Pokémon series is introduced: worm attributes

(Insect properties expert of the Carlos region - Violet)

Because the insect attribute belongs to the attribute of not being popular, the race value is low, the strike surface is limited, and the overall ability is low, so it takes more time and energy to specialize in this attribute, there are not many experts in the insect attribute, and it is necessary to become the most unpopular attribute expert, I believe it also takes great determination and courage.

The Worm attribute represents Pokémon

Large needle bee

The 10,000-year-old villain Needle Bee is a very classic Pokémon with the insect attribute, as they are often seen in anime. The Great Needle Bee had a terrifying appearance and looked rather aggressive, and those two sharp spears seemed to pierce everything. Especially after the super evolution, the appearance becomes more fierce, and the race value is extremely distributed, becoming an invincible speed attacker.

One of the 18 attributes of the Pokémon series is introduced: worm attributes

(Super Needle Bee)


Kairos is a very classic Pokémon with a very classic insect attribute, it is based on the handsome spade bug, and I prefer the former Dajia translation to the new official name (how simple and direct and handsome!). )。 Kairos belongs to the high-race nobles in the Worm Attribute Pokémon, so he is full of combat ability, especially after super-evolution, and has become more handsome.

One of the 18 attributes of the Pokémon series is introduced: worm attributes

(Super Kairos)

Giant pincer mantis

A bright red armor, coupled with two mighty pincers on the arm that resemble the head, gives people a cool appearance and is destined to gain a lot of popularity. Although the giant pincer mantis and the pre-evolutionary flying mantis race value have not changed at all, the combination of insect attributes and steel attributes gives it a great advantage in resistance, and the giant pincer mantis also has a super-evolved form, which makes the already handsome mantis more popular.

One of the 18 attributes of the Pokémon series is introduced: worm attributes

(Super Giant Pincer Mantis)


Heracross is a well-deserved overlord of the popularity of the insect attribute, the mighty appearance, coupled with excellent performance, makes it loved and sought after by many fans who like the insect attribute, especially after the super evolution, it becomes heavier and stronger, making people feel that the power has nowhere to hide, leaving only the word "strong".

One of the 18 attributes of the Pokémon series is introduced: worm attributes

(Super Hercules)

Shelled ninja

The Shelled Ninja is a very special one in Pokémon, first of all, its HP is always only 1, secondly it evolved through the "split" of the Doi ninja, and finally, its evolved race value is lower than before evolution. I remember playing the gem version before, I was amazed by this extra Pokémon, remembered the cicadas I saw in the trees when I was a child, and had to say that art comes from life!

One of the 18 attributes of the Pokémon series is introduced: worm attributes

(Shelled Ninja)

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