
The more obedient a woman is at these three times, the more "addictive" a man is.

"Love makes obedience easy", this is a famous saying of foreign writers, and it is true in real life, real love can make two people change, this is the power of love.

Perhaps the first two people are very different, but over time, because of love, two people are willing to pay for each other, then naturally become obedient, and this obedience will in turn promote the feelings between the two people.

Especially as a man, they are full of "smooth donkeys" a lot of times, and sometimes, as long as you follow them, then you can smoothly "pinch" him.

Even in some cases, the more obedient a woman is to a man, the more addictive the men become, and they will "love you" and you have a fatal attraction to them.

The more obedient a woman is at these three times, the more "addictive" a man is.

When you lose your temper

Everyone is a flesh-and-blood person, so of course they also lose their temper and get angry, which is a very normal thing. The same is true in love, maybe every couple will quarrel, everyone has a time to get angry and lose their temper.

But in such moments, what a smart woman should do is not deliberately provoke the man, but make him more angry, or even make some extreme moves.

Wise women will obey men at such times and will accommodate them, and only in this way can they calm down the provoked.

And at this time, your gentleness will also become the biggest weapon and poison, so that they are slowly "poisoned", after all, the lethality of the "gentle knife" is more deadly.

When he loses his temper, your obedience will not only calm him down, but also make him follow your train of thought and finally fall into your arms.

The more obedient a woman is at these three times, the more "addictive" a man is.

Very proactive time

In love, it is actually obvious to love someone or not to love someone. Because if you love each other very much, you will act very active and show that you care.

Therefore, taking the initiative in love should actually be cherished. For men who show initiative, what they want is also a positive response from women, after all, the feelings that run in both directions are the most meaningful.

In their hearts, when they show active care, active miss, take the initiative to care, and even show desire, emotional and physical needs, their interest is very high, and they also have good imaginations and expectations for you.

The more obedient a woman is at these three times, the more "addictive" a man is.

At such moments, he doesn't want you to refuse, nor does he want you to treat you coldly.

Therefore, the most important thing for a woman to do in this kind of moment is to follow him, to follow his heart, and even to satisfy his desires at the right time.

Only in this way can we meet each other and go in both directions, can this love be more meaningful and can make his initiative respond.

And this response will also give men a feeling of being loved and cared for.

Getting this feeling in love is actually very addictive, so if you often show obedience at these times, then he will naturally have an addictive feeling to you.

The more obedient a woman is at these three times, the more "addictive" a man is.

When we haven't seen each other for a long time

In addition to the above two kinds of moments, there is also a time, that is, when they have not seen each other for a long time, he may act very active, miss you, care about you, and of course will be very good to you.

At this moment, of course, the couple is a small victory over the new marriage, which will make the feelings of the two people more intense, and at this time, he may also have a stronger desire and want to kiss and hug you.

And at this time when his feelings and desires are strong, as a woman, if you choose to obey rather than reject, of course, it is the best choice.

The more obedient a woman is at these three times, the more "addictive" a man is.

Because of your obedience, his desires will be satisfied, and this feeling of being satisfied immediately will make him reminisce endlessly, even addicted, and like this feeling.

After all, it's a pleasure that hasn't been swept away, that is instantly satisfied, and it's a thrill that many other things can't compare.

As a man, of course, they are very strong in people's hearts, but in fact they also have the softest parts of their hearts that also need to be satisfied.

And when they need to be met, if women can obey them, they will reap unexpected results and make them addicted.

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