
Is the original god Ganyu the first bow?

There are many original god bow characters, but there are only a few that can be used as the main C, such as Gongzi, Xiaogong, and Ganyu. But in the current version I'm going to say she's the first bow C for what? Does she deserve it?

Is the original god Ganyu the first bow?

First of all, let me talk about the gongzi, he is a double-series character, the main weapon is a bow and arrow, but after opening E he is a melee, the main interruption effect is also triggered by close combat, to say that he is a bow C is actually very general, at least the main output means of other bows and arrows are ranged, and he is indeed different. Strong is also really strong, the mechanism is over there, but the mechanism is strong in the flow, in terms of fighting monsters he can be invincible, but according to the bow and arrow long-range attack, he can not have much output.

Is the original god Ganyu the first bow?

Then there is the Night Palace, the Night Palace has always been criticized, to that side of a stop, mainly rely on the fifth damage of the combo attack, the damage is evaporated to have damage, it can not be group attacked, the group is even more short-board, the single damage is not enough, it is really too difficult.

Is the original god Ganyu the first bow?

As for Gan Yu, his main output means is the general attack heavy hit, which can perfectly match the term of the general attack and the power of the general attack with Amos, and the two skill damage that comes off the ice is also good, and the band set can maximize the damage, it can be said that 0 lives can hit a lot of damage, and it is really not too much to call it the first bow.

If you have any ideas, you can communicate in the comment area, if there is anything wrong, please point it out, thank you.

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