
160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

The history of Chinese calligraphy has gone through a long process. The earliest chinese ancient Chinese characters recognized by the academic community are the oracle bones and jin scripts of the middle and late Shang Dynasty. From the late Shang Dynasty to the unification of China by the Qin Dynasty, the general trend of the evolution of Chinese characters was from complex to simple. This evolution is reflected in the transmutation of fonts and glyphs. In the late Western Zhou Dynasty, the Jin script tended to be linearized, and the development of Han folk grass seals to guli in the Warring States period greatly weakened the pictogram of the script. However, the artistry of calligraphy has become more and more enriched with the transformation of the book body.

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Yin Shang Oracle - Sacrifice Hunting Tu Zhu Niu Bone Inscription

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Yin Shang Oracle II

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Yin Shang Tadpole Text

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Western Zhou Da Lu Ding

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Western Zhou Mao Gongding inscription

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Western Zhou Shan's Disk

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Spring and Autumn Zizhong Jiang Panming

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Western Han Dynasty (1)

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Western Han Dynasty (2)

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Eastern Han Dynasty Zhang Qianbei

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Eastern Han Dynasty Xianyu Huang monument

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Eastern Han Dynasty Cao Quan Monument

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Han "Yuan An Monument"

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Han Qisangong Mountain Monument

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Han Kong Monument

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Han-Zhang Zhi Qiu Liang Thesis

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Western Jin Dynasty - Suojing Yueyi Chapter

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Three Kingdoms - Zhong Xuan Declaration Table

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Three Kingdoms - Dunshou Prefecture Minti

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Three Kingdoms Imperial Elephant Wen Wu Ti

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

The Three Kingdoms Imperial Elephant is in a hurry

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Three Kingdoms Wu Gulang Monument (Guotu Collection)

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Western Jin Dynasty Lu Ji 《平復帖》

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Eastern Jin Dynasty

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Lady Wei of the Eastern Jin Dynasty

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Eastern Jin Dynasty Wang Xizhi "Deshi Ti Ti"

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Eastern Jin Dynasty - Wang Xizhi Zhangcao "Leopard Slave Thesis"

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Eastern Jin Dynasty Xie An Zhonglang The

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Eastern Jin Dynasty - Wang Xianzhi's book "Roselle Endowment"

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Jin-Wang Xun "Boyuan Thesis"

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Southern Dynasty Tao Hongjing Fist Crane Ming (Mizumamoto)

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Southern Qi Wang Monk Pian "Long Live the Heavenly Thesis"

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Sui out of the master's ode

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Sui Dongmeiren epitaph

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Sui Zhiyong Thousand Character Text

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Tang Ouyang Inquiry "Ji Ying Ti"

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Tang Xuhao is not empty of monk monuments

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Tang Xue Ji XinXing Zen Master Monument

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Tang Yu Shi Nan Princess Runan

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Tang Yan Zhenqing《祀侄文文》

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Tang Yan Zhenqing 《Yan Qinli Monument》

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Tang Liu Gongquan 《Cursive Mengzhao Ti》

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Tang Liu Gongquan "Xuan Secret Pagoda Stele"

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Tang Li Yangbing, "Monument to the God Temple of the Little Seal City"

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Tang Sun Guoting, "Book Genealogy" (partial)

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Tang Li Shimin "Hot Spring Ming" (partial)

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Tang Wu Zetian", "Monument to the Prince of Shengxian" (stele)

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Tang Xue Ji XinXing Zen Master Monument

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Tang Yan Zhenqing Tang Yan Zhenqing 《Liu Zhong Envoy》

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Tang Chu Suiliang, "Sacred Order of the Wild Goose Pagoda" (partial)

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Tang Lu Kam Zhi "Literary Endowment" (Partial)

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Tang Li Bai "On the Balcony Post"

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Tang He Zhizhang, Cursive Filial Piety (Partial)

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Tang Zhang Xu Ancient Poems Four Theses (Partial)

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Tang Zhong Shaojing Ling Fei Jing

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Tang Li Yong Monument to General Yunli

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Tang Lee Long Ki Wagtail Ode to the Wagtail

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Tang Dumu, "Zhang Haohao's Poem"

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Five Generations of Yang Ningshi "Leek Flower Thesis"

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Five Generations Seo Hyun "Now There Is a Private Sincere Post"

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Northern Song Dynasty Su Shi", "Huangzhou Cold Food Poem"

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Northern Song Dynasty Su Shi 《次 Debate Cai Rhyme Poem》

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Northern Song Dynasty "Su Shi Tai False Poems"

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Northern Song Dynasty Huang Tingjian "Songfeng Pavilion"

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Northern Song Dynasty Huang Tingjian 《All the Theravada Thesis》

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Northern Song Dynasty Huang Tingjian 《Huangzhou Cold Food Poetry Scroll》

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Northern Song Dynasty Mi Fu 《蜀素帖》

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Northern Song Dynasty Mi Fu 《Grain Courtyard Thesis》

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Northern Song Dynasty Cai Xiang "Hongxian Thesis" [Partial]

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Northern Song Dynasty Cai Xiang 《離都帖》

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Song Wu Ju 《Urgent Foot Post》

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Song Lu You, "Northern Qi School Book Map"

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Song Lu You, "Northern Qi School Book Map"

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Southern Song Dynasty Zhao Tuo "Want to Borrow the Wind and Frost Two Poems"

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Southern Song Dynasty Zhao Tuo 《Leap Mid-Autumn Moon》

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Southern Song Dynasty Zhao Tuo 《秾芳诗》

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Southern Song Dynasty Zhao Tuo ,Cursive Thousand Characters(Partial)

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Song Li Jianzhong 《土母帖》

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Northern Song Dynasty Fan Zhongyun

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Northern Song Dynasty Wang An Shi Leng Yan Jing Zhi Zhi Volume

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Northern Song Dynasty Qin Guan 《摩诘辋川圖跋》

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Xue Shaopeng Qing and Thesis

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Northern Song Dynasty Cai Jing 《節夫帖》

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Northern Song Dynasty Lin Kui Five Poetry Volumes of Song Fan (Partial)

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Southern Song Dynasty Mi Youren 《Moving and Stopping the Blessing Post》

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Southern Song Dynasty Wen Tianxiang Xie Changyuan 'Motto of the Right Guard] volume

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Southern Song Dynasty Wen Tianxiang Xie Changyuan 'Motto of the Right Guard] volume

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Southern Song Dynasty Lu You "Huaicheng Poetry Volume"

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Southern Song Dynasty Fan Chengda 《雪晴帖》

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Southern Song Dynasty Xin abandoned the disease and went to guoti

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Southern Song Dynasty Zhang Jizhi talked about Laoshi poetry

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Liaojin Shen Liao

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Yuan Zhao Mengfu "Autumn Deep Thesis" (partial)

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Zhao Mengfu ,Xingshu Erzan Erzhu Poetry Volume (Partial)

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Yuan Deng Wenyuan Bao Wang Xi's rain post

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Yuan Ni Zhan Light room poems

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Yuan Yang Weizhen "Seongnam Singing and Poetry Scroll"

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Yuan Xian Yushu "Song of General Du Shiwei"

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Yuan Kangli 夔 夔 《述張旭笔法卷) (partial)

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Ming Zhu Yunming, "Before and After Chibi Fu" (partial)

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Ming Song Lian Wang Wash 《Smoke River Stacked Mountains Tu Bao》

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Ming Tang Yin,"Falling Flower Poem"

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Ming Tang Yin, "Self-Poetry"

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Ming Zhu Yuanzhang《 "Dajun Thesis"

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Ming Zhang Ruitu "Cursive Thousand Character Text" (Partial)

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Ming Zodiac Zhou 《孝敬定本) (partial)

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Ming Wang Duo, "Gifting Zhang Bao with a Cursive Poetry Scroll"

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Ming Dong Qichang Cursive Codex

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Ming Shi served as a cursive fan

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Ming Wu Cheng'en "Fan Face Seven Words and Verses"

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Ming Mi Wan Zhong 《Cursive Fan》

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Ming Ni Yuanlu 《行書尺牍》

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Ming Chen Hongshou 《行草尺牍》

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Ming Yu Qian titled Gongzhong Pagoda Tuwen Huiming

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Ming Wang Shouren "Tongling Guan Iron Ship Song"

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Ming Xiejin "Self-written Poems"

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Qing Fushan, "Cursive Seven Words and Verses Axis"

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Qing Cha ShiBiao 《行書送友诗扇》

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Qing Deng Shiru 《Lishu On the Book of Standing Axis》

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Qing Kangxi "Cursive Eight Words"

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Qing Yongzheng 《行書夏日 Rafting Axis》

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Qing Qianlong 《Imperial Book Hong Zhi 夔春秋說論 Hidden Gong for Falsifications》

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Empress Dowager Cixi

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Qing Bada Shanren 《行書 Inscribed Painting Poem》

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Qing Pu Songling ,Liaozhai Poetry Cun (Partial)

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Qing Jinnong《 Lacquer Book Drawing Ancient Places and Four Words Lian

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Qing Zheng Banqiao 《行書論書立轴》

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Lin Zexu

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Qing Liu Yong 《論書轴》

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Qing Zhao Zhiqian 《汉歌隋文丽書聯》

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Qing Zhang Yuzhao《六言聯》

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Qing Kang Youwei 《行書 Couplet》

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Qing Wu Changshuo

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Qing Shen increased planting

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Master Kiyohiro

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Republic of China Sun Yat-sen

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Republic of China Yuan Shikai

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Mao Zedong

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Zhou Enlai

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Yu Right Ren

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Chiang Kai-shek

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Lu Xun

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Qi Baishi

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Guo Moruo

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Lu Weizhao

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Shen Yinmo

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Xu Beihong

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Lin Sanzhi

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Sha Menghai

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Wang Yuchang

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Xu Shengweng

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

He Xiangning

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Li Ruiqing

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Feng Zikai

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

White plantain

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy


160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Shen Peng

160 calligraphy throughout the history of Chinese calligraphy

Sun Boxiang

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