
12 tips to give you a good mood during pregnancy

12 tips to give you a good mood during pregnancy
12 tips to give you a good mood during pregnancy

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Pregnancy, as the woman's physical condition changes

Psychologically, there will also be blessings

How to reduce the stress of pregnancy?

The obstetricians at the downtown hospital will give you a hand

12 Stress Reduction Techniques During Pregnancy

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12 tips to give you a good mood during pregnancy



Laughter is a great way to reduce stress during pregnancy. Laughter releases chemicals in the brain, improves our mood and helps us feel better. Look for interesting things happening around you, and laughter will make you feel happier and more relaxed.

12 tips to give you a good mood during pregnancy

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Invite your favorite friends or family members to your home. When you're doing things at home, friends can help with housework or talk to you. After you get pregnant and your baby is born, friends and family can be a great support network.



During pregnancy, walking is a safe form of exercise. After walking, you will feel more energetic and feel less stressed. It was also great to walk around lunchtime or before dinner. However, avoid walking before bedtime, otherwise you may not be able to fall asleep at night.

12 tips to give you a good mood during pregnancy

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Pregnancy diary

Buy a colorful notebook. Write down your thoughts or feelings once a day. Keeping a pregnancy diary can help you relax during the day. In addition, you can share your pregnancy diary with your child when they grow up.


Letter to baby

Some women find it comforting and relaxing to write to an unborn baby. Writing letters to your baby is a great helper for sequestering emotions and helping to reduce stress during pregnancy.



It can help keep our bodies healthy. During pregnancy, you may become dehydrated due to illness or loss of appetite. Drinking water helps reduce stress because your body will have plenty of fluids. Water consumption can also eliminate some of the toxins in the body that cause stress. Pregnant women are recommended to drink at least eight glasses of water per day.

12 tips to give you a good mood during pregnancy

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Your body is changing and your baby is growing inside you, so your body needs extra energy during pregnancy. If possible, take a break of 30 minutes to an hour at noon in the day. If you're at work, you might want to go home for thirty minutes. This way, your body has time to relax after all day at work. If you can't fall asleep, just lie down for thirty minutes to give your body time to rest.


Ask others to share the housework

Reduce stress during pregnancy by asking others to help with housework. Getting help with chores is a great way to reduce stress, as there are chores that can't be done safely or easily while pregnant. Make a list of household chores that are difficult or unsafe during pregnancy. Hold family gatherings and ask others in the family to help you.


Soak your feet

It feels great to soak your feet after a tiring day. Usually during pregnancy, your feet may swell. Your feet may also feel pain due to the extra weight of pregnancy. Soak your feet in warm water, sit in a comfortable position and soak for 20-30 minutes.


Schedule a checklist

There is a lot to do to welcome your new baby.

If you organize tasks into small lists, it will help organize them. You can choose a list to handle each day instead of trying to do it all at once. You can also ask others to help you complete the tasks in the list.


Comfortable clothing

Comfortable clothes are important during pregnancy. Wearing comfortable clothing allows you to move more freely during the day and stay better relaxed. Make sure the shoes are suitable to wear and easy to walk during pregnancy. Comfortable clothes will also make you less focused on your pregnancy weight gain.

12 tips to give you a good mood during pregnancy


Attend a pregnant woman class

The pregnant women's class allows pregnant women to learn more professional knowledge and also do handicrafts together for free. Everyone communicates and learns together, which has a good stress reduction effect.

Speaking of pregnant women's classes

Must mention

Xianning Central Hospital Pregnant Women Class

12 tips to give you a good mood during pregnancy

Pregnant women's classroom

Xianning Central Hospital Pregnant Women School takes pregnancy health care, childbirth knowledge, and parenting knowledge as the main line.

Supplemented by music practice, edutainment, so that expectant mothers can spend their pregnant life happily,

Nurture a smart and healthy little baby.

Teaching hours: 2nd and 4th Saturday mornings of each month (9:30-11:00)

Location: Maternity School on the 2nd Floor of the Obstetrics and Inpatient Department (next to the newborn swimming room)

Hotline: 8896166

Xianning Central Hospital Pregnant Women School Curriculum

12 tips to give you a good mood during pregnancy

Obstetrics Profile:

The Department of Obstetrics of Xianning Central Hospital is a key clinical specialty in Hubei Province, Xianning Maternal Critical Care And Treatment Center, Xianning Obstetric Quality Control Center, Xianning Prenatal Screening Center, Maternal and Infant Health Care Professional Institution, Maternal and Infant Health Care Technical Service Qualified Unit, clinical teaching department of Hubei Institute of Science and Technology, and is a perinatal medical center integrating medical treatment, teaching, scientific research and prevention. There are 51 medical staff, 13 doctors, 13 midwives and 25 nurses in the department. The obstetric outpatient clinic has a general outpatient clinic, a high-risk outpatient clinic, a perinatal medicine specialist clinic and a pregnant woman school, etc., and an inpatient department has a prenatal area and a postnatal area, with a total of 57 open beds. It is the only national childbirth analgesia pilot unit in Xianning City.

12 tips to give you a good mood during pregnancy

Correspondent: Ke Chunhua

Editor: Zhou Xuan

Producer: Xiang Dongning

Producer: New Media Center

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