
Guo Jing is destined to be famous, because he always can't help it, and the focus of gravity on his body is too great

Guo Jing is destined to be famous, because he always can't help it, and the focus of gravity on his body is too great

In the crowd, some people go unnoticed, and some people become the focus of the public. Why? Is it innate charm, or is it caused by acquired cultivation? If there is an attraction for those who are prone to being the focus of others' attention, what is that power? What determines it? Guo Jing, in the chapter "Competition and Solicitation of Relatives", prompts readers with these problems.

01 Guo Jing is too attention-grabbing

As soon as Guo Jing arrived in Beijing, he began to take care of other people's business. Nosy, this is a common feature of jianghu chivalry, and it is this feature that makes Guo Jing widely concerned. There is a paragraph described in the book that is noteworthy.

This time Guo Jing kept his nerves, and the prince even made tricks, and Guo Jing was not deceived. When it comes to martial arts, that boy is really slightly superior, but Guo Jing fights with a fierce force, fights hard, and although he is hit by another fist, he always fights and does not retreat. When he was young and did not learn martial arts, it was already like fighting with a group of children such as Toshi. At this time, although the martial arts were high, the playing style was actually still out of nature, no different from when he was a child, brute force, and he had already said that the fourth master said, "Can't fight, escape!" The four-word mantra was thrown out of the cloud of nine. In his heart, it has always been a six-word mantra: "I can't fight, so I will work harder." "I just don't know.

At this time, the idlers who heard the noise and came to watch gathered more and more, and the square was already crowded. The wind and snow are getting stronger, but the crowd is lively and good, and no one will leave.

Elder Mu Yi walked the rivers and lakes, knowing that if such a fight continued, it would definitely alarm the official government and cause a big incident, but when people came out to fight and hug the injustice, how could they just walk away, looking at it from the sidelines, their hearts were very anxious, and they inadvertently glanced at the crowd, and suddenly saw that there were a few more martial arts figures, jianghu high-rollers, or staring at them, or whispering. He himself watched intently as the two young men fought, and he didn't know when these people had come.

In Jin Yong's description, there is a phenomenon worthy of attention, that is, Guo Jing and Yang Kang continue to fight non-stop, resulting in more and more people watching in the square, and even have been drained. Although the wind and snow are very large, everyone is here to see the liveliness and is reluctant to go.

This is not a matter of urgency, the key is that among the crowd of onlookers, several martial arts figures and jianghu high-rollers have already appeared. This suggests a phenomenon that Guo Jing had just arrived in Beijing and began to attract the attention of others. It seems that attracting attention is also his unavoidable fate. So, why did Guo Jing particularly attract people's attention?

Guo Jing is destined to be famous, because he always can't help it, and the focus of gravity on his body is too great

02 Guo Jing has a relatively large focus gravity

If you want to know why Guo Jing has attracted people's attention in particular, you have to see how he has attracted people's attention. Yang Kang teased Mu Nianci, everyone dared to be angry and did not dare to speak, Yang Tiexin could not beat him, and finally had to accept this fate of being teased.

No one cares about this trifle, but Guo Jing is biased, he has to take care of it. Why bother? Because he thinks it's unfair. The so-called see the righteous and courageous, draw the sword to help each other.

Pipe is managed, you can't beat people, see good to receive ah. People won't blame you anyway. But Guo Jing was partial, he was the kind of person who did not die until the Yellow River, and since he wanted to manage it, he would do his best to manage it. He gritted his teeth and desperately tried to take care of this trifle, forcing Yang Tiexin's father and daughter to take the lead.

The result? He desperately pestered Yang Kang, and neither of the two of them would accept defeat, so let's fight. As a result, more and more people came to see the liveliness, and although it was snowing heavily, no one would leave.

This means that Guo Jing has in fact become the focus of the whole scene. And he's the first focus. Because if he hadn't taken care of this business, there wouldn't have been so much attention. If he had played for a while and it would have ended, it wouldn't have attracted so much attention.

Therefore, Guo Jing used his own behavior to successfully be elected as the focus of the whole audience. This force that attracts the attention of others and becomes the focus of the whole scene can be called "focus gravity".

With focus gravity, it is easy to be concerned by everyone. Of course, there are many kinds of this focal gravity. Some are positive, some are negative. Specifically, some are concerned because of personal charm, including appearance, conversation, decoration or thought.

Some are concerned by everyone because they are doing things out of the ordinary, such as Guo Jing's righteous and courageous behavior here. Some have become the focus of everyone's attention because of their status, such as Yang Kang's attention paid attention to those who submitted to Yan Honglie because of their status. In short, it's not the same.

Moreover, the gravitational pull of the focal point varies in size and size, correspondingly, to a different degree to which each person becomes the focal point. Some can become the focus on small occasions, but not on large occasions. Some people can become the focus of attention on both small occasions and large occasions.

Either way, people with focal gravity are more likely to be noticed. Guo Jing belongs to the person with focal gravity, he himself is stupid and unconscious, but his behavior makes him have a gravitational force that others do not have, and as a result, more and more people will notice him and have a deep connection with him, either positively or negatively.

The value of focal gravity is concentrated in the ability to attract the centripetal attention of others, that is, the attention of others will be attracted to you, the central person. Attracting the general attention of others is an ability in itself. This ability, especially in contemporary society, is even more valuable. People who can attract the attention of others often mean that they have the opportunity to have more career opportunities and therefore more wealth.

However, the effect of being noticed by others is also good and bad. The good thing is that it's easy to be widely known, easy to find collaborators, and easy to appeal to. But if you don't get it right, it will also bring you bad results, such as easy to become the first target because the gun hits the head bird.

Focus gravity itself is a scarce resource that not everyone can have. The person who can become the focus of attention often has uniqueness, that is, the attributes that the average person does not have but he has.

This attribute can be his own characteristics, such as Guo Jing's courageous and stubborn personality, or it can be his status attribute, such as the Minister of Chincha, even if he is not very good, he will become the focus of attention because he represents the emperor.

In short, a person must have unique attributes to become the focus. And the size of the unique attribute that drives him to be the focal point will determine the gravitational pull of his focal point.

Guo Jing is destined to be famous, because he always can't help it, and the focus of gravity on his body is too great

03 Where does focus gravity come from

Since focal gravity has considerable value, where does it come from? Those subordinate statuses that can attract attention and other added value are impossible for ordinary people.

Therefore, instead of discussing the sources of focus gravity that have nothing to do with the public, we will combine Guo Jing's performance here to explore what kind of people are more likely to have focus gravity.

Guo Jing is concerned by everyone, and the main source is that he dares to see righteousness and courage. Why did he dare to see the righteous and courageous? This is the expression of his character. Therefore, the most basic source of focus gravity is often his character. Personality determines the behavior of a particular person and the path to be taken. Focus-type personalities tend to bring a relatively large focus gravity.

Such a character often dares to ignite a large fuse and is not afraid of causing trouble. If Guo Jing himself was afraid of being noticed, he would not stand up for Mu Nianci. He was a little stunned, call you three seven twenty-one, you are the little prince or not, what kind of bullshit boy you are, I just want to manage. This is one of Guo Jing's outstanding characteristics.

Ordinary people swallow their anger when they see oppression, but Guo Jing will not. Ordinary people dare not stand up for others, he dares. This means that Guo Jing himself has a strong ability to resist pressure and mood. Without this ability, it is possible for you to be the focus, because the power of others is enough to smooth out your prominence and make you disappear.

So, why did Guo Jing dare to stand up for Mu Nianci's father and daughter? He has a sense of justice in his heart, and he plays the role of the spokesman and guardian of social morality.

Because he thought that Yang Kang could not marry Mu Nianci and go to provoke others, which was wrong and contrary to social morality, he was responsible for his stupid wrong behavior, so he dared to go up to see the righteous and courageous.

In short, Guo Jing is a person with extraordinary personality. And the extraordinary personality also determines that he must have extraordinary behavior, and he will certainly be able to get different treatment, and the focus gravity is thus revealed.

Moreover, he did not just dare to see the righteousness and courage of the simple. If he didn't know any martial arts, or if martial arts were commonplace, and he was beaten by Yang Kang in three or five moves, then he couldn't even imagine seeing the righteous courage. That is to say, Guo Jing himself has a considerable ability to see righteousness and act courageously, that is, the ability to seek justice for the weak through his own actions.

This means that people with a focus personality, that is, people with a strong sense of justice, the courage to ignite the fuse, and the ability to act, are destined to become the focus of the whole scene, so that they have a strong focus gravity. Such a person often becomes the initiator of unique behavior, and is likely to be the key force that determines the whole situation, so that everyone's attention is on him.

Guo Jing is destined to be famous, because he always can't help it, and the focus of gravity on his body is too great

04 Focus gravity and focus life

Focal gravity is a scarce resource that only a few people can possess. Knowing the gravitational pull of the focal point can either make us stronger in this regard, or it will enable us to look at people with focal gravity with an appreciative eye. Either way, it's a life increment for us.

Focus gravity is very exciting for others, but it's rare. The first person to eat crab is definitely the focus and certainly particularly attractive. But very few people dare to do so.

Many people also feel that their lives are too plain and want to encounter special things, but because their personalities are relatively ordinary and their abilities are limited, they dare not speak loudly in public, let alone become the focus of the audience.

People who have focal gravity often mean that they have a resource focus on them. Dare to stand up for a friend, often can recruit people who are convinced of him.

Like Guo Jing, who dared to stand up for Mu Nianci and dared to insist on the pursuit of justice in public, he not only found his father's good brother Uncle Yang and had a sister, but also attracted Wang Chuyi and achieved a beautiful friendship.

In reality, it's not just friendship. Because of such a personality, it is often easy to be appreciated by others and become a person who is valued by others. From this comes opportunities for work, status and wealth. This, of course, means that they are easily the focus of resources. In this way, you can live a focused life.

If you want to have a focused life, you need to consciously increase the gravity of focus. Some friends may say that the focus gravity is innate, can it be improved? It's not all born, at least through training, it can be improved.

The same person, if he grew up living in a small ravine, he will appear to have a narrow vision, when there are many people, he will not dare to speak, he will not be able to figure out anything, and when he gets to the city, he will always be attracted to novel things, and such a person will certainly not have any focus gravity, nor can he become a focus person.

However, after adapting to city life, he can cope with many things freely, so that he can often produce some self-confidence in his heart, at this time his inner strength will gradually be released, which is manifested in the fact that his focus gravity may be enhanced. What was originally afraid to say is now dare to say, and what was originally impossible can now be done. The focus on him will increase.

With self-confidence, he may dare to participate in many things, including showing his original sense of justice and taking care of some small things, which will stimulate the approval or opposition of others. In short, he will gradually become the focus of people's attention.

This means that focus gravity can be cultivated, trained, and accumulated. If you want to train your focus gravity, you must first cultivate your own personal ability. If the ability is outstanding enough, even if his personality is not attractive, his ability will attract people, making him the focus of attention.

Chen Jingrun has a reclusive personality and basically does not participate in any social activities, but his contributions to mathematical science are obvious to all, and he naturally becomes the focus of everyone's attention.

Why did Guo Jing dare to fight with Yang Kang? Not only because of his righteous heart, but also because of his considerable ability to be nosy. This ability gives you a certain amount of self-confidence. This is also a necessary prerequisite.

Second, it is necessary to gradually cultivate a righteous aura. Many people have a righteous heart, but he does not dare to show his righteous heart in many cases in the ups and downs of society. This means that the righteous mind needs to be cultivated and displayed.

Originally, I couldn't understand the importance of righteous heart, but as my cultivation improved, I would gradually find that this value was still very important for the development of my life, so I gradually dared to show my righteous heart.

Moreover, the display of a righteous heart after more cultivation often means that he can also improve his ability to achieve justice. In this way, his focal gravity is even more enhanced. Of course, this also needs to be an evolutionary process.

If you can do these two things, a person's focus gravity will naturally increase. If you can continue to consolidate these two points and maintain loyalty to life, you can get a focused life.

Guo Jing has a strong sense of justice and the corresponding ability to realize the value of justice, so his focus gravity is very large, and he can naturally become a focus figure. In our own lives, if we want to obtain the focus gravity, we need to constantly cultivate our own righteous mentality and improve our ability to do justice, so that we can achieve a focus life because of the improvement of the focus gravity.

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