
In the Pokémon series, the domineering appearance of the evil legend Pokémon, which is the most imposing?

In the Pokémon world, there is a distinction between good and evil, and in addition to some organizations, there are pokémon. Evil as one of the many attributes of Pokémon, appeared in the second generation, and then this attribute has always been a relatively evil attribute, many villains use Pokémon is evil or poisonous, which can also be a good illustration of this. In particular, the legendary Pokémon of the evil line are usually more imposing because the setting is often biased towards the villain.

In the Pokémon series, the domineering appearance of the evil legend Pokémon, which is the most imposing?


This Pokémon can be said to be quite rare for players, because Sasuke can only be obtained through activities in the game, but there is a theatrical version, but the strength can be said to be quite poor. Sasuke is a dual attribute Pokémon of the Evil and Grass lineages, especially the abilities of the Grass System are more obvious. In the theater, the First Is that there are more ethnic groups, and the second is that the combat ability does not seem to be very high, and the Sasuke ethnic group plus the Pokémon in the forest plus Xiao Zhi and his party defeated the opponent's driving machine, which is slightly lower than other legendary Pokémon.

In the Pokémon series, the domineering appearance of the evil legend Pokémon, which is the most imposing?

Martial Arts Bear Division

The Budo Bear Master is a fairly powerful legendary Pokémon of the eighth generation, and it is also a rare evolved form of legendary Pokémon. The Budo Bear Master evolved from the Bear Apprentice, and is evolved in two directions, namely the One Strike Stream and the Combo Stream, of which the One Strike Stream's Martial Bear Master is the dual attribute of fighting and evil. From the perspective of the way of fighting, compared to the combo stream's Dark Nether Strike, it is an evil attribute, with a power of 80 and must cause the effect of hitting the key point. At the same time, with a physical attack of 130 and a speed of 97, the strength in the battle is also quite strong.

In the Pokémon series, the domineering appearance of the evil legend Pokémon, which is the most imposing?


Ipeltal is the cover of the sixth generation of legendary Pokémon, which is the dual attribute of evil and flight, and Gernias and Kigerde are called legendary aura Pokémon. Ipeltal looks like a large bird, and it is amazing that there are 5 large claws on both the wings and the tail. Ipeltal's abilities are also very powerful, and the special ability is to absorb life and then re-transform into a cocoon. Ipeltal's race value is good, not only has a double attack of 131 points, but the durability three-dimensional of 126-95-98 is also a bit slower than 99 points. However, Ipeltal's moves are quite rich, and Deathwing is a pretty good move.

In the Pokémon series, the domineering appearance of the evil legend Pokémon, which is the most imposing?


Hupa can be said to be the strongest evil legendary Pokémon in the animation, Hupa's strength is not only its own combat strength will be very strong, but also has the ability to summon, and the target of summoning even includes legendary Pokémon. Hupa is a pokémon with the dual attributes of evil and superpower, and it also has two forms, namely to punish Hupa and liberate Hupa, the ability to punish Hupa is sealed, the ability to liberate Hupa has a complete ability, and the ring of Hupa can obtain a lot of things. In the theatrical version, The strength of Hupa can be said to be only below the Pokémon battle power ceiling Of Arzeus, and the physical attack of 160 and the special attack of 170 points are quite powerful.

In the Pokémon series, the domineering appearance of the evil legend Pokémon, which is the most imposing?

In the Pokémon world, because the audience is often not very large, it is more positive and less pure evil. Some of the characters and Pokémon characters of the Pokémon series often have their own minds. However, most of the evil system, aura and combat ability are still good. What other powerful evil Pokémon do you think there are? Welcome to leave a message to share.

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