
Can you build a car if you have money?! How low is the threshold for new energy vehicles?

In the past two years, with the rapid development of new energy vehicles, many people have set their sights on this newly opened cake, not only many car companies have begun to transform, even mobile phone manufacturers, electrical appliance manufacturers have begun to join the battle, the most obvious is Xiaomi, Huawei, Midea and other brands, but is it really so easy to build cars?

Can you build a car if you have money?! How low is the threshold for new energy vehicles?
Can you build a car if you have money?! How low is the threshold for new energy vehicles?

From the current results, more is a joke, new energy car manufacturing is obviously a state of money can be, as long as you are willing to invest money, you can buy a good battery, chip, and then according to other models of shell modification, a car will appear, and then add some fancy features, you can sell hundreds of thousands of sky-high prices, somewhat funny.

Can you build a car if you have money?! How low is the threshold for new energy vehicles?
Can you build a car if you have money?! How low is the threshold for new energy vehicles?

However, even if it is a car brand that is rooted in Miao Hong, the current market situation is still in a state of loss, one is that the problem of battery life has not been solved, the subsidy policy has also declined, the chip market is still very chaotic, can not be sold, it can not come back to the cost.

Can you build a car if you have money?! How low is the threshold for new energy vehicles?
Can you build a car if you have money?! How low is the threshold for new energy vehicles?

Although new energy vehicles are the main trend in the future development of the automobile market, the road is bound to be somewhat bumpy, so this road also needs to be persevered.

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