
Chinese like to follow the trend of buying a car, why do you regret it when you buy it? The owner of the car spat out the truth after drinking

Now everyone's living conditions are getting better and better, more dependent on cars, cars have become an indispensable helper for daily travel. When the matter of buying a car is gradually put on the agenda, many car owners have begun to learn about the news of the new car listing on the Internet, and they will also ask relatives and friends which cars are better.

Chinese like to follow the trend of buying a car, why do you regret it when you buy it? The owner of the car spat out the truth after drinking

Many Chinese have a bad problem when buying a car, they don't go to the 4S shop to test drive, and always like to follow the trend to buy a car. Some car owners buy a car simply because a friend buys a car and feels good, and wants to buy the same one themselves.

Most drivers who choose to follow suit will regret it, some people are ready to sell their car after buying a car for a while, and some people are very dissatisfied with their car. Why do Chinese car owners like to follow the trend and buy a car, and then regret it after buying it?

Chinese like to follow the trend of buying a car, why do you regret it when you buy it? The owner of the car spat out the truth after drinking

First, advanced consumption causes pressure on car maintenance.

After the installment loan to buy a car, more and more consumers with insufficient budgets want to become car owners after the popularization in China. Some people are not determined, the budget on hand can only afford to buy B-class cars, but they have to borrow money to buy C-class cars for the sake of face, the burden in the process of raising cars is particularly large, and finally they can only sigh that advanced consumption makes people regret it.

Chinese like to follow the trend of buying a car, why do you regret it when you buy it? The owner of the car spat out the truth after drinking

Second, what suits others is not suitable for oneself.

Shoes are not suitable only the feet know, relatives and friends bought a car, no matter how well they drive, it is also the feelings of others. Some car owners have heard friends say that it is particularly easy to drive a car, and when they buy it back, they feel completely different. Each owner's driving habits and ways of using the car are different, and their feelings about the car are also different.

Some car owners obviously want to buy an economical and fuel-efficient car, but they bought a performance car under the recommendation of friends, spend a lot of money in the process of car maintenance, and do not enjoy too much driving experience. There are also some car owners who want to buy a car, but bought an SUV under the introduction of relatives and friends, and found that the SUV was not easy to drive after buying the car.

Chinese like to follow the trend of buying a car, why do you regret it when you buy it? The owner of the car spat out the truth after drinking

Third, too much trust in sales.

Many consumers think that the knowledge of salespeople is more professional, can help them analyze from the perspective of the owner, and help choose a car that suits them best. It would be naïve to think that the main purpose of sales is to make money, and the car they recommend is not necessarily the best for the owner, but it must be the highest commission.

Some people, under the advice of sales, bought a car that was not suitable for themselves, and bought it back only to find that the configuration of the car was too high and many functions could not be used. Although it is easy to sell recommended cars, the cost of car maintenance is particularly high, and how much it costs every month.

Chinese like to follow the trend of buying a car, why do you regret it when you buy it? The owner of the car spat out the truth after drinking

Fourth, like the new and tired of the old.

Liking the new and tired of the old is a bad habit hidden in the bones of many Chinese, and when I first bought a car, I especially cherished it and hated to hold it in the palm of my hand. The longer the car is driven, the more unpleasant it is, and I always want to sell the used car and get a new car.

If you want to sell a car because you like the new and hate the old mentality, even if you change to a new car, you will still get tired after a while. Every car will become an old car for a long time, if you have limited financial conditions and can't drive a new car forever, it's best to try to accept your old friends.

Chinese like to follow the trend of buying a car, why do you regret it when you buy it? The owner of the car spat out the truth after drinking

Editor's Comments:

The above several car buying vices exist in most Chinese families, and some people do not consider practicality when buying a car, but only consider face. Punching a swollen face and being fat, buying a car you can't afford sounds very beautiful, but the hardships are only known to you, so why bother?

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