
Ke Zhen was evil and nosy, guo Jing stopped Yang Kang, what happened to their master and apprentice

Are you willing to be nosy? The vast majority of people today are certainly unwilling. The so-called idle things are things that have nothing to do with their own survival and development. Now that everyone is busy and running around for their livelihood, who has the energy to be nosy? But there is a person who is not partial, and he likes to be nosy. He is Ke Zhen Evil, the head of the Seven Monsters of Jiangnan.

01 Ke Zhen evil decided to take care of this matter

The Seven Monsters of Jiangnan returned to the Central Plains with their obedient apprentice Guo Jing, and on this day they arrived at Zhangjiakou, and they saw that Yanjing was today's Beijing. They were all happy and had dinner breaks right in one of the hotels.

Coincidentally, several women dressed in white dressed as men also ate here. While they were eating, they listened to Zhu Cong tell Guo Jing about the origin of this little red horse, and exaggerated the little red horse to a rare place in the sky and only one horse on the ground. This can spoil the women. They wanted to steal Guo Jing's little red horse.

They were there chattering, discussing how to steal or something. They thought their voices were small enough that no one else could hear them. As everyone knows, NaKe Zhen evil is blind, so his hearing is particularly sensitive, plus he is strong in martial arts and has better hearing. In this way, their discussion of stealing horses was heard word for word by Ke Zhen evil.

Ke Zhen evil told everyone about this matter. No one really cares, because the six monsters are also old rivers and lakes, are you still afraid of these little girls who have just come out of the rivers and lakes? Of course, the point is not here, but these words spoken by Ke Zhen evil.

Ke Zhen said evilly: "The matter of seizing horses is small, but they said that there are many powerful characters who want to go to Beijing to gather, and there must be major plots in the middle, most of which are not conducive to the Great Song Dynasty, and may kill thousands of Han people." Even if we have bumped into each other, we can't ignore it. ”

When the reader reads these few sentences, he may think, what is wrong with this? There is nothing abnormal about it. Ke Zhen evil was originally like this, so that it was in line with the spirit of chivalry.

Yes, it is. If this is not the case, then he is not Ke Zhen evil, nor is it Ke Zhen evil that the reader knows well and even has some reverence. But what should be explored is, why did he think and do this? Let's see what his stupid apprentice Guo Jing will do again.

Ke Zhen was evil and nosy, guo Jing stopped Yang Kang, what happened to their master and apprentice

02 Guo Jing ran forward and stopped Yan Kang

Ke Zhen evil is Guo Jing's master father. Ke Zhen evil had to take care of things, and his apprentice Guo Jing was not idle. In order to take care of things, Ke Zhen evil let Guo Jing go first. Guo Jing quickly arrived at the prosperous place of Yanjing on a small red horse and met Mu Nianci's contest to recruit relatives.

Yang Kang also came to join in the fun, and finally defeated Mu Nianci. According to the rules of the jianghu, he should marry Mu Nianci. However, at this time, he was still the little prince of the great gold and the little prince who completed Yan Kang, and let him marry a golden and noble little prince to marry a jianghu art woman, which was an impossible thing. Of course he didn't want to. Not only was he unwilling, but he also insulted Mu Nianci's righteous father, Mu Yi, yang Tiexin. This forced Mu Nianci to commit suicide.

At this time, Guo Jing was unwilling. He stepped forward.

When Guo Jing saw such an unfair matter, where could he bear it? Seeing that the boy wiped the blood on his fingers on the placket, and was about to get on the horse again, he shook his arms at the moment, gently pushed away everyone in front of him, walked into the room, and shouted: "Hey, you're not doing this right!" ”

What is he doing? It turned out that he wanted Yang Kang to marry Mu Nianci. Of course, Yang Kang did not want to. They started fighting as they talked. Although Guo Jing's martial arts moves may not be as skilled as Yang Kang's, he still fights with him with a brute force.

In fact, Guo Jing at this time was already very dangerous. Because Yang Kang was after all a little prince, there were many people behind him protecting him. Guo Jing didn't know, but according to his temper, even if he knew, he would do it.

Therefore, he and his masters have a common feature, that is, they draw their swords to help each other when the road is uneven, and they have a chivalrous heart. So why do they all have such a chivalrous heart?

Ke Zhen was evil and nosy, guo Jing stopped Yang Kang, what happened to their master and apprentice

03 What kind of properties are they

Ke Zhen evil originally missed his hometown very much, and he wanted to return to his hometown immediately to meet his relatives and friends. However, as soon as she heard several women say that there would be important people gathered in Yanjing, which might be detrimental to the Song Kingdom, she immediately decided to visit. Guo Jing was enjoying the various shocks brought about by the prosperity of Yanjing, but seeing that Yang Tiexin's father and daughter were humiliated, he could no longer bear to pull Yang Kang to take charge. Why?

Further analysis, why does Ke Zhen evil care about major state affairs? Think about it, he is just an ordinary person, still a blind man, and he has not undertaken the secret mission of collecting intelligence for the country. Supposedly, such a thing is idle to him. But he treats idle things as serious or even big things. What was even more surprising was that his younger siblings not only did not stop it, but unanimously agreed to stay and investigate who might endanger the safety of the Great Song.

This seems to be a normal thing, in fact, as long as you think about it, you will find that it is very unusual, and may even hide the password to get along with people. What password? Let's look at Guo Jing.

Guo Jing, a young boy who had just ventured into the rivers and lakes at the beginning, should have been a man with his tail between his legs, and it was only right to see people saying three points. He was good, and when he saw that people were unfair, he roared when he saw the uneven road, went up and grabbed Yang Kang, and fought you to the death. For those delicate egoists, such behavior is not only childish, but also ridiculous. In other words, they say that nothing will be done.

Ke Zhen evil and his younger siblings have basically the same feelings and pursuits, and their stupid apprentices are also nosy. Their masters and apprentices really don't enter the door of a family. Overall, as Zhu Cong said when he saw the six-year-old Guo Jing, this child is really "a person of my generation". What generation? Chivalrous people are people with chivalrous hearts.

What is chivalry? It is a chivalrous attribute, that is, when they see unfair things in the world, they want to take care of them, they want to restore fairness, help those vulnerable groups to get angry, and help them live better.

I have to continue to ask, in the face of the same injustice, why can some people endure and some people can't help it? Yang Kang bullied Mu Nianci's father and daughter, so many people were present, and even many of them knew martial arts. Why didn't they come out, but Guo Jing came out? At the end of the day, it's a matter of neural structure. That is, Ke Zhen evil and others and Guo Jing's master and apprentice are all chivalrous attributes.

Everyone's natural attributes are different and cannot be changed, so there is no way to do it. Since everyone has their own natural attributes, what value does this attribute mechanism have for our social interactions?

Ke Zhen was evil and nosy, guo Jing stopped Yang Kang, what happened to their master and apprentice

04 Still have to look for the same kind

Everyone has their own natural attributes, and only in this field to find friends, that is, to find people with the same attributes, is the most reliable way to make friends.

The ancients clouded, seeking the same qi and corresponding to the same sound. That makes a lot of sense. Think about it, why did Yang Tiexin and Guo Xiaotian get acquainted with Qiu Zhiji? If the two of them were through gold, or at least indifferent to the life and death of the Great Song, they would not be able to share the same spirit as Qiu.

What is like-mindedness? It is that your nerves have a common or similar sensibility with my nerves, in today's terms, the same frequency resonance. What you think is what I think, and what I do is what you have to do. In this way, both people are basically counter-vibrating. But why do people like the same frequency resonance?

Mainly if you can resonate at the same frequency, your energy will not only not be lost, but may be strengthened. At this time, you will feel that someone will steadily support your ideas, appreciate what you have done, and your heart will not only feel warm, but also feel at ease because someone is always with you. To put it bluntly, it means that the heart has dependence and the feelings belong.

In terms of real gains and losses, it is that they will have stable allies. They struggle together, face the enemy together, and pursue the victory of the cause together. Don't you see that the Seven Monsters and Guo Jing's master and apprentice are not some kind of Justice Alliance? They protect each other, love each other, and then walk forward together to face the ups and downs of the rivers and lakes.

If it is a different frequency and chaotic vibration, then their own energy will be disrupted and consumed, and it is difficult to do what you want to do or even simply can't do. If the other person and you can't vibrate together, it will produce a lot of consumption. The problem that bothers many people is that your lover does not agree with you all day, and small things have to be argued with you, and your energy for doing business will be greatly depleted, and it will be difficult for you to do one thing.

Therefore, this consideration based on profit and loss makes everyone dislike getting along with different kinds of people, but like to look for the same kind of people. If you find people of the same kind, you can drink happily, you can feel sorry for each other, and you can move forward with energy.

The so-called search for friends, confidants and even lovers is to find those who can vibrate with themselves on a high frequency in the vast sea of people, according to the opportunities of the people they meet. If you can find it, cherish it, and if you can't meet it, then look forward to it.

People get along with each other, and there is often a process of same frequency. This process may produce antagonisms, such as Yang Tiexin just began to beckon Qiu Chuji into the house to drink a few drinks, and was suspected by Qiu Chuji whether it was a spy of the imperial court, and eventually they also fought. Fortunately, because of the same frequency resonance in their hearts, they soon realized that it was a misunderstanding, and finally formed a friendship and admired each other.

The Seven Monsters of Jiangnan loved the Song Kingdom and were enemies of the Jin Kingdom everywhere, and Guo Jing also adhered to this intention, and they were very happy with each other and walked the same path together. Qiu Zhiji loved the patriotic clan and hated the Jin Kingdom, but Yang Kang recognized the thief as his father, so in the end the two of them broke up and even became enemies.

This means that if you want to find friends, you need to explore according to your natural attributes. Man cannot rebel against his natural attributes, otherwise he will live unhappily. The hero loves the hero, the turtle loves the king eight, and each has its own place.

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