
Blizzard confirmed that Warcraft Arc Wars didn't open the box and didn't have NFTs!

Yesterday Blizzard announced its first Warcraft IP mobile game title: Warcraft Arc Battle, a real-time strategy game that can play more than 70 levels by player, join guilds, challenge dungeons and team quests, and participate in PvP. Recently, Blizzard designers confirmed in an interview: "Warcraft Arc Light" does not contain Krypton gold unboxing or NFT!

Blizzard confirmed that Warcraft Arc Wars didn't open the box and didn't have NFTs!

It is reported that "Warcraft Arc Light Battle" focuses on PvE gameplay, the first more than 70 different levels, each level has a different boss, and each has a different mechanism, players need to use different methods to form their own armies to defeat them.

Blizzard confirmed that Warcraft Arc Wars didn't open the box and didn't have NFTs!

At first glance, "Warcraft Arc Light Battle" is a bit like another well-known mobile game "Clash royale: Clash Royale", Blizzard designers said: they have played "Clash Royale" in large quantities, it is very different from "Warcraft Arc Light Battle", "Warcraft" mobile game has the existence of "leaders", and there are five different forces to choose from; there are also high and low terrain concepts in the game, and the ranged, melee, and siege characters are also different.

Blizzard confirmed that Warcraft Arc Wars didn't open the box and didn't have NFTs!

In addition, the designer said that there are no loot chests, no draws/gachas, and no NFTs in the Warcraft mobile game. The character units in the game are clearly marked with prices, which can be purchased directly with in-game currency, without guessing their own "several draws".

The previous "Diablo" mobile game has been confirmed to have a PC version, but at present, the "Warcraft" mobile game cannot confirm whether it is logged on to the host and other platforms.

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