
The daily book list | a special edition of modern and contemporary writers - Mao Dun

The daily book list | a special edition of modern and contemporary writers - Mao Dun

Mao Dun's original name was Shen Dehong, pen name Mao Dun, the character Yan Bing, a native of Tongxiang City, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province.

Mao Dun is a famous writer, literary critic, cultural activist and social activist in modern China. His representative works include the novels "Midnight", "Spring Silkworm" and the literary review "Night Reading Doll". On March 14, 1981, Mao Dun knew that he would not be able to afford to be ill, and donated 250,000 yuan to set up the Mao Dun Literature Prize to encourage the creation of outstanding contemporary novels.


Lin Family Shop

Mao Dun | Beijing United Publishing Company | 2021

The daily book list | a special edition of modern and contemporary writers - Mao Dun

This book is a selection of Mao Dun's works, including novels such as "Lin Jia Puzi", "Spring Silkworm", "Autumn Harvest", "Residual Winter" and "Poplar Praise" and other articles in total.

The novel not only reflects the tragic stories of business and agricultural practitioners trying to find a way out under the turbulent situation inside and outside the 1820s and 1930s, but still cannot escape defeat, but also shows the peasants abandoning their illusions and the awakening moment of joint resistance to feudal and bureaucratic oppression, and other different periods and different types of articles, comprehensively reflecting Mao Dun's literary characteristics and creative style, and truly showing the evolution of modern Chinese society.



Mao Dun | People's Literature Publishing House | 2002

The daily book list | a special edition of modern and contemporary writers - Mao Dun

The entire bourgeoisie appears to be so inactive in the course of history that all the so-called strength and iron fists are only appearances of weakness, and neither Wu Sunfu nor Zhao Botao is able to influence the world. Mao Dun's object of writing made the book doomed from the beginning to be full of powerlessness and division, that is, the powerlessness and division of an entire class, and the answer to the world was revealed twenty years later, but we still have doubts today.



Mao Dun | People's Literature Publishing House | 2008

The daily book list | a special edition of modern and contemporary writers - Mao Dun

Eclipse consists of three novellas with slight continuity: Disillusionment, Vacillation, and Pursuit, based on the ideological dynamics and life experiences of certain petty-bourgeois intellectual youth before and after the Revolution. "Disillusionment" is written about Shanghai on the eve of the revolution and Wuhan in the climax of the revolution. "Shaken" is the story of a small county near Wuhan during the Great Revolution. The third part of the Eclipse, Pursuit, as Mao Dun put it in Reading Ni Huanzhi, was intended to "expose the pathologies and confusion of the intellectuals in the early spring of 1928."


Mao Dun novel

Mao Dun | Zhejiang Literature and Art Publishing House | 2009

The daily book list | a special edition of modern and contemporary writers - Mao Dun

Mao Dun is a master of the art of novel structure, and his novel presents a cobweb-like compound structure, which organically glues many characters, complex plots, and intertwined clues to each node. The character fate of the characters is unfolded by this densely distributed structural point, meticulous and rigorous and complete. Beautiful structure, plump characters, is the spirit and flesh of art, naturally will achieve the masterpiece of realism. "Mao Dun Novel: Classic Wencun" is a Mao Dun novel of the "Century Wencun Series", which includes short stories such as creation, a woman, poetry and prose, color blindness, Tan, Osawa township, comedy, little witch, and so on.


Mao Dun prose

Mao Dun | Zhejiang Literature and Art Publishing House | 2000

This book is a collection of essays by Mao Dun, a language master with rich connotations, whose use of words is subtle, figurative, poetic, and free to say, and natural, without seeing the protagonist. His language seems to be plain and unfazed, but it has a unique posture and charm of words and richness, Wen Bing's carving of dragons, flowing into the sentimental atmosphere of Suhai Hanchao, and is a rare treasure of the city in the treasure mountain of modern Chinese prose. The main contents of this book are hometown miscellaneous notes, autumn parks, haunted houses, incense markets, my friends who studied chemistry, the Xinhai Revolution I saw, what kind of tight shoes I once wore, before a thunderstorm, talking about the moon, madness, dusk, footprints on the beach, skylights, the story of Ah Si, xiao san, exchange sketches, scenery talks, occasional notes in the fog, such as I see and smell, poplar praise, earth mountains and rivers, etc.

The daily book list | a special edition of modern and contemporary writers - Mao Dun

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