
In March, Volkswagen sales plummeted by 40%, but it is still the boss by BYD

Recently, the Association of Passenger Vehicles released the sales data for March 2022, which as a whole has been greatly reduced, the retail sales of passenger cars in the narrow sense have fallen by more than 10% year-on-year, and the wholesale volume has only fallen by 1.6%. Month-on-month, it is all up, and it should be the reason for the New Year in February that the overall sales volume has been lowered. According to the manufacturer, Volkswagen and BYD are very interesting, we will analyze it specifically below.

In March, Volkswagen sales plummeted by 40%, but it is still the boss by BYD

First of all, from the perspective of retail sales, FAW-Volkswagen fell the most, reaching 40.2% year-on-year, and SAIC Volkswagen also fell by 34.6%, but FAW-Volkswagen still achieved a retail volume of 123,000 units even if it fell so much, occupying the first place. In addition, SAIC-GM fell by 40.5% and Wuling by 22.4%, and SAIC did not know how to feel. However, recently SAIC Volkswagen seems to be updating its products, Lingdu L has just been listed, and the new Langyi is also fast, and it may be a little better in the next few months.

In March, Volkswagen sales plummeted by 40%, but it is still the boss by BYD

Looking at the gains, GAC Toyota and BYD rose very strongly, the former retail and wholesale rose by 26.9% and 41% respectively, and the latter soared by 161.4% and 157.6%. And we look at the sales data, BYD's wholesale volume is 104,000 units, retail sales is 103,000 units, almost 4S stores into a one to sell one.

In March, Volkswagen sales plummeted by 40%, but it is still the boss by BYD

GO Car Jun Comment: It can be seen that ATD and Toyota are currently very strong and growing rapidly, but Volkswagen's foundation as the leader is still there, and it may not be brushed down for a while and a half. Domestic independent brands also need to work hard to get the production capacity up, so that BYD's prospective owners can pick up the car as soon as possible.

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