
Glory of Kings: Three heroes worth practicing, who can adapt to any lineup of complements

Hello, I'm a little wine. Do you know how many heroes Honor of Kings has launched so far? The answer is 109, which is the data that the new hero Sang Qi has obtained as of the S27 season. Among these 109 heroes, the number of heroes with archer positioning and auxiliary positioning is the smallest. In a lineup, the shooter position is irreplaceable. Even if the KPL has played a double-side lineup before, it is also the result of the shooter's wild. However, the auxiliary is a situation where everything can be assisted, such as the hundred mile covenant keeping assistance, the Lanling King auxiliary and so on. Therefore, the hero positioning is not static, there are variables.

But many times, there are often many seconds to choose shooters, seconds to choose the mage. At this time, instead of risking a hero you are not familiar with, it is better to choose a stable hero to act as the backing of this lineup and let yourself walk in the swing position. Because often a lot of seconds to choose the hero, are very bad.

Xiaojiu himself has always had three ten thousand essential oil heroes playing, and these three heroes are basically adapted to the complement of any lineup.

The first is Zhuang Zhou. Perhaps many people's first reaction when they see Zhuang Zhou is that Zhuang Zhou is a bastard. Yes, Zhuang Zhou is indeed a bastard hero. However, the bastard has a mixed game, but what if you can play the bastard differently? Zhuang Zhou comes with its own passive release control, once every 6 seconds. If you can read seconds and use passive unlocking to block the control skill, the opposite control hero is very uncomfortable. The big move is to take the initiative to uncontroll, which can be reserved for use in the team battle, which can effectively break the control of the other side and carry out an effective offensive.

Glory of Kings: Three heroes worth practicing, who can adapt to any lineup of complements

Zhuang Zhou's outfit has nothing to say, basically recommended to choose inside. Mainly in the choice of summoner skills. If it is a punishment, then go to the wandering position and harass the rhythm of the opposite field. Of course, the premise is that the shooter of his own side should use a certain self-protection ability, rather than brainless to interfere with the opposite field, and the shooter of his own side is caught and exploded, so it is easy to be reported. Another of the more common ones is a recovery skill, which is used to protect the shooter. The other is weak, used to resist injuries, and needs to grasp the lineup to choose. This year, I basically walked the punishment flow, and forced the auxiliary position to be returned to the wild position by the system.

Glory of Kings: Three heroes worth practicing, who can adapt to any lineup of complements

The second is Xiahou Huan. The balance of xiahou huan as a hero is well known, but some people say that this is a manifestation of his moderation. But in fact, it is not, the perfect skill combination is the place where Xiahou Huan shines. He has control, shield, real injury, displacement, hegemony, and can resist and fight. It is not impossible to walk on the side, but also to walk auxiliary, and occasionally act as a wild fighter. Xiahou Huan is a very worthy hero to contact, I once met a opposite Xiahou Huan, out of the yellow knife, directly through our way. One dozen three, one dozen four is a very common thing. Basically, you can also replace 2-3 people. It's scary. Of course, if it was targeted when Xiahou Huan was not yet formed, it was basically similar to the crispy skin.

Glory of Kings: Three heroes worth practicing, who can adapt to any lineup of complements

The outfit depends on the positioning, if it is a side road, it can be punished or killed. The punishment stream needs to come out of the half-flesh package. The chopping flow can be considered directly pure meat, and the output will not be low. The auxiliary bits try to pile up meat as much as possible to make themselves resistant to injuries in the front row, providing a comfortable output environment for teammates.

Glory of Kings: Three heroes worth practicing, who can adapt to any lineup of complements

The third is Cheng Biting Jin. Cheng Bite Jin is a very disgusting hero, but the gameplay is actually a combination of Xiahou Huan and Zhuang Zhou. Enough meat, not easy to catch, interfere with the wild disgusting people. The outfit is still considering positioning, and the side road can consider punishing, weakening, restoring, and killing. It depends on how you like to play, anyway, each summoner skill can play a different feeling. However, now Cheng Bite Jin has played less, mainly because this hero is easily targeted by sanctions and nightmares. Once targeted, it can't get up, it's quite suffocating.

Glory of Kings: Three heroes worth practicing, who can adapt to any lineup of complements

Wen - a cup of wine to explain the king

If you don't know how to play the field with assassins or warriors, or don't know how to grasp the rhythm, and often encounter teammates who choose the C position in seconds, you can only make up the position. Then these three ten thousand essential oil heroes can really give it a try. Abandoning their traditional gameplay and choosing the summoner's skills according to the opposite lineup, it is also interesting to disgust the opposite side. When a fish or a small gold has been swimming around the red and blue BUFF, will you be comfortable as a wilder? As a support, do you need to go to support? Perhaps because of this wave of support, the rhythm was all disrupted. And if your teammates are well aware and can grasp your interference plan, basically this game is a sure winner. The Hero of Essential Oil is actually quite fun, although it may not be able to carry the whole scene, but it has its own fun. And it won't become obsolete because of version changes. If it is not a big change, basically you can still surf on the field. Of course, after Nezha strengthens, Cheng bites the gold on the line Nezha may be more uncomfortable.

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