
Original God: Shenli Linghua VS General Raiden, who is the destiny warrior in your mind!

There is a concept in the game called "Destiny Warrior", which is generally used to describe a character whose life seat has improved greatly, and after reaching a certain fate seat, it feels like two characters as before. Of course, if it is a character with 0 lives and a strong character, then it will generally be called "civilian god of war".

Original God: Shenli Linghua VS General Raiden, who is the destiny warrior in your mind!

Is God a Destiny Warrior?

This is an interesting question. The main reaction is the impact of her life seat on her injury, body sensation and other aspects. Let's take a look at her life effect.

Original God: Shenli Linghua VS General Raiden, who is the destiny warrior in your mind!

1 Hit is a 50% chance to reduce E Skill Cooldown by 0.3 seconds and trigger once every 0.1 seconds. How much this life seat is improved depends on how many general attacks and heavy blows are hit in an E skill cycle in the gods (the cooldown of the E skills in the gods was originally 10 seconds).

If it is a group monster situation, there is still a significant improvement (no mistakes). Approximately once in an E skill interval, Shinri can hit 5 sets of A+ hits, which is roughly shortened by 3 seconds (but it is difficult).

Original God: Shenli Linghua VS General Raiden, who is the destiny warrior in your mind!

It looks good, but it also has to be divided into enemies. For enemies such as "Phaseless Iron", the mechanisms such as monster dodge, lift-off, and card model will also have a corresponding impact, which may actually be shortened by 2 seconds, but the E skill can produce balls and help the big move back to energy. So it's a boost to fluency, but it's not a very big boost to the life seat. (If it is a more fleshy monster, the naked god has been hitting more than 30 seconds for about one more E skill, and the charge is still good)

Original God: Shenli Linghua VS General Raiden, who is the destiny warrior in your mind!

Comparatively speaking, the two lives in the gods are more obvious than the zero life. Of course, there are also scoring situations, and the two extra small frost circles next to it will also have a hit situation, but first of all, it is very cool for the "Three Apostles" to break the shield, and secondly, there are still many monsters with large range, large volume, and relatively meat.

Original God: Shenli Linghua VS General Raiden, who is the destiny warrior in your mind!

After that, that is, before the character of Shen He came out, players often said that the four-life effect of "four lives in the gods" was a simple and rough move of "reducing defense by 30%". Of course, the specific improvement is about 17-18%. If you have to say it, in fact, the improvement of the Heavenly Eye Shadow Strike Knife for Fog Cutting exceeds the amplitude of this single life seat.

On the other hand, the multiplier area of reduced defense is still quite scarce, plus if it has reached three lives, it is a bit of a no-no-no. The five lives in the god enhance the E skill level three, the six-life diamond ring with the Shen He boost is very exaggerated, and a heavy hit 2-30W damage picture should also have been seen. However, the six-life god + the six-life Shenhe (in fact, it is not necessary, the 1-life promotion is also exaggerated), and this configuration is somewhat unreasonable to say that it is a "fate seat warrior".

True Destiny Warrior

Based only on a single five-star character, individuals are more inclined to general Raiden's second life is the real life-za warrior.

Original God: Shenli Linghua VS General Raiden, who is the destiny warrior in your mind!

Direct defense reduction of 60% translates into damage increase of more than 40%, plus the Lightning General's special martial arts distance is also a 30% increase in the fine five harpoons (or mint guns), which is in a sense. (In the words of the gods, the difference between the five-star special weapon and the Heavenly Eye Shadow Fighting Knife is indeed not small, but compared to other five-star weapons, it is not so big in expectations)

Original God: Shenli Linghua VS General Raiden, who is the destiny warrior in your mind!

Some people say that it is a full life (but also full of essence) of the deserted one bucket, after opening a large E200,000, heavy knife knife 100,000. However, in fact, it is still a "hero of the times", the original 2.3 abyss weak rock blessing is relatively large, coupled with the full life to enhance the feel, but the overall damage compared to other full life characters is not exaggerated, plus the rock system is easier to be restrained (and generally to the three rock team, even sitting), so it is more "feel texture change".

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