
The 6 most successful heroes of LOL design were once considered a trash hero

Yasso: At one point, he was seen as a garbage hero

The 6 most successful heroes of LOL design were once considered a trash hero

Everyone thinks that Fist has designed so many heroes, which one can be regarded as the most successful? In theory, Yaso should be very successful, but unfortunately, this hero was once regarded as a garbage hero by the player when he first came out. A question for everyone, if you give Yaso's head and mark this hero's record, how much should this record be? Probably many players will simply blurt out 0/21/0. Especially players who just came out to play Yaso should be very familiar with such a meme, so at first it was considered by players to be a garbage hero who could only mix.

Blind Monk: Everybody understands

The 6 most successful heroes of LOL design were once considered a trash hero

Blind monk this hero, everyone should understand, in theory, this hero should be one of the most successful heroes in fist design, you look at the appearance rate of this hero, as well as the winning rate of the competition, you should be able to feel it, why say that he designed successfully? Because even if there is no economy, you can also play some surprising operations, after all, a big move is used well, you can make the other party's efforts in this round may be in vain, do you say it is very successful? Not to mention that from the perspective of skill mechanisms, few heroes can suppress blind monks in the early stages.

Hammerstone: Good performance

The 6 most successful heroes of LOL design were once considered a trash hero

Hammerstone this hero should also be regarded as a very successful design of the hero, and even said that fist itself once said, if only one hero is successfully designed, then this hero must be Hammerstone. Why is Fist so confident? Mainly because the mechanism of Hammerstone's hero skill is very good, whether it is ordinary small skill control or the cutting formation of big moves, hammerstone players can feel very good. In particular, Q skills can also be controlled in multiple stages, so that there can be more choices, and there will be no direct GG mistakes like robots.

EZ: Very good

The 6 most successful heroes of LOL design were once considered a trash hero

The hero of Izeriel is even more needless to say, right? From coming out to now, the performance has been very good, and there are a lot of routines, these routines are actually, because there are too many players who like it, so they will develop different routines according to different versions, do you like such a hero? Or let me just ask you, how many routines have you played with Izzeril? Although it has been slightly modified, I think most of the people who have played Izzeril in the beginning can still play it now.

Male Gun: Both versions are good

The 6 most successful heroes of LOL design were once considered a trash hero

There are two versions of the male gun hero, I personally feel that the performance of the two versions is very good, the first version is the real pure grandfather, the second version needs a little economy, and then you can take off directly with your teammates, the modified male gun, the initial positioning is a wild, basically a wild core, and now basically treat him as a road, then it is a core on the road, so a successful hero, no matter which way he goes, is a version of the son. Therefore, the number of skins of the hero of the male gun is also quite large. If you like to play with male guns, in fact, there are still more choices.

Stone Man: Bastards can also C

The 6 most successful heroes of LOL design were once considered a trash hero

The hero of the stone man is said by many players to be a bastard hero, but I want to say that this is a hero who can mix can also C, in the current version, because the tank hero is not particularly popular, so more and more players began to play some ad or ap of the stone man, so that the stone man can have a better output, I personally prefer to play an ap routine, because you must ensure that your big move hits the other two people, then this game is stable, and if you want to kill each other alone After the sixth level, it is also relatively simple, and it can be regarded as a fairly successful hero.

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