
How can I enhance my relationship through chat? How much have you learned?

Many boys are struggling with awkward conversations and cannot enhance their relationship with girls. They often have nothing to say when chatting, for this situation, it is even more hopeless to enhance feelings through chat, so how to learn to chat with girls is also a small routine, otherwise the embarrassment of not speculating for more than half a sentence will pull away the relationship between the two.

When chatting with girls, we must avoid the way girls hate the way of chatting, and we must not make a fuss and speak at our own pace as soon as we come up, such as checking the household registration style of asking questions. Or the reply is too slow, giving the girl a feeling of absent-mindedness, a word has to be thought of for half a day to return, the girl most likely think that you are perfunctory her.

Talk about life

How can I enhance my relationship through chat? How much have you learned?

When many boys are flirting with their sisters, they like to talk about their work, what things they encounter at work, and what troubles they have. For such boring topics, many girls are not interested in listening, originally a day of work is already tired enough, but also to listen to such a tedious thing, will not be interested in chatting with you.

Therefore, in the chat, you can talk about some relaxing topics, life experiences, recent news and the like, are good small talk topics, compared to work and other themed things, girls prefer life class small talk. For example, interesting things that happened in the past, the current state of mind, friends and colleagues around you, etc.

Talk about opinions

How can I enhance my relationship through chat? How much have you learned?

In the usual small talk, properly express your views and opinions on some things, so that the other party can more deeply understand your thoughts, world view, and concept of treating some things. It's also easy to inspire her to want you to share her values. This can serve as a good preparation for the two to communicate further.

For example, if you watch a movie the most, you can recommend the movie to the girl, and you can talk about your views on the movie and some of your after-effects, so that you can also understand what type of movie she likes, and the next time you go to the cinema, it can be simpler and easier.

Talk about yourself

How can I enhance my relationship through chat? How much have you learned?

The process of building relationships between people is the process of building trust with each other and letting go of defenses, which is why we all talk to close friends. If you want to get to know each other deeply, you need to deeply analyze yourself to the other person. When both parties feel more tired, you can talk about yourself and talk about some of each other's troubles and troubles, which is the beginning of your relationship.

Couples refer to a relatively intimate relationship established after a period of time together, which is different from the relationship between ordinary friends who have just met.

Based on this relationship, couples can increase their feelings by talking about any topic. If you are a real couple.

Here's why:

One is willing to speak, one is willing to listen.

One chatters, one listens quietly.

This is love.

You can't be interested, but you can't not listen, you can't not listen, because I love you, and you love me.

Two people who love each other, there is no taboo topic, because people who can come together, the three views are basically the same, look at the problem, look at the society, look at things, basically have similar views.

Under this premise, any topic can be said. Don't always worry about what you say, whether the other party likes it or not, whether it is interested or not, how tired such a couple is together.

Blindly catering to each other's topics, for a long time, you are tired, and you also lose the free, spontaneous, and sincere foundation between couples.

In the case of the three views are basically the same, if the other party is really not interested in the topic, they will also tell the other party at the appropriate time. The topic is not understood, or not interested. Don't interrupt each other's topic halfway. This is not because of your own grievances, but because of the love between you.

On the basis of a trust and love, is it necessary to take into account what I can and cannot say?

Finally, as long as it is respectful and friendly to each other, any topic between lovers can be said.

Because the more you talk, the more extensive, couples can find each other's common topics, common hobbies, and increase feelings.

Don't be afraid, don't pander, don't please, so that you lose the joy and freedom of conversation between couples.

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