
Newborn baby "menstruating"? Don't panic, this is a normal physiological phenomenon

Newborn baby "menstruating"? Don't panic, this is a normal physiological phenomenon
Newborn baby "menstruating"? Don't panic, this is a normal physiological phenomenon

March 23: Cloudy temperature 6 to 12 °C

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Newborn babies "menstruating" and "growing teeth"?

Encounter such strange things

Many new parents panicked

The obstetrician at the downtown hospital tells you

In fact, this is after the baby is born

Normal physiological phenomena and states

How to deal with it?

Let's take a look


Newborn baby "menstruating"? Don't panic, this is a normal physiological phenomenon

The baby becomes a "minion", and many parents know that they have jaundice, but how to treat jaundice is different. Some advocate hospitalization, and some say that it is enough to bask in the sun. In this regard, obstetric experts said that it depends on what kind of jaundice it is.

There are usually two types of neonatal jaundice:

1. Physiological: yellow staining of the skin and mucous membrane appears 2-3 days after birth, reaches a peak within 7 days, and gradually subsides in 10-14 days. Premature babies may retire at 3 to 4 weeks. This jaundice can gradually subside by drinking more water and basking in the sun.

2, pathological: the time of appearance is early, generally within 24 hours, and it is not easy to subside, so it should be paid enough attention.

Physiological weight loss

Newborn baby "menstruating"? Don't panic, this is a normal physiological phenomenon

Normal feeding every day, how can the child's weight not increase but drop? Are you sick?

Newborn babies are like this every day, the baby's weight is reduced, and sensitive parents are worried. In this regard, experts said that sometimes children will have physiological weight loss.

There is weight loss in the first week of birth, which does not exceed 8% of the newborn's birth weight, and it will return to or even exceed the birth weight in 10 days at the latest.

This weight loss is called physiological weight loss. It is caused by the excretion of fetal stool and urine after birth, and the loss of a lot of water through the skin, lungs and other channels, coupled with less milk in the first few days after birth. Parents don't have to be too anxious.

Breast enlargement and lactation

3-5 days after the baby is born, whether it is a baby girl or a baby boy, some will have breast enlargement, usually bilateral symmetrical enlargement, ranging in size from broad beans to quail eggs, and sometimes secrete a small amount of milk.

The number varies from a few drops to 1 to 2 ml, generally the most obvious in 8 to 18 days after birth, naturally disappears after 2 to 3 weeks, and a few may also last about 1 month before disappearing.

This phenomenon of breast enlargement is a normal physiological phenomenon called physiological breast enlargement. No special treatment is required for parents. In particular, do not apply hot compresses, massages, and squeezes, which will cause skin damage, cause redness, swelling, heat and pain in the newborn's breasts, mastitis, and even cause sepsis, endangering the life of the newborn.

False menstruation

Newborn babies have blood on their diapers, just like adults menstruating, what's going on?

It turns out that this situation is a false menstruation, which is a normal phenomenon.

The so-called pseudo-menstruation, that is, the estrogen of pregnant women in the third trimester of pregnancy affects the baby in the abdomen, which stimulates the proliferation and hyperemia of the mucosa of the baby's reproductive tract.

About four or five days after the baby is born, the hormones will drop rapidly, and the original congestive endometrium will also fall off, which will be accompanied by a small amount of blood.

The pseudo-menstrual period that occurs in newborns will last about a week or so, and parents do not have to worry too much, but pay attention to hygiene and cleanliness. When bathing your baby, it is best to wash it with running water without using a tub bath.

When you find blood sticking to the skin, you can wipe it with warm water to prevent damage to your baby's skin. If the false menstruation lasts more than two weeks, then you need to take your baby to the hospital immediately to check it out to avoid other problems.

Horse teeth

Newborn baby "menstruating"? Don't panic, this is a normal physiological phenomenon

Newborn babies have something like small teeth on their gums, so parents should not pick them up.

There are small white particles scattered in the oral mucosa and the midline of the upper palate of newborns, called epithelial beads, commonly known as "horse teeth".

The accumulation of epithelial cells or mucus glandular secretions in the equine system is a normal phenomenon, which disappears on its own within months or weeks, and should not be scratched to avoid infection.

For many parents

Being a parent is also the first time

Don't panic when you encounter a variety of situations in your baby

Don't mess with it yourself

Ask a professional doctor

Take care of your baby's health together

Obstetrics Profile:

The Department of Obstetrics of Xianning Central Hospital is a key clinical specialty in Hubei Province, Xianning Maternal Critical Care And Treatment Center, Xianning Obstetric Quality Control Center, Xianning Prenatal Screening Center, Maternal and Infant Health Care Professional Institution, Maternal and Infant Health Care Technical Service Qualified Unit, clinical teaching department of Hubei Institute of Science and Technology, and is a perinatal medical center integrating medical treatment, teaching, scientific research and prevention. There are 51 medical staff, 13 doctors, 13 midwives and 25 nurses in the department. The obstetric outpatient clinic has a general outpatient clinic, a high-risk outpatient clinic, a perinatal medicine specialist clinic and a pregnant woman school, etc., and an inpatient department has a prenatal area and a postnatal area, with a total of 57 open beds. It is the only national childbirth analgesia pilot unit in Xianning City.

Newborn baby "menstruating"? Don't panic, this is a normal physiological phenomenon

Correspondent: Hua Ye, Network Synthesis

Editor: Zhou Xuan

Producer: Xiang Dongning

Producer: New Media Center

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