
The 57-year-old mother carried two boxes of supplies alone and went to Shanghai to take care of her daughter in labor: her mother was not afraid of knives and fires

Recently, the mother in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, because the daughter who is far away in Shanghai is approaching the due date, the sister-in-law who wants to be invited cannot come out at all because of the epidemic, so the mother resolutely decided to leave from Nanjing alone to Shanghai, and the express delivery could not go in because of the epidemic, the mother had to carry two large suitcases, and these suitcases were filled with food and maternity supplies prepared for the daughter.

The 57-year-old mother carried two boxes of supplies alone and went to Shanghai to take care of her daughter in labor: her mother was not afraid of knives and fires

This is the greatness of maternal love, when you are in prison, your mother will give everything to go to the soup and fire, pounce on you, even if you are full of pain, you have to open your wings and protect you completely!

The 57-year-old mother carried two boxes of supplies alone and went to Shanghai to take care of her daughter in labor: her mother was not afraid of knives and fires

This scene caused a lot of netizens to discuss, some netizens said that I was pregnant for nearly 8 months, the placenta was low, to protect the fetus, my mother-in-law came to make two meals on various excuses not to come, my mother twisted her feet, the feet were swollen like buns, and I had to climb the sixth floor to my house every day and then climb the fourth floor to take care of me, all kinds of money contributed, sometimes I really felt that I was a burden to them.

There are also netizens who said that I gave birth to a child because it was in advance, my mother did not accompany me, my mother planned to come on the 6.9th, the result was that I was 5.27 in advance, my mother rushed over the next day, and the first sentence I saw was that the baby was sorry that my mother was not by your side, and in an instant I broke the defense, only my mother was good in the world!

The 57-year-old mother carried two boxes of supplies alone and went to Shanghai to take care of her daughter in labor: her mother was not afraid of knives and fires

In fact, only if you are a mother, you know that you are willing to pay your child without complaint or regret. When the child needs it, even if she wants the mother's life, she will go forward bravely, and the father is not good, which is why only the mother is good in the world. What do you think about this?

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