
The original god 2.6 to 3.0 draw card planning, to the god in the fog cut, but also to the night orchid, 3.0 can not give up

Original God 2.6 extension, everyone already knows. Seeing that after the extension time was at least 6.7, an extra month was added out of thin air, the original god did not open an additional card pool, but only postponed the card pool of Ayahua and Kirichi. Although no matter what mhy does, there will be a rhythm, But Gu Ying personally feels that the direct extension of the fog cutting pool in the god should be a relatively small rhythm.

The original god 2.6 to 3.0 draw card planning, to the god in the fog cut, but also to the night orchid, 3.0 can not give up

Of course, doing so will also offend many people, especially those who see that there is not enough time to fish out the god Ayahua; and those who reverse the orbit and fog cut, resulting in worklessness. However, relative to all players, there are only a few who will do this. Although the rhythm is not small, the current rhythm is not worth mentioning compared to letting the card pool cut in line out of thin air.

The original god 2.6 to 3.0 draw card planning, to the god in the fog cut, but also to the night orchid, 3.0 can not give up

However, the card pool is postponed, and the biggest problem is that it disrupts the player's card drawing plan, and the players who originally wanted to wait for Yelan were originally given up; the players who originally gave up the fog cutting god may have been messed up. So let's see how the card pool should be planned after the 2.6 extension and between the 3.0 version. Of course, the following are Gu Ying's personal views, for reference only.

First, god, fog cut, can be pumped out as soon as it can be drawn

The original god 2.6 to 3.0 draw card planning, to the god in the fog cut, but also to the night orchid, 3.0 can not give up

Shenli Ayahua is currently the most conscientious zero life master C, to erupt and explode, to have endurance, but also to take the initiative to enchant weapons, even a hand of ice shield, but also ice across the sea or something. As far as the zero-life character is concerned, there is really no disadvantage. Even Gan Yu, another conscience character of the Ice Department, does not conflict at all.

The original god 2.6 to 3.0 draw card planning, to the god in the fog cut, but also to the night orchid, 3.0 can not give up

As for the fog cut, it was the weapon that could rank in the top three in the original gods. Except for the difficult fishing, there is no disadvantage except that the big sword that accompanies the runner is the workless sword. Moreover, to be precise, these two shortcomings are artificially added by the planners, and have nothing to do with the fog cut itself. And compared to other characters and weapons, Kiritsugu's bonus to Ayahua Shinri is considerable.

The original god 2.6 to 3.0 draw card planning, to the god in the fog cut, but also to the night orchid, 3.0 can not give up

Taking Gu Ying myself as an example, I used the Wind Eagle Sword to hit the early 6,000s before, and after changing the fog cut, it was directly approaching 8,000. Before it was no way, but this is more than a month, let alone 30-40 draws. If the luck is not too bad, it is not impossible to draw a character around 60-70 to produce a weapon. So these two, if you can smoke, smoke it.

Second, do you want to smoke night orchids?

The original god 2.6 to 3.0 draw card planning, to the god in the fog cut, but also to the night orchid, 3.0 can not give up

As far as the known news is concerned, Ye Lan's positioning is similar to Xingqiu's, and it is all a big move to help the attack. Assists in hitting water elemental damage when the character uses normal attacks. The damage value that assists the attack is tied to the upper health limit of The Night Lan, the hanging water element is weak water, and the E skill is similar to "Sprint with Concealment".

Compared with Xingqiu, who is strong and who is weak does not know, but just by looking at this shape, many people can't help it. People who like it are really like it, don't like it, in fact, there are not many people who don't like it... Before, Ayahua's card pool was connected to Yelan's card pool, and only one had to be chosen; but with an extra month's time, it was not impossible to take both of them.

The original god 2.6 to 3.0 draw card planning, to the god in the fog cut, but also to the night orchid, 3.0 can not give up

3.0 Strengthen The Eightfold Divine Son

After 2.7, there may have been 2.8, but considering that 2.7 has been postponed for so long, it is difficult to say whether 2.8 is still there. 3.0 will line the grass element, as we all know, and the biggest role of the grass element is to react with the thunder element, thereby increasing the damage of the thunder attribute. This allows Ke Qing to eat meat with the Yae God Son, which is a real reinforcement, so the role of 3.0 cannot be given up.

The original god 2.6 to 3.0 draw card planning, to the god in the fog cut, but also to the night orchid, 3.0 can not give up

But it's safer to draw a new character and prepare for 150 draws. In other words, you have to save for three or four months. It is not impossible to cut both the fog in the gods and the night orchid and the grass gods. But other card pools can't be touched. Do you think about it?

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