
Protos: The most successful and failed character in the mechanics design, Di Luke is a pity, and Wendy Bell is far away

On the continent of Tivat, the popularity of each character depends heavily on her "employment rate." For example, although Xinhai is controversial, because she has the strongest group of hanging water in the game + enough milk + frankness, the abyss usage rate still occupies the top of the white list. It can be said that as long as a role mechanism is designed reasonably and can find the right positioning in the team, it is basically not too bad.

Protos: The most successful and failed character in the mechanics design, Di Luke is a pity, and Wendy Bell is far away

However, the planning is not a magic pen, and it is impossible for each character to be perfectly designed, so the intensity and positioning of each character are different. For example, the most successful characters in the mechanism design are Diluk, Xinhai, Xingqiu, General Raiden, etc., Xinhai is not much to say, Xingqiu's strongest single hanging water + a lot of background damage + toughness reduction + milk + water system charging treasure, each of which can bring huge increases to the team, the six-star god of war is not covered.

Protos: The most successful and failed character in the mechanics design, Di Luke is a pity, and Wendy Bell is far away

As for General Raiden, he can be both an auxiliary, auxiliary C and main C, such a comprehensive role is really rare, and according to the fate seat, 0 lives are T1 auxiliary or sub-C, 2 lives are T1 main C, 6 lives are T0 auxiliary + T0 main C, plus the status of the three gods and milk incense a knife buff, it is difficult to think of fire.

Protos: The most successful and failed character in the mechanics design, Di Luke is a pity, and Wendy Bell is far away

Secondly, the most regrettable thing should be Di Luke, in fact, Di Luke design is perfect, the mechanism is perfect without vacuum period, the big move is charged without pressure, the sense of fighting monsters is also very good, and it can also be developed to climb the dragon chop, in situ fire phoenix and other "stunts", but unfortunately the strength of the role is almost meaningful, the first and middle periods are acceptable, the later period is still slightly weak can only walk the ice flow, if Di Luke strengthens again, it can still regain the recognition of the player.

Protos: The most successful and failed character in the mechanics design, Di Luke is a pity, and Wendy Bell is far away

After talking about successful design, Harashin also has some relatively failed characters. For example, the recharge is seriously poisoned, the big move has side effects but does not match the strength of the fish, EQ lacks novelty and strength, low life charge, attack range, damage triple poisoning of the god son, and modeling, plot, and human settings are very pleasing, but there is not much employment environment Wendy.

Protos: The most successful and failed character in the mechanics design, Di Luke is a pity, and Wendy Bell is far away

The most controversial is still Zhong Li, the infinite shield is a bit to liberate the player's hands, but the disadvantage is to destroy the balance of the game, so that the shield of the maid cat cat is useless, and also leads to the late planning of the continuous weakening of The presence of Zhong Li through bleeding dogs, empty shells and other monsters. It can only be said that it is fortunate that the original god is a single-player game, if everyone in the online game battle holds an infinite shield, then the game collapse is much more serious than the original god.

Protos: The most successful and failed character in the mechanics design, Di Luke is a pity, and Wendy Bell is far away

Finally, although the above design is good and bad, but in general, the quality of the role is still very high, I don't know how to balance and innovate in the future, how to balance and innovate in planning, which will be an important indicator of whether the player supports kryptonite. So what is your favorite character design?

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