
Hara: How high are the expectations for manyo replicas? More than half of the players are waiting for Manyo, and the 2.7 compensation rewards are flying all over the sky

The postponement of version 2.7 disrupted the original plan, and the information of the card pool began to become confusing, but this did not prevent players from being enthusiastic about Manyo, and the delay compensation of version 2.7 also became a point of special concern for players.

Hara: How high are the expectations for manyo replicas? More than half of the players are waiting for Manyo, and the 2.7 compensation rewards are flying all over the sky

2.7 Postponement of rescue role UP voting. This is a poll result data from players, assuming that version 2.7 extends the gap period UP who can make the player most satisfied? More than 38,000 people chose Manyo, accounting for 48% of the total votes, and almost half of the players chose Manyo, which shows how high Manyo's voice is this time. Only a replica of an old character like Manyo, which was missed by a large number of players at the beginning, could save this gap time of the 2.7 delay. As for other characters, they can also be put in, but the flowing water should not be as high as Manyo.

Hara: How high are the expectations for manyo replicas? More than half of the players are waiting for Manyo, and the 2.7 compensation rewards are flying all over the sky

As for whether a special UP pool will be put during this period of 2.7 delay, it can only be said that it is possible but the possibility of Manba is very small. According to the current card pool cooldown time, the longest is 15 card pools of Kerry, then the 14 card pools of Manyo, followed by the 12 card pools of the Supper Palace, followed by the 9 card pools of the gongzi.

Hara: How high are the expectations for manyo replicas? More than half of the players are waiting for Manyo, and the 2.7 compensation rewards are flying all over the sky

Before the 3.0 version, the Kari Wanye Palace was a role to be put on the agenda, and it was difficult to say as for the gongzi. The flow of version 2.8 after manoe is up in advance is a bit difficult to guarantee, unless a five-star character is parachuted in. But the reason for the current postponement is that there is not enough time, airborne can basically be ruled out, and Manba is not unexpected or will be in the 2.8 version UP as before.

Hara: How high are the expectations for manyo replicas? More than half of the players are waiting for Manyo, and the 2.7 compensation rewards are flying all over the sky

The previous card pool plan was version 2.7 Night Lan + Fish and One Bucket, version 2.8 was Manyo Keli and Sumiya, and several situations that may occur after the delay of version 2.7 are that the time has been delayed, and the arrival time of version 3.0 has been delayed. There is also the compression of the time of the 2.7 and 2.8 versions, and the 3.0 launch time remains unchanged, which is in line with the plan of the anniversary of the launch of the grass god. The last case is to directly cut a 2.8 version, and the 2.7 version continues to extend by 21 days, so that the 21 days delay of the 2.6 version adds up to just one version.

Hara: How high are the expectations for manyo replicas? More than half of the players are waiting for Manyo, and the 2.7 compensation rewards are flying all over the sky

Version 2.7 Delay Compensation Rewards are flying all over the place. Since the official announcement of the 2.7 version delay, players have begun to guess the various version delay compensation rewards. I believe that many players have also seen some bold guesses of 5000 rough and 5 pink balls and 5 basketballs, which are directly equivalent to more than 40 draws, and can only be said to think about it, for now, such compensation rewards are almost impossible. The most suitable is the daily check-in reward, the probability of a one-time payment is very small.

Hara: How high are the expectations for manyo replicas? More than half of the players are waiting for Manyo, and the 2.7 compensation rewards are flying all over the sky

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