
Original God: Walnut and Sumiya are both hot fireS, what are the advantages and disadvantages of both?

Hello everyone, I'm Pickers.


To talk about the rhythm after the Harajin 2.0 version, we have to mention the two characters of Sumiya and Walnut. From the moment the Sumiya was launched, rhythm players engaged in a fierce debate about the strength of these two characters. After all, both are hot fire C, and both are "human beings" in the original gods.

Original God: Walnut and Sumiya are both hot fireS, what are the advantages and disadvantages of both?

Of course, even after 6 versions, there will still be small partners to consult the pick-up, which one is stronger, the night palace and the walnut? When I see this problem, I can only say that they have their own advantages, but this is also the case! Whether it is from the perspective of skill mechanism or from the applicable environment, the two are fundamentally different. That is to say, the small partners with more rough stones, the two characters draw hands, there is no problem.

Original God: Walnut and Sumiya are both hot fireS, what are the advantages and disadvantages of both?

Characteristics and mechanism of walnut

From a hurt point of view, the walnut is indeed the bearer in the fire C. After all, she can rely on multiple bonuses to increase her damage, which is a role that many C bits are out of reach. However, this role is very much at the lineup configuration, and at the same time, the mainstream configuration is relatively single.

For now, only "Hu Zhongxing" is the most suitable, and the autumn line is just needed. Because only Xingqiu can cover the walnut's enchanted general attack! This means that many newcomers do not apply so much to them after they have drawn walnuts. First of all, the walnut release skill needs to drop blood, and if you want to hit high injuries, you have to suppress the amount of blood. If there is no bell departure, it is easy to be seconded. Therefore, the walnut must be based on the conditions of the lineup.

Original God: Walnut and Sumiya are both hot fireS, what are the advantages and disadvantages of both?

The mechanism and characteristics of the palace

As far as The Night Palace is concerned, she is positioned as a bow and arrow character who can stand and continuously output. In terms of advantages, this character can play a relatively stable enchanted general attack damage, as long as the critical hit is sufficient, with even if the bow and arrow damage rate is not high, it can also rely on the high attack speed of the bow and arrow to hit tons of damage in a short period of time. The effect is very nice when dealing with some floating monsters.

Of course, the Night Palace also has limitations in actual combat. First of all, the Yakumiya Pu attack is not charged, because the attack trajectory of the bow and arrow is parabolic. If, when encountering a bouncing slime, it is easy to empty arrows. Moreover, when the Night Palace deals with the group of monsters, it will be very uncomfortable. Therefore, the Night Palace is suitable for fighting floating, single-sized monsters, and the output efficiency will be higher.

Original God: Walnut and Sumiya are both hot fireS, what are the advantages and disadvantages of both?

Analysis of the common points between the two

To talk about the commonality between the two, in fact, I want to talk about the place where they can intersect in the applicable environment. First of all, Walnut and Xiagong's E skill (elemental combat skill) are both able to enchant the general attack, and can continue to be output. Facing large-sized monsters such as the Rock Helmet King and the Ice Helmet King, they all have a strong advantage.

At the same time, they can both match Xing Qiu and Zhong Li to form a lineup. Of course, there is one more mouth here, and the palace uses the bell to leave, which can prevent the monster from bursting in and interrupting the output. When encountering slime monsters, you can skillfully solve the problem of empty arrows. Therefore, the common point between the two is that the team is matched and part of the applicable environment.

Original God: Walnut and Sumiya are both hot fireS, what are the advantages and disadvantages of both?

Analysis of the differences between the two

From the perspective of the applicable environment, after the elemental combat technique of the Night Palace is enchanted, it is only suitable for dealing with single-sized monsters, while the walnut's enchanted general attack is range damage, so it is also relatively strong when dealing with the group monsters. Secondly, the big move of the night palace is basically an auxiliary role, and for the night palace itself, the role is not very large. And Walnut's big move, after the equipment is formed, can hit tons of fire element range damage.

In terms of matching teams, The Night Palace may be more suitable for players with few characters than Walnut. Supper Palace, do not pick an assistant, as long as you can accompany her to play a reaction. Reaction assistance, can use the heart sea, line autumn, etc., increase injury assistance, can use granulated sugar, manba and so on... And walnut, really is relatively fixed. The most important thing is that the walnut is always planned to be targeted, and the night palace has little impact on the current version.

Original God: Walnut and Sumiya are both hot fireS, what are the advantages and disadvantages of both?

Final conclusion

From the above analysis, although the two roles do have a lot in common, in terms of actual combat, in fact, the positioning difference between the two is still relatively large. Whether it is the applicable environment, or the output method, as well as the lineup matching team, it can be said that the gap is very large. Of course, it is recommended that the new player take the Supper Palace, and the old player can take both, after all, both are very strong!

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