
What are the manifestations of the zodiac signs that want to eat the grass? Taurus and Capricorn are real people

Lead Writer: Miya

In the relationship, some people break up is a trick, there will be no more contact, but some people may be another attitude, and then after losing to know each other's good, that the zodiac wants to eat back grass, what will be the actions and hints?

What are the manifestations of the zodiac signs that want to eat the grass? Taurus and Capricorn are real people

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Proactive contact type

Be aware


Is a tougher person, if they really don't care about you, want to contact them after the breakup, it is estimated that there is no chance. But if they reach out after the breakup, then you should understand their implications.



For example, taking the initiative to contact after a breakup should be a big concession. This is not something that their arrogant personality can easily do. Therefore, at this time, it can be said that they have made a lot of determination, and they can also express their sincerity.

What are the manifestations of the zodiac signs that want to eat the grass? Taurus and Capricorn are real people

Find a friend to help

If you are in love at the beginning,


People with so many tricks naturally don't need anyone's assistance, but if there is a gap between two people, the situation is not so easy to handle. Gemini at this time may choose the way to save the country by curve, find friends to help them loosen the defense line in your heart, and then take the initiative to attack, the effect will be better.



Always a look of self-confidence, everything is under control, but when it comes to saving feelings, they seem to be a little helpless, afraid of which step is wrong, and push each other farther and farther, at this time they will choose to find friends to help, more people have more ideas, and the probability of success is a little higher.

What are the manifestations of the zodiac signs that want to eat the grass? Taurus and Capricorn are real people

Gifts are issued in red envelope type


But it is not a person who will spend a lot of money, every cent of the day has to be counted, and for you, who has nothing to do with them in fact, sending gifts and red envelopes is beyond the scope of the ex, so if your brain turns faster, you should be able to understand their hints.


It is a bit of a wooden sign, even after the breakup, there are still you in your heart, want to eat back grass, they do not know what romantic and euphemistic way to express. So giving gifts and giving out red envelopes should be the best way for them to get, and it is really direct enough.

What are the manifestations of the zodiac signs that want to eat the grass? Taurus and Capricorn are real people

There is a straight talk type


I always like to use a simple and direct way to solve problems, I love to say it directly, and I have to let people guess what it implies, which is also too tired, so when I want to eat back grass, they will say it directly, so as not to knock on the side of the side to misunderstand their own meaning, so that the trouble will not be greater.


If you want to compound, you may conceive a variety of situations in your mind, to know that they play romance, coax people, tricks are still quite a lot, but in the end will still choose the most direct way, there are words to say directly, do not engage in some of the no, the most sincere expression of their sincerity, is the best way to compound.

What are the manifestations of the zodiac signs that want to eat the grass? Taurus and Capricorn are real people

Breakups can also be friends



If you play straight ball clearly, it is still too difficult for them, so Libra will also choose a roundabout route, saying that you can still be friends after breaking up, but in fact, you are just finding a loophole for yourself, first loosen your inner defense line.



In their hearts, a friend who makes friends is a very important existence, so when they want to get back together, they will come up with this high-sounding reason, saying that they want to continue to be friends, but in fact, they have already embraced other thoughts.

What are the manifestations of the zodiac signs that want to eat the grass? Taurus and Capricorn are real people

Almost every day "chance encounter" type


Although they will not say anything too blunt and nice, they are still very smart in action, such as finding ways to "meet" you every day, appearing in your life all the time, making you too late to hide, and fundamentally crushing your defenses.


It's a sign that knows how to coax people, if they want to reconcile with you. It must be very obvious, almost every day will deliberately brush the sense of existence, and the mouth will say that it is just a chance encounter. The purpose is to make you unable to ignore your own existence, and reconciliation seems to have become a natural thing.

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