
Be a happy cop

Be a happy cop

Be a happy cop

In the busy streets, in the smoke-filled fire, in the moments of fighting evil, on the road of the police on duty... The figure of the police is always present where the masses need it most, but what is left for the family is always a short reunion and a long worry.

Many times, we will say to our families: Wait until I am busy for a while, wait until I am not on duty, wait until I am ready... And for the work, every policeman is always going all out, unequivocally, but for the family, there is always too much unspoken love, no promise to keep... Day after day, year after year, I can't remember, I can't count how many days it was, and when we were supposed to be reunited with our families, we became the most familiar figure in the streets and alleys and in the hearts of the people. Choosing the faith of the police, I also chose to go all the way without hindrance and without complaint or regret.

Sometimes I can't help but ask myself: What is the greatest joy of a person's life. Some people say that happiness is happiness, some people say that happiness is happiness to achieve various satisfactions, and others say that happiness and happiness are the same, and it is a yearning for future life. As a people's policeman, what is our happiness?

The happiness of the police is the sublime of "worrying about the world before the world, and enjoying the happiness of the world after the world". As a policeman, day after day, he shuttled between the eyes of expectation, facing the trust of the people, and something called pride sprang up in his heart.

The pleasure of the police is simple, as simple as a glass of water. The joy of hard work, a kind of relaxation after the resolution of contradictions, a day of rest after continuous combat, a kind of quiet that can accompany your family when there is no task. Perhaps the happiness of the police is so far away, even if it is a normal rest day in the eyes of others; the happiness of the police is essentially a spiritual thing. The more you love it, the more you can experience the taste of happiness, although bitter and sweet. It is a river, flowing with processes and results, with a long history. That feeling is known only to the police themselves.

As a policeman, you can use the way of civil and martial arts, and there are tensions and relaxations. When some trivial matters are resolved one by one, it is the deepest satisfaction of the grassroots police, when the people give you great honor for their trust, they shed tears, and they feel that the hard work attitude and tenacious fighting spirit bring happiness to the police. "Tranquility and far-reaching, indifferent to Mingzhi", understand this, the heart will be much calmer. In the long run, will happiness be far away from us?

Gathering less with family members, disappointing who is who, less companionship of relatives, and sentimental to whom. The phrase "where the duty lies," but the four words are heavy, and the words reveal the people's police's mind and responsibility. "Who made us policemen", a wave of arrogance rushed into the heart, and the words expressed the heroism and heroism of the people's police!

If you are happy, then you are happy, be a happy and happy cop!

Text/ Author

Be a happy cop

Lv Xiaohong

Instructor of jingchuan county public security bureau scenic spot police station, second-level police chief. Since childhood, he loves to write, is good at prose and poetry creation, often uses words to record life moments in his spare time, and has published more than 50 articles in the clients of "China Net", "Xinhua News Agency" and "Gansu Daily", "China Gansu Net", "Pingliang Daily" and other media. He is now a member of the Jingchuan County Public Security Literary Association.

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