
Clash of Clans: Spring Update Trailer, Third World Hammer, new Super Class with Whitebeard

Hello! Hello friends, I am Xiaobai, last night the "tribe official" launched a 60-frame trailer animation, the third world should be able to hammer, but in the way of play the small partners have differences, we throw out all the external factors, simply from the "animation" to understand, the third world should be "floating in the air" and there is a boss guarding the pass, and the white-bearded old man is the new super class.

01 Updated animation

Clash of Clans: Spring Update Trailer, Third World Hammer, new Super Class with Whitebeard

The length of this "animation" is only 44 seconds, and the animation begins with a "yellow hair" sleeping under a tree, because "yellow hair" is the image ambassador of tribal conflict, so it is also reasonable to use him as the opening guest.

02 Giant Stone Man

Clash of Clans: Spring Update Trailer, Third World Hammer, new Super Class with Whitebeard

Suddenly the ground of the village "shook" and the next second there was a "giant stone man" and this stone man was characterized by a lot of trees growing on the head, back and shoulders, and the joints of the hands, left leg and right leg were connected by "light purple" gems.

Clash of Clans: Spring Update Trailer, Third World Hammer, new Super Class with Whitebeard

Some friends speculate that this "giant stone man" will be the next super class to be updated, but Xiao Bai holds a different view, because the space occupied by the "stone man" is already very large, once the stone man is built into a super class, then the space he occupies will be more, just like the "super ice dog" is tepid, the cost performance and fun are very low.

Clash of Clans: Spring Update Trailer, Third World Hammer, new Super Class with Whitebeard

Xiao Bai's speculation is that this "giant stone man" is the boss of the third world, because he has a crown on his head, and there is only one person in the village who can wear the crown, that is, the king of the barbarians, so this giant stone man should be the king of the "third world", that is, the king of the new world.

Clash of Clans: Spring Update Trailer, Third World Hammer, new Super Class with Whitebeard

From the attacks issued by the "Giant Stone Man", we can see that this is a group damage skill, then the third world may be a level similar to the "dungeon", integrating all the resources to create this level, competing for resources between tribes, and each leader is responsible for fighting together.

03 The outline of the third world gradually became clear

Clash of Clans: Spring Update Trailer, Third World Hammer, new Super Class with Whitebeard

Why is "Giant Stone Man" the boss of the Third World? Because after the animation describes the "giant stone man", the outline of the "third world" appears in the animation, and this world feels like floating in the air, which is also in line with the setting that the "three-ball spaceship" is the "vehicle" leading to the third world, and the "giant stone man" that appears in the previous animation is a preview of the "third world" gameplay. The Third World floats in the air, with the "Spaceship" as a tool to the Third World, and the Giant Stone Man is the overlord of the "Third World".

04 The new super class has a white beard

Clash of Clans: Spring Update Trailer, Third World Hammer, new Super Class with Whitebeard

At the end of the anime, there is a person with a "white beard", Xiaobai thinks that he is the new super class "Super Wild Boar Knight" because there is a "Super Class" logo on his "White Beard", and he also has a "Hammer" with the "Super Class" logo next to him In our existing class, only the weapon used by the "Wild Boar Knight" is "Hammer" and "Wild Boar Knight" is also one of the few classes in the village that has not become a "Super Force", so Xiao Bai speculates that the next super class should be " Wild Boar Knight"

05 Xiaobai viewpoint summary

Clash of Clans: Spring Update Trailer, Third World Hammer, new Super Class with Whitebeard

As an old leader Xiao Bai is deeply pleased, the tribal official finally wants to amplify the move, especially the decision to open up a new world, it is simply to inject a shot of strength into the half-dead "tribe", which is undoubtedly the best gift to the chiefs, and finally Xiao Bai also wants to say again, must be updated synchronously, the tribal official must give power!

So the question is, do the little friends agree with Xiao Bai's speculation? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area below to discuss, Xiaobai will carefully read and reply, click to pay attention very much!

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