
Ling Yi'er: If life is not fighting, there is no drama| pondering the joint election of the Jai maxim

Pondering fasting

If life is not beaten, there is no drama

If life does not fight, there is no drama;

Years of amorous songs.

[Couplet Author] Ling Yi'er, also known as Ling Yi'er, is the lord of the meditation. Chenren. Couplet lovers. He is the honorary director of the 7th Session of the China Yuelian Association, the executive director and deputy secretary-general of the Hunan Yuelian Association, and the vice president and secretary general of the Chenzhou Yuelian Society. He has won the titles of "National Excellent Teacher of Yanglian", "Inheritor of Hunan Couplet Culture", "Ten Shows of Chenzhou Liantan" and so on. In 1999, he published "Pondering the Jai Lianyu" (Hunan Library Collection), and in 2013, he published "Aphorism Lianmo Tasting" (National Library Collection).

People living in the world always have to have a little pursuit, make efforts, it is possible to achieve the ideal, the years are long but always leave a lot of good memories, this link in plain language, narration of simple truths, simple and popular, deep aphorisms and the essence of the union. (Editor's comments of "2013 Jialian 300 Pairs")

Life is a big stage, everyone is playing a different role, and there are many people who do nothing and steal lives. In an affirmative tone, Shanglian shows that life must work hard, love to fight to win, and no fight is no drama. "No drama" is the next buzzword, that is, the play has not begun, it has ended, and there is no wonderful to speak of. The lower link means that time is like an arrow, and the years are like songs. A lifetime of time is fleeting, should be cherished, and there is love in the world, years are affectionate. You smile and be affectionate about life, life naturally doubles back to you, the so-called heavenly reward, humane reward, such a life is like a pleasant song.

The whole qi pulse is smooth, the language is simple and natural, the meaning is profound, it is thought-provoking, and it gives people an elegant artistic enjoyment. (Hunan Wu Jianhua review)

The upper link is exciting, the lower link is leisurely, and the up and down ratio is both opposition and the magic of flowing water, full of interest and philosophy. In particular, the confrontation between "no drama" and "song", on the basis of borrowing, can taste some faint ruthless meaning, which is quite elegant. (Shaanxi Lei Xiangbo review)

Ling Yi'er: If life is not fighting, there is no drama| pondering the joint election of the Jai maxim

[Calligraphy author] Chen Lianhe Ziheng, born in October 1955 in Gaocheng, Hebei Province, graduated from the People's Liberation Army Academy of Arts and Beijing Normal University. Former Director of the Naval Television Center. Vice Chairman of China Hard Pen Book Association, Member of the Fifth and Sixth Professional Committees of China Book Association, Honorary Vice President of China Yuelian Calligraphy Training Center, Director of China Calligraphy and Painting Collectors Association, Member of Chinese Poetry Society, Vice Chairman of Wild Grass Poetry Society, Calligraphy Education Art Consultant of Tsinghua University, Vice President of Calligraphy Education art consultant of National Open University, Vice President of China Military and Local Calligraphy and Painting Research Institute, Consultant of Beijing Wenfang Four Treasures Association, Poetry Supervision and Review of All-Army Calligraphy Exhibition, etc. His works won the first prize of the National Lanting Cup Calligraphy Award in 2001, the Stars Award of the Ministry of Culture of the People's Republic of China in 2002, and was included in the 8th and 9th National Calligraphy and Seal Engraving Exhibition, the China Book Association, and a number of book fairs of the whole army. His works are collected by many places of interest or stone carved woodcuts. He was invited to film and broadcast "Hard Pen Calligraphy and Writing Three Character Classic", "Zhang Cao Three Character Classic", "Yang Lian Calligraphy TV Lecture - Teach You to Write Couplets" on China Education Television Station, and donated CD-ROM posters to 100 Hope Primary Schools and coastal defense troops across the country. He is the author of "Ode to the Party Banner", "Jiujiang Lianhai", "Ode to the Big Dipper", "Poetry And Ink Rhyme" poetry book collection, etc.

Ling Yi'er: If life is not fighting, there is no drama| pondering the joint election of the Jai maxim

[Calligraphy author] Ling Zhibing pen name Bing Gong. Writer, poet and calligrapher, born in June 1951, from Bengbu City, Anhui Province. He usually has a wide range of hobbies and is good at poetry and prose, and has won many awards in national poetry, prose and calligraphy competitions. He is the author of 11 works, including the collection of essays "The Footsteps of the Seeker", the poetry collection "Landscape and Water Sentiments", "Sentiments and Leisurely Thoughts", "Leisurely Years", "Years Like Songs", "Durian Flowers Floating in the Clouds", "A Pot of Inexhaustible Chrysanthemum Tea", "The Rising Sun", "Ling Zhibing Poetry Collection", the prose collection "Flowing Melody", and "Ling Zhibing Calligraphy Works". He has published more than 3,000 poems, essays and calligraphy works in major newspapers and magazines across the country. He is a member of the Chinese Writers Association, the Chinese Poetry Society, the Chinese Poetry Society, the China Prose Literature Society, and the China Yuelian Society. He is a member of the Anhui Calligraphers Association. He is currently the president of The Institute of Calligraphy and Painting of Zhuhuozhai in Anhui Province.

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