
How much is fasting blood glucose normal? How to control blood sugar in the body? Do these 2 points well, blood sugar will be honest

If you've ever had a variety of physical exams, you should know that many tests require fasting.

Especially people with high-risk conditions for diabetes and suspect that they have diabetes, if they want to know whether their blood sugar exceeds the standard, the first thing to do is an fasting blood glucose test, which is the most commonly used detection index for diagnosing diabetes, and it is also one of the golden indicators!

How much is fasting blood glucose normal? How to control blood sugar in the body? Do these 2 points well, blood sugar will be honest

The so-called fasting glycemic index refers to the blood glucose test taken overnight before breakfast on an empty stomach, which can reflect the function of islet β cells and the secretion function of basal insulin.

The "fasting stomach" referred to by fasting blood glucose must be at least 8-10 hours without eating any food, and patients can drink boiled water appropriately. Usually, if the adult is completely healthy and has no damage, the fasting glycemic index is only about 3.9-6.1 mmol/L.

How much is fasting blood glucose normal? How to control blood sugar in the body? Do these 2 points well, blood sugar will be honest

However, if the fasting glycemic index exceeds 6.1 but is less than 7.0 mmol/L at the time of the blood glucose test, this condition often marks damage to the fasting blood glucose and is one of the manifestations of prediabetes.

If two fasting blood glucose tests are performed and both are found to have a glycemic index of more than 7.0 mmol/L, diabetes is considered and the next glucose tolerance test is required. If the blood glucose test is performed randomly and the patient's blood glucose index exceeds 11.1 mmol/L, it can basically be diagnosed with diabetes.

How much is fasting blood glucose normal? How to control blood sugar in the body? Do these 2 points well, blood sugar will be honest

So the question is, what should be done in life to stabilize blood sugar?

The first point to emphasize is that diabetes is clinically divided into two types, the first is type 1 diabetes, which is related to congenital genes, immunodeficiency and so on. The second is type 2 diabetes, which belongs to adult diabetes, although there are genetic genes as the basis, but more is related to the acquired unhealthy life and eating habits.

Therefore, for the prevention of type 2 diabetes, it is necessary to start with life and diet, and it is necessary to pay attention to the following two points:

How much is fasting blood glucose normal? How to control blood sugar in the body? Do these 2 points well, blood sugar will be honest

1. Diet regulation

The main reason for the emergence of type 2 diabetes is because the patient's cells are not sensitive enough to insulin. If you eat a large number of high-sugar, high-fat, high-calorie foods for a long time, it will increase the working pressure of islet tissue, resulting in the body secreting a large amount of insulin, which will not only cause damage to pancreatic function over time, but also gradually develop insulin resistance, laying hidden dangers for diabetes outbreaks.

Therefore, everyone should control the intake of calories throughout the day in daily life, avoid eating a large number of high-fat, high-sugar and high-calorie foods, and maintain a full state of 6-7 minutes per meal as the best;

How much is fasting blood glucose normal? How to control blood sugar in the body? Do these 2 points well, blood sugar will be honest

2, exercise can not be less

Obesity caused by eating too much and exercising very little is the basis for the onset of type 2 diabetes. Therefore, for the obese people, what needs to be done is not only to adjust the diet, but also to cooperate with appropriate aerobic exercise.

Through scientific and effective exercise, it can not only improve the sensitivity of cells to insulin, but also consume excess calories and fat in the body, which has an irreplaceable effect on weight loss.

Science suggests that adults should maintain exercise at least 3-5 times a week for at least 30 minutes or more.

How much is fasting blood glucose normal? How to control blood sugar in the body? Do these 2 points well, blood sugar will be honest

Finally, I would like to remind everyone that if you take an fasting blood glucose test and find that your blood sugar exceeds the standard, but you have not yet met the criteria for diagnosing diabetes, you should immediately increase your vigilance and start adjusting from life.

If the diagnostic criteria for diabetes have been met, not only should we adjust our lives and diet, but also start targeted treatment according to the doctor's recommendations, so as to avoid the continuous development of diabetes and the emergence of complications.

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